Test the limits of battle power

Like always, Jonathan appeared out of nowhere in front of Cain and Orin the second the class started. His eyes widened when he saw that Cain's cultivation had risen to Level 4 and that he went through another session of marrow washing. 

'Originally, I thought his Wave Talent would hold him back, but it seems he had already found an answer.' Jonathan showed a small smile before focusing on the class at hand.

"Today, I will teach you the arts of patience and adaptability. Both do not require great physical might or skills but a state of mind that can endure drastic changes, always focused and serene, not letting your emotions or even your instincts affect your judgment."

Cain and Orin showed solemn expressions as they heard that. Learning a physical skill, no matter how complicated, would always be easier than grasping an entire state of mind.