Damian Sky-Flame

The young woman saw how the guard did not follow her command, and her rage exploded. Years of being treated as superior and doing whatever she wanted had twisted her personality into one of extreme narcissism. Even if the target was much stronger than her, in her mind, no one should dare to resist them.

"I told you all to apprehend him!"

The woman had just shouted when Cain appeared in front of her, and the next second, he slapped her with so much force that her teeth were sent flying before her head crashed into the ground. She nearly lost consciousness, and immense pain assaulted her, but it did not erase the hatred in her eyes.

Cain's eyes flashed with killing intent as he felt that gaze, and the muscles in his right leg grew tense as he was ready to stomp her chest, crippling her. He would not have a problem justifying his actions, but just as he was about to act, his eyes narrowed, and he looked into the sky.