I didn't know how to feel about the obvious love and adoration he had for her. So I kept silent and let him continue.

He cleared his throat as he continued again. "She started gaining weight, she slept peacefully at night and she became stronger. There were twelve vials in total. Your mother used one making them eleven.

For a month she was just fine, but then her symptoms came back, she started deteriorating again. We tried regular medicine again but, it didn't work. We were stumped so we used another vial.

Month after month passed and it was the same.

We were soon out, your mother and I were so scared. We thought that our time with her had run out. But she stayed Taylor, she fought through it. Whatever was in those vials gave her a fighting chance. We thought our joy was boundless when she stayed stable, month after month, after month, till she turned one."

He looked at me again. "We were so distracted we didn't notice that around that time, we got another miracle. You. Taylor you were a surprise we didn't know we could have. We raised you both as sisters when you were born, Jenna was our little fighter and you were our miracle baby."

As time went by Jenna got jealous because we doted on you, especially as she got older and found out we weren't actually her parents. She took it the wrong way and we still haven't been able to explain it to her, she just doesn't get it."

He was right when he said Jenna didn't get it and neither did i.

"Then why do you call her your niece, if you consider her your daughter. Why cousins, when she's not even related to us at all?" I asked, a little bit of bitterness leaking out.

It honestly didn't matter to me, which one she was called, she would still be the same. She would still be a bitch, like dad said she took away the attention that was meant for me, had been doing it for years in end.

When mom and dad told me that she was my cousin a couple years back, I was relieved. I wasn't actually sisters to such a person.

"To your mother and I, she's our daughter, but when she found out the truth, she got so worked up and wanted to push us away completely. She said she felt like an imposter, pretending to be our child.

We couldn't let her just disappear from our lives forever, she was family and we wanted her to know that, so we decided to call her our niece and your cousin. She thinks she's our charity case. That's why she's prickly when it comes to you, cause she wants to be our daughter for real. But she is even without blood.

Anyway bottom line, she doesn't hate you. She might be prickly and mean, but she doesn't hate you. When you were a baby, she was so small but she would try to protect you, she was always worrying about you. She didn't want her little 'Tayle' getting sick."

He smiled at me as he said this. Like it would make everything all better.

"I had no idea dad." I responded. I had a better understanding of Jenna now than I had ten minutes ago. It still made no difference to me.

She doesn't like to talk about it, and we respect her wishes. I want you try and get along with her. She's handling things instead of you, because you need more training, not because I prefer her over you. When she's in a rage, ignore her and walk away, but don't let her walk all over you alright? Don't let her cross the line with you. Ever again." He said.

"I'll try dad." I told him

"Atta girl, now we've reminisced enough. Let's go get some work done." he said.

"Where to?" I asked while we packed up.

"Well, we'll go to see the warriors and get their report about our borders, then we'll go supervise training the young pups, then we go do paperwork in my office. Help Alpha Ronan with whatever he needs, do our own little patrol around the border. Sniff out rogues or intruders, you know."

"Umm alright, anything else?" I inquired.

"If anything comes up, we handle it, it keeps us on our toes. Let's go then, it's 1:50, we've got the whole day."

That's how dad and I spent our day, sure we bumped into Jenna a couple times, and dad let her tag along. It made me feel weird and she glared at me when he wasn't looking, but I discovered that she did know her stuff and knew exactly what she was doing, plus the pack trusted her.

I saw a healthy difference in how the two of us were treated. And I saw a different side to my 'cousin' that I didn't know existed. Maybe dad had a point, maybe I could try giving her a chance.

"What are you looking at cousin?" Jenna sneered

"Nothing Jenna. Nothing at all." I answered. I didn't like her tone but I didn't say anything about it.

"Well I've got better things to do than stand around and stare." she huffed.

Dad's words rang in my head as I watched her jog away. I don't know why but I called out to her. "Do you really not hate me cousin?"