Decisive attack

"¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!"

Dozens of explosions that could make the world tremble echoed above the Silver City as the Collapsing Lightning Duke and the First Collapsing Lightning Pillar battled the 34 Depravita Automatons. Each attack from those monsters was charged with a corrupt and evil force, but the Scarlet Alliance masters did not fall behind. They launched forces that surpassed Aether's Laws' limits thanks to their Natural Inheritances' help.

However, despite the massive and continuous explosions generated by the fight between the duo and the Depravita Automatons, they were drowned out by the sound of metal clashing. In the highest sky of the Prometheus Sector, barely a few thousand meters beneath the Crystal Wall, the sound of metal echoed, spreading for hundreds of thousands of kilometers.