One month later.

I blinked and one month had gone by. Romania is a lovely country. Feels like it is a country straight out of a fairytale story. I would love living in this place if I wasn't living here against my will.

One month of breaking down, crying in the bathroom, sinking, drowning, and dying. I feel like I have been experiencing a series of heart attacks throughout the month.

Sometimes while I'm combing through my mind, reminiscing the memories I recently made with Williams, memories of my relationship with Chris creeps in. Then I start crying, grieving the loss of the two men who owns my heart. The throbbing pain is extreme like double daggers pierced into my heart.

And what is worse is, I'm forbidden to access any communication device to contact Harper, William or even Chris, if I ever dare to do so. And no fucking internet to watch serial killer documentaries on YouTube.