Water Tribulation (III)


Again, a new wave of power and corrosive negative emotions sought to break Cain's mind and shatter his will. Yet, he resisted, and his eyes grew cold as he faced the sky and prepared for the next tidal wave.

The tidal waves that wreaked havoc on Cain's emotions lasted nine hours, and by the end, his entire body could not stop trembling, and an expression of near madness could be seen on his face. Those negative emotions, combined with the pressure of the Astral Blood Beast's fragmented ego, nearly broke his mind, but thanks to his formidable willpower and Power of Order, he survived.

Cain's breathing was rough as he focused his mind to the limit in order to regain its serenity. Thanks to the Power of Order, he regained enough rationality to see how the tidal waves that nearly broke his mind had transformed into a small river.