This strange encounter with Nadine showed me that none of Jenna's friends were meek or helpless. I wondered what they had planned for me today, would it be as strange as my encounter with Nadine? I didn't know her very well and I made the mistake of thinking I had her character pinned down from just spending a few hours with her. I had no idea who she was, just like the rest of 'Eclipsed Moon'. 

I ran back to the house, through the forest, before shifting and quickly walking into the house. It didn't seem like she was up yet, so I rushed upstairs and had a quick shower before rushing downstairs to make breakfast.

Pancakes should be easy enough to make, I just had to follow all the steps on the packet. Flour, eggs, water, some chunks of blueberries and milk. I mixed 'em up and started frying them.