All of a sudden I'm facing the animalistic green eyes of a predator I've known my whole life. Her black and white fur catching the light. She had the rabbit in her jaws, it's blood dripping onto the forest floor, dead in one bite, just like that.

'You didn't want this right cousin?' She asked with unmistakable mryth in her eyes.

What was she doing here? Was she trying to bait me? What did she want exactly?

'You can have it cousin, I'll get something at home with my dad.' I said.

'Why, can't you hunt for yourself?' She said with a sneer.

'I was, but you ruined it.' I snarled a little.

'Snooze you loose.' She mocked, scarfing down the rabbit.

'Jenna, I don't have the energy for this.' I told her.

'Of course you don't. You don't have the energy for anything. I hope you noticed how the patrol guards were treating you, they neither respect or accept you.' She snarked.

'Why are you out here, what are you trying to prove?'

'She's not as bad as she seems.' The words Dad said came back.

'Nothing cousin.' I replied. 'Just enjoying Father-Daughter bonding time, you know how it is.'

She kept silent as she stared at me, the green hues of her gaze darkening more and more.

'Taylor, where are you? This side's clear, we got more rounds to make before we're done for day. Also your mother just told me she's given up for the day.' Dad chuckled.

'I'm on my way Dad.' I called and I turn to leave.

'Where are you going?' Jenna growled.

'My Dad needs me.' I said, putting extra emphasis on the MY part as I continue walking, I could feel her silently seething behind me.

For whatever reason, she wasn't antagonizing me further. I took off in a run, to try and put some distance between us. If I'm being honest, I was still a bit scared of her, she made me uneasy.

'There you are.' Dad said. 'Jenna you're here too? I told you I would be patrolling today, you go get some rest.'

'Beta Trevor, you know how particular I am. Plus I'm faster and you're old.' she joked. One of them must be keeping the link open, so I wouldn't be left out.

'How dare you?' Dad fake gasped. 'It is SO on now!' he growled. He turned his large head back to me. 'Taylor you go home, I'll show this pup not to diss her old man.'

'Really?' I asked.

What happened to father-daughter time. Yes I did spend the whole day with him, but I wanted us to finish together. I didn't want him to go of alone with her.

'You don't have a problem with me spending time with him right, cousin?' Jenna smiled. This was payback for what I said to her.

I kept silent.

'Taylor?' Dad asked. He must have noticed my feeling.

'I'm fine.' i told him.

I turned to Jenna. 'I haven't got a problem, you can spend as much time with him as you want with him. You know with you being family and everything.' I told her.

I hoped it stung. I hoped it hurt her, because she wasn't family and never would be.

'I'll see you at home then Taylor, tell you're mom I'll be back soon.' Dad said.

Just like that they took off.

'See that Taylor, he couldn't wait to be rid of you, just get lost.' she said.

Maybe she was right, I mean the moment dad got the chance, he bolted with her. Maybe all the stares had gotten to him. Maybe he was tired of hanging around me.

I wanted to run in the opposite direction, I could catch up with them, tell dad I wanted to spend more time with him. I was about to do just that before I realized, I would seem clingy and insecure. I didn't want Dad to think me weak, especially since our talk earlier and I could be overreacting. I paced in the forest unsure of myself.

'Taylor, are you still back there?' Dad asked through the link.


'Taylor, Don't think I didn't notice what happened between you two. I had a good time with you today. Just wanted you to know that. I just need to talk to Jenna alone for while. I'll see you back at home.'

He went silent after that.

Should I believe him? Or was he just trying to spare my feelings. I decided that standing around wouldn't help me. But I was still feeling undecided. Suddenly my stomach let out a loud growl, loud enough it sent some animals running.

Guess it was decided. My stomach had reached it's limit and made the decision for me.

I turned towards home


'This was the worst.' I thought.

Dad brought my dearest cousin home with him.

She was all bright and cheery, talking to everyone in respectful tones like she was actually happy to be here. She was even being nice to Emily. So I'm guessing she reserved her bad side for me, just me.

"And then he screamed Badger mole. I have no idea what that meant, but after screaming he fainted. My team and I just stood there, shocked." She said with a laugh.

So that's what that was, I actually let out a laugh, thirty minutes into the last leg of the trials, a scream went through the pack link. Quite personally I didn't pay much heed to it, but I thought the person said smelly troll.

"Wait, wait, wait" Dad laughed. "Badger mole? Why badger mole?"

"I dunno." She said mid laugh. "At first we thought it was some kind of signal to alert some wolves hiding in the snow or give away our position. But no one was there." she continued.

"Maybe he saw a badger mole angel." Emily said. "It must have been cute."

We all burst out a laughing. "Maybe." said Jenna.

It was the first time I had seen her smile without spite. She seemed relaxed, carefree, happy. I hadn't said a word since she arrived, so maybe it was because of that or the fact that no one was paying attention to me.

"What did you guys do Jenna?" Emily asked. She reached over the table to grab the salt before adding it to her food.

"Well, I didn't do anything" she said laughing. "It was Klaus. He just ran to the poor guy and threw him into the lake, so he'd snap out of it." she laughed.

"Wasn't that dangerous? He could've drowned." I said.

She turned to face me and then narrowed her eyes. "It was, but I had it under control." She said as she turned back to dad. "I made Klaus jump in after him. The idiot was so cold that he shifted back into his human skin, the guy chose that moment to wake up. I'm pretty sure he's a huge pervert, because the first thing he did was poke his finger into Klaus' butt."

I was in the middle of a drinking glass of water, so I nearly choked.

"What?!" Mom and dad yelled before breaking into horrified laughter.

"What the heck?" Dad said, "What did Klaus do?"

Jenna laughed along with them, keeping her face away from me. "Well after screaming and jumping nearly five feet in the air, he turned around and knocked the dude out cold… again." She said.

"He was complaining about what he does for the cause."

We all burst out laughing. Klaus to me was a decent guy, I guess. He was a strong fighter and seemed like an interesting dude. His only flaw was that he was loyal to Jenna, so that meant he wasn't on my side.

"What cause?" Dad asked laughing. "He's one of the laziest guys I've ever met, he only ever gets serious when it involves you Jenna." Dad said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oohh" mom said.

I watched as Jenna turned red and for the first time this evening, probably regretted being the center of attention.

I smirked to myself, as I leaned back to enjoy the show

"Taylor get your parents of my back." she said, she was asking for my help? Already? She must be really desperate.

"So, Jenna, what's he like, when he's not being a lazy freeloader?" Mom asked.

"Umm, I wouldn't know, I don't spend a lot of time with him outside of work." She said

She was lying, Klaus was with her all the time, when he wasn't being ordered to do something by the warriors or a mandatory exercise he had to take part in, and both mom and dad knew it.

"He's cute." Mom said with a smirk.

"I don't think he's worthy of our Jenna." dad growled

"What if they're mates" mom said.

"Doesn't matter, no one is good enough" dad said while turning his face away.

As much as I was enjoying the friendly atmosphere right now, I had to wonder what was happening? I was amused by my dear cousin's suffering, but she was blushing and avoiding eye contact, which was so unlike her.

Suddenly she looked up and glared at me. 'You. I know you're enjoying my suffering, But if you manage to change the subject, I'll let you be for awhile.' She said

'No taunts, jabs or thinly veiled insults?' I asked.

'Now you're just pushing it.' she said

I smirked and turned to mom.

'What are you doing?' She asked.

I smirked again. I was going to enjoy this.