Black hole (I)

One reason Cain used the Space Swords was their power, which went beyond what he could achieve with his bare fists after he sealed his Essence Path of Power and lost access to the Solar Tempest Essence. But there was something else, something much more important.

There was no limit to the number of people who could bind their Ego Wave to the Space Swords and use their power to teleport silently toward them.

The Crown Prince knew nothing about the uniqueness of the Space Swords, so he was caught off guard by the ferocious attack of the First Collapsing Lightning Pillar. 

It was a dangerous bet that put the First Collapsing Lightning Pillar in great danger, and Cain was forced to risk his life to fully draw the man's attention. Yet they succeeded!

The First Collapsing Lightning Pillar's attack unleashed all the power he could muster. Thanks to his burning his life force to enhance his strength, the slash could divide a True Titan in half!