The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Fantasy1,005 Chapters1.4M Views
Author: Redsunworld
Table of Contents

Thousands of years ago, humankind left the Old World. We enter a new age where science and magic are no longer opposing concepts.

With these new opportunities came danger in the form of the Dark Races and the ones that named themselves Gods.

However, if there was one thing humans were good at was their ability to destroy. Humankind fought and carved a bloody path into the new world.

Cain's luck had never been good, but his destiny changed forever once he decided to harden his heart and face the world without fear or hesitation.

--Godslayer Humankind's motto.--

We can comprehend the supernatural. We can dominate the supernatural. We can kill the supernatural - Adam, Emperor of Godslayer Humankind, The First Titan.

Current schedule: 21 chapters a week.

Bonus chapters:

Over 400 power stones: 3 extra chapters.

Over 800 power stones: 6 extra chapters.

Over 1200 power stones: 9 extra chapters.

Discord channel:

23 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Straight into my library. The novel is very good. World building : Although not much world background is shown, two prologue chapters, the origin of the system, and a little bit of information about Gaia, are sufficient to demonstrate that the author has sufficient background to write the story. Cain (MC): Mc can be defined as someone who is good to those who are good to him, bad to those who are bad to him or cross his moral line, and indifferent to the remaining ones. I especially like how he doesn't differentiate between male and female enemies and gets straight to kill. He is a reincarnator with sealed memories, but that isn't the main focus. He is resolute and smart and not naive and wimpy. System: No major help. It doesn't reward him with any experience or anything. No subspace. No shop, etc. Until now, the system has served as a guide rather than a spoon feeder. It can change because various modules of the system are still locked. Side characters: There are no major side characters till now except Levi, so I can't comment. Writing quality: English is my second language, so even if the quality is bad, I wouldn't know  Updating speed: 4 chapters/week is not enough for me. At least 1 chapter per day should be the goal. But that is entirely up to the author. Overall, a good novel with a great potentials. Kudos to the author.

2 years ago

Hello everybody. Here, the author. I would like for everybody to read my new book. Critics, as long as constructive, are always appreciated.

2 years ago

Does this book have romance or harem? Don't trust the author after reading a bit into abyssal lord and the romance and interactions between mc and Sofia ruining an already shaky novel. If there is gonna be romance at least don't waste ppl's time finding out and add the tag in.

2 years ago

One of the best stories I have read so far and I recommend you to try the author's other novel oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo9ooooooooi

2 years ago

It’s a very solid novel, one of my favorites at the moment, and I think the author has done a great job improving on his writing. Compared to his other novel this one seems to have a more in depth world building and the power system is pretty incredible. My only complaints with this novel so far are: - Main character is extremely cunning, but many times his approach to fights or problems is just one of pure strenght with little strategy, which makes sense against equally powerful or weaker enemies, but he brute forces things even when against enemies or odds he shouldn’t be able to overcome with just power. - I believe there could be a bit more variation in the characters fighting styles and temperaments, most of Cain rivals so far just face him head on. - There are, if I’m not mistaken 6 races in aether, but we have barely seen any character that isn’t a juman be portrayed, not really something that is bad, but I’m curious to know a bit more about the other races.

7 months ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 months ago

I started reading this book around when it had 50 chapters, it’s been a long time since then and the book has developed a lot, so it’s time I make a review. Note: I’m probably biased due to having emotional attachment to the story at this point World Building: 4/5 The world is well crafted, scenes are described expertly and really draws you into the world as if you were there yourself. Characters: 3/5 Characters all feel like individuals, at least the ones that matter anyway, there are a few arrogant young masters at the start but I suspect that they will disappear more and more as the mc gets stronger and is meeting older people as the antagonists. Story: 3/5 For the most part the story is fairly standard at the start, mc is the weak underdog nobody expects anything from but develops to become a force to be reckoned with over the course of the story, though later on in the story the mc goes on a different than usual path compared to the usual heroics you might be used to. Writing Quality: 4/5 The writing is fairly good with few mistakes in spelling or grammar, but nobody is ever perfect especially when English isn’t their first language. Updating Stability: 4/5 There were some rougher patches previously but things have settled to usually be 2 chapters each day unless stated otherwise in the discord

5 months ago

Reveal Spoiler

7 months ago

It is a good novel but the romance ruined the story for me🤷🏻‍♀️

a year ago

It's a good story especially the power system, although I wish that that we will see more concept, like the concept of Growth or the concept of heat or the concept of distance or even the concept Evolution or Mutation. Still great story good job, I have already read more than 700 chapters.

3 months ago

High quality story from the first couple hundred chapters

4 months ago

Review after more than a year of reading. This story is great. One of my personal favourite things about this story is the world-building. From the start, you get introduced to various parts of society and the world as a whole, which gets further expanded upon as the novels continue. From different continents as a whole to the sectors within them and who rules them. Another great thing is the power systems. There are different ways to gain power in the series the main being essence and astral however there are many other ways as well. The 2 main paths are expanded upon nicely being true to warrior and mage archetypes whilst still being different. The professions in this as well are also unique and I haven't seen them done much before which is a breath of fresh air compared to general professions like smithing or rune making. The characters in this novel are also good. The main character is smart yet not someone who needs to use his mind to win every time which is nice as long scheming plots can sometimes drag the story down. The side characters are also great additions. They don't overshadow the main character by taking too much screen time however they add to the story without being a nuisance. The antagonists are varied and most of the time laid out nicely. Some times it feels a bit forced especially one in recent times but overall still good. Updates are fantastic with multiple chapters a day on average with good content in them and not pumping them out just to pad the count. Different to his last story in parts but still as great and expecting much more to come.

5 months ago

this is a great story , I'm really enjoying reading it , I hope the author continues updating the chapters everyday .

7 months ago

5 stars cuz I love Abyssal Lord of the magi world

9 months ago

Great novel with good character development and excellent world-building and fights looking forward to how it progresses more in the future.

a year ago