Cover Blown over

"You don't love Adrian, do you?" An angry voice startled me as I was sprawling in Adrian's bed.

It's a Tuesday night, a day after William and I flew back to New York City after our little romantic getaway.

I did my little concert at Adrian's physiotherapy clinic for his patients and I'm back here at his home to hang out with him, and to do my fake dating duties.

I prop up to fully scrutinize who the angry voice belongs to.

It was beautiful Mariana, the 19-year-old girl who is in love with Adrian. She has always spoken to me shyly. I'm shocked she just spoke to me in scratchy tone.

"Are you okay?" I crunch my eyes at her as I hurdle out of the bed.

She glares at me with disdain curled up in those beautiful eyes of hers. "You don't love Adrian," I winced as her tone was as sharp as a knife.

 "Why do you think so? And if I don't why do you care?" I shot back at her. I didn't like the tone she was using.