is this the end? ( part two)

I was about to express my fretfulness but I paused remembering the country she was exiling me to.

Did she say Romania?

"Where in Romania am I going to live?" I asked my mother.

The evil smirk on her face vanished as her gaze narrowed. "Transylvania," she answered me.

I burst out into deranged laughter. "Isn't that Dracula's hometown, Mother? "

My mother didn't know how to react to me making a joke out of this situation. Her face was void of emotions and that was scary.

"Seriously, Mother out of all the places in Europe you chose Transylvania? I didn't know you were obsessed with Dracula," I hiss, flashing out my teeth in a gritting manner pretending it was vampire's fangs

My mother's clenching jaw made me close my lips putting a stop to my jester.

"You think this a joke?" Her expression was pinched. She badly wants to go in for the third slap. I'm not a dummy. I'm not going to let her hit me again.