True nature

Cain, Beelze, and Levi calmly waited inside the cavern for the signal. The trio could already deploy their full battle power. Although the first was still wounded, those would not affect him in a fight.


The feral roar from the Stampedes' Leader made a sharp light appear in the trio's eyes. It meant that the Wave Beasts in the forest would leave for Korin City, generating openings in the forest's periphery that they could use to escape. 

Beelze and Levi were about to rush out when they saw Cain raise his hand, stopping them. They were confused by the solemn expression on his face. 

Cain knew the duo was confused, and he could not give them a proper explanation. He stopped them because he felt something terrible would happen very soon. It was an instinct and had no objective evidence, but he knew that a Wave Cultivator should never ignore his instincts.