Facing a Humanoid of Dark Sky (I)

Terror and anxiety immediately flooded the room. Although the Dark Emperor only mentioned making contact, they immediately assumed that the Godslayer Humankind Empire had sent their military power to the border and begun their attack.

With Dark Sky overtaking the north and the Godslayer Humankind Empire under the lead of the supreme monster, the Scarlet King, marching from the south, what fate awaited the Inferno Daemon Race but complete genocide, their race going extinct and culture vanishing in the sand of time?

"It is not an attack. The empire sent a diplomatic envoy."

Before panic and dread could take hold, Prime Minister Razputin clarified the message the Dark Emperor had just received.

"An envoy? They want to enter diplomatic talks now?"

True God Bloom expressed shock and surprise at this unexpected move by the Goldsayre Humankind Empire. Although he was relieved they would not attack, he found it odd they would take such an approach.