We got right into training. First dad lwanted me to run our whole territory in human form. He'd changed back too. He looked serious and ready for business. I hoped I looked just as invested. I had an hour and thirty minutes to make a full lap round our territory.

"Move!" he yelled.

I took off running. I started off with a lot of speed, I wanted–no–needed to improve, I needed to be faster. I flashed back to the trial night again. I gritted my teeth.

"Faster." I said out loud to myself.

If I were faster I would have passed. I pushed myself further. I was given an hour and thirty minutes to run this whole territory. That is fifty kilometers and back. A hundred kilometers in total. This was relatively easy, except for the time limit and I was in human form.

'Taylor!' Dad boomed through the link.

'You've been out there for ten minutes already, you better have run at least two kilometers!'

I gasped, I hadn't even run one! I ran faster.

'Don't make me chase you.' he threatened. And I knew he was serious, I didn't really want him coming after me.

The terrain wasn't easy. Logs, rivers, branches. My legs were already getting tired. Somehow I managed to finish it. He stood where I left him with a raised eyebrow.

"You finished with thirty seconds left. Good . But you could do better."

I was out of breathe. Better? I was so dead

"Come now Taylor, did you think I would go easy on you? That was just a warm up." he smiled evilly. "Fifty push ups. Now!"

I got to it immediately. 10, 15, 25.

My arms were aching, They felt like jelly and muscles protested each time I moved.

I was tired and the day had just begun.

"Good job Taylor." he said when I was done.

Then he threw me a skipping rope. "200."

That was it before he blew a whistle. Where did he even get that from?

"Dad, I'm tired. When can I get a break?"

He turned around and grinned evilly again. I knew it then. I'd made a big mistake asking about a break, if anything he was going to make this harder.

"Dear daughter of mine, you can take a break when I decide you do. Incidentally your mother is working on wooing me , I was told to stay out till 6 , so…"

I was nearly in tears. Why did mom have to start paying up her debt today? I started skipping but after 30 minutes I fell. I had barely managed to get finish, but I did. Just barely. I felt a light kick on my side, then I was turned over.

"I expected you to be done 20 minutes ago."

His tone sounded disappointed, but his face held amusement.

He had a bottle of water in his hands, and I felt myself perk up a bit. I reached up.

"Water. Water please. Mercy." I begged.

Dad blinked. "This? You want water? I didn't realize." He opened it with a smile on his face.

"Thanks D-"

He downed the whole thing.

"That hit the spot." he cheered. "What Taylor? That was mine and it hit the spot. I was parched."

He walked to a little cooler by the side. I didn't even notice it before or know where it came from. He picked up another bottle of water. I thought he would hand it to me, but he opened it and drank it all. Just like the last one. I watched as drop after drop disappeared. He had a cruel gleam in his eyes.

"So nice of your mother to send these to me." he smiled.

"Is there anything for me?" I croaked out.

He just blinked innocently. "Ah. Nothing better than a cold drink of water."

He continues to look at me where I lay on the ground.

"There isn't." he answered me. "This was sent for me, you know this." he said unfazed.

He picked up another bottle and started gulping down the water

"But Mom wouldn't just send stuff for you." I said.

"Why do you assume that? I'm her mate, she's taking care of me. You are just some pup I'm training." he countered snootily.

I was stunned. "Dad, please."

He just scoffed and continued drinking. I shakily got up. "I need water dad."

"This water isn't yours, go get your own." he shrugged.

"Dad, you're being difficult." He raised an eye brow. "No , you're the one being difficult. You want something that is mine, and I don't want to give it to you. Go get your own."


"Yes Taylor?" He answered.

"Please, I'm parched." I told him.

"No." he said.

I couldn't believe this. "Dad I'll complete the skips faster next time, my legs ache and I'm butt tired." I whined.

"I know that." He said simply.

I lay on the ground defeated. I was going to die of thirst. He looked at me with an amused expression. "You've touched me. Your legs were shaking, you were also barely standing, you could really use a drink." The look turned remorseful.

"But the thing is Taylor, I do not give things for free. You have to earn it."

"But I did." I whined.

"You think that little warm up was earning it ? That was child's play." he scoffed.

I was shaking, I really needed that water. "What can I do, to earn it then?"

He smiled at me, his piercing eyes glinting with mischief and cruelty. I got goose bumps. We had matching eyes, could mine do that ?

"Fight me." he said simply without breaking eye contact.

"What?!" I shouted.