Genetic Tournament (III)

The Novice Genetic Coders exchanged glances and nodded, deciding to take the bet. A silent agreement formed among them: one of them had to win. 

An awkward expression appeared on the faces of the people watching the tournament as they saw the youth trying to amass the massive amount of wealth needed to participate in the bet. The Tier 1 Bio Genetic Chamber was more expensive than a full set of Platinum Tier Artifacts, so many of them were forced to ask their elders and family for assistance.

Everybody who came to this place had a wealthy and powerful background behind them, so even if the amount they had to gather was immense, they all did it quickly.

Finally, all nine youths managed to amass enough wealth and placed their bets. After that, everybody adopted a meditative position before the Genetic Chambers as they unleashed their Ego Wave, ready to act as fast as possible.