New use for the module

"He really believed that children's tale? How can someone be so stupid?"

Apex's voice echoed inside Cain's mind as this one used his Ego Wave to create a telepathic link between his mind and that of Simon.

Although Cain shared Apex's wonder at Simon's stupidity, he did not have time to relax as he focused on making sure none of the scientists noticed his invisible Ego Wave. 

"I have learned a lot about this person and knew that striking his ego was the right thing to do. How is the hacking going on?"

"I am doing my best to finish it as fast as possible, but the device has high-level firewalls, so even if I am consuming your Destiny Force to enhance the module, it will still take some time.

It would have been easy if I could use brute force, but that would have alerted the old man and made all our hard work useless." Apex knew the urgency of their situation, so he was doing his best to finish the hacking.