"Dad, are we done yet?" I whined. So far running errands with dad was exhausting. We were always racing off to handle a new problem that came up in an entirely different area.

"Almost, I just need to sign off these papers. Would you hand me that stack by the shelf? Thanks." he said.

"By almost, what do you mean exactly?" I asked. Knowing very almost was always so close yet so far.

"Well after this, if nothing else comes up, we go patrol the border. It's nearly six and I'm starving, whatever you mom's up to better include food." he answered.

At the mention of food my stomach growled. "I'm guessing you agree Taylor" dad said with a chuckle. I blushed and hid behind a stack of papers.

"I can't believe we still have patrol after this, we've been here for hours." I whined again.

I turned to continue organizing files on each pack transaction. "All in a day's work for your dad." he replied, still facing his work on his desk.

"Do you still want to do this? Take my place, I mean." he asked with a grin.

"The paperwork is a definite No." I said.

"You can't escape it though." he laughed.

After a few more minutes, we were done here for the day. Dad got up from his chair and gave himself a stretch. "I'll continue the next time I drop by." he said while he arranged the desk.

We left dad's office in the pack house and made our way to the woods.

"Shift quickly. The sooner we do this, the better." Dad said

I went behind a tree, took off my clothes and shifted. "Remember to stretch." he said. I did.

I waited to hear the tell tale shifting and cracking of bones that came with the shift. But none came.

"Dad?" I called.

"Umm, sorry Taylor. Something just came up." He apologized. I walked out from behind the tree. I turned my head and looked at him confused.

"What came up?" I asked

"Alpha Ronan, he needs me in his office. I'll be just a moment Taylor. This won't take long." he said through the link as he turned around and went back into the house.

Alpha Ronan, The Alpha of my pack, Heaven's Gauntlet. The only one superior to my parents in power around here. He kept to himself and didn't say much. Actually he never said a word.

When I asked mom about it, she said he had taken a vow of silence. It was his way of remembering his dead mate and child.

The only people that ever heard his voice were Dad and mom. Sometimes through our pack link, other times, out loud, alone in his office.

Mom and dad loved him like a father, because he gave them a chance when no one else would. He cared for them and was with them through thick and thin.

I loved him like a grandfather. For as long as I could remember, he was always there, at my birthdays, Christmas, even at my trials. He was another person I couldn't face after yet again disappointing him.

I waited for maybe five minutes, I wasn't really paying much attention to the time, I was feeling uneasy. Pack members came in and out of the house, either giving me dirty looks or flat out ignoring my existence. I stood tall and ignored them all, as they went by.

Soon dad rushed out. "I'm sorry, hun. Hope I didn't take too long?" dad asked.

He looked flustered and well kinda in shock.

"Dad? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Let's go Taylor, we've got a lot of patrolling to do." he said.

Patrolling? I thought we were going home.

Without taking off his clothes, he shifted, I watched as his clothes became shreds. And he took off into the forest. I didn't ask any questions and followed.

Dad and I ran through the forest, faster than the human eye could see. This was my favorite part of any day, running, feeling the wind through my fur and tasting the different scents around me.

We moved through the trees quickly, we were both anxious to get it over with and get home.

We headed East, the logs and branches I had trouble with this morning barely bothered me. Things were so much easier in this form.

"How you holding up sweetheart?" Dad asked.

"I'm fine dad, it's easier for me in this form." I replied.

"Alright." he replied

We ran for a couple more minutes, sniffing and making periodic rounds around the border. We would occasionally run into some guards or enforcers who were making their rounds too. They greeted Dad with respect, then pretended I didn't exist.

Seems like everyone hated me. The east was clear. We went on to the west, did the same routines and got the same reactions.

"Taylor I hope their behavior isn't getting to you" he inquired.

Now you ask. "No dad, they aren't, besides they don't exist right?" I replied.

"Yup let me handle them." he added.

I learnt how the patrols went, the distinct scent of pack wolves and the strong or weak scent of prey that wondered through the bushes. My stomach let out an embarrassing growl, when I picked up the scent of a rabbit not too far off.

Maybe I could hunt for a bit, to keep my strength up. I followed the scent of the rabbit and found it in a little meadow eating flowers. It looked adorable, but it was soon going to be my snack.

"Sorry little one."

The birds and the forest became silent, sensing that a predator was on the hunt.

My prey suddenly freezes, it turns its ears rapidly to different sides while I stayed still. I had to remain undetectable, my prey was small, which gave it an advantage in the bushes.

I felt myself drooling, my teeth and tongue already expecting the sweet crunchy snap of its neck in jaws and the sweet taste of blood on my tongue. I got ready to pounce.