Codex of Infinite Pathways (I)

Cain was shocked to see just how much rage and hatred the creator of the Samsara Flame harbored toward the Depraved Race. However, this also made him smile.

The Depravita Race seemed to come from a plane or world that was countless times more advanced than Aether, so he was happy to see that while they were powerful, they also had very strong enemies that wanted to see them burn. 

The intent did not vanish as it seemed to focus on Cain, causing a strange light to appear in the young man's eyes. It was as if someone was watching him from the other side of the flame, but the distance was so great they could only hear their voices, like two people shouting from hundreds of miles apart in a street covered by thick fog.

"Choose, young man. Do you follow the Path of the Warrior, charging alone into the most dangerous situations, rising and depending only on your power, or the Lord's Path, guiding the world and its people, using their power as yours?"