First march

"Remember, we must present a solid front. If we allow that brat to carry on unchecked, we will lose our chance to shine. We must convince the rest of the Vice-Captains to side with us."

The other four Vice-Captains nodded as they heard Uriel's words. Making an enemy of such a talented man like Cain was not something they wanted, but siding with Uriel had proven beneficial for all of them again and again, so they would follow him. 

Uriel understood that his bond with the other four was not so strong that they would give their life for him, but he knew how to manipulate their greed. 

As Uriel approached the soldier encampment's center of command, a solemn expression appeared on his face. Even if he hated Cain, there was no way to deny the might of the red force field this one was unleashing.