Making love on the beach

I spent three days in New Jersey with William and I was reluctant to go home but I did.

Now I'm dragging my suitcase up the stairs, weariness induces inside my bones. And the feeling of being in love coaxing in my blood like an addictive drug. I'm falling in love all over again with William.

"Where have you been?" My shoulders went stiff.

It was Brittany.

I face her. "In LA?"

"Yeah, I know. But you should have been home on Monday. It's Wednesday afternoon. William came home on Monday." Brittany frowns at me.


A knowing smile crept across her face. "Don't tell me where you are." She winked at me. Oh, she thinks I was with Chris? I didn't attempt to correct her. It's best everyone thinks I'm still dating Chris.

I shot her a smile and continued to drag my suitcase up the stairs.

"But did you have fun though?"

"You know I did," I say with my back turned to her. I could feel that naughty smile on her face.