Ouroboros Protocol

Cain could see his words' devastating effect on the powerhouses of the Godslayer Humankind Empire and Inferno Daemon Empire. Still, he would not lie to them and tell them everything would be alright when he knew the danger they were facing could end both continents.

The Humanoids of Dark Sky were simply too powerful, and he could barely take on three of them simultaneously, risking his life. And who knew how many of them there were in reality? Not to mention their Insect Army, which seemed endless, and they flooded the border nonstop in search of food.

If that was not enough, he still did not understand the true nature of the Dark Fog, its origin, or how it was growing.

However, Cain would also not simply speak to break their spirit, and he had a way to handle this apocalyptic threat.

"Luckily, there are more than just two Sacred Races in Aether."