I shook my head and quietly head downstairs. I planned to spend the rest of the day with Emily to make up for all my 'away' days, both metaphorically and physically. I had told my new 'friends' that I was free, but Emily was more important, besides, as acting beta I had to make rounds, check paperwork and run patrols around the border. I really needed to get a move on. 

I grab a granola bar from the fridge as breakfast and leave a note for Emily, in case I'm still gone by the time she wakes up, then head out. 

The air was chilly and I could see my breath coming out in little puffs as I walked. Though I was naturally warmer, I really needed the extra layer. The more reason to pick up the pace, I didn't want to freeze to death. 

By the time I got to the field where my parents trained me, it looked quiet, desolate and lonely. Guess that was normal I'd never been here this early, even when I was training for my trails for the first time.