chapter 3: laying low

the margwa...

while it may look like just a blob of zombies, it is way more dangerous.

there are four types of margwa's and each one has different abilities.

red: has a fire attack and if the zombies are in their radius then they become exploding zombies.

purple: summons a portal and skulls appear to attack any living human.

they have a total of the heads, and if you shoot one off then the margwa starts running. that's just down horrifying.

imagine if an unstoppable rhino just started running at you and you have nothing to defend yourself with.

"What is that," the commander said as she looked at the screen.

"I call it the margwa," I said.

"Why do you call it that, why not call it an ugly monster," Anna said as she wrinkled her nose.

"R.T.M," I called out.

"yes Diana," the A.I responded.

"check all the servers including the military for any information about the cause of the outbreak," I commanded.

"you can't do that, it's against the law," the commander said.

"I don't know if you noticed, but the world has gone to shit. I would like to know the cause of it," I told her.

"estimated time to completion..... calculating.... 43 minutes and 34 seconds," R.T.M responded.

"Good, now follow me," I said as the trio followed me.

"you guys are able to go to any place in the bunker, however, I have two major rules. don't fire any guns in here, and although we have a lifetime of soda, you need water too. and don't kill innocent people," I told them.

of course, these rules were mainly for somewhat peace in the bunker. I let them explore the bunker and I went to check the med bay.

it was basically a med scan and it would tell you what was wrong with your body or any viruses you may of have had.

the next upgrade was going to cost 40 white cores for an "alchemy" room for refining the crystals.

I looked at my stats,


(XP 32/50)

strength: 4 -> 10

speed 4 -> 10

vitality 7 -> 13

endurance 6 -> 12

SP: 6)

not a bad amount, but before I go back to killing zombies I had to heal my sister first.

something you should know about the crystals, they are about the size of gum. you could easily swallow them and they put you to sleep.

after waking up you either get healed or some people have gotten abilities from them, however, those people are rare.

I grabbed a glass of water and walked toward Anna who was sitting and watching the news.

"Anna," I called out and sat next to her on the couch.

"yes sister," she said adorably.

normally I would pinch her cheeks and tell her how cute she was but right now was a serious moment.

"if I told you to do something important would you do it," I asked her?

"of course, I trust you," she said wholeheartedly.

"Good, because I'm going to need you to swallow this," I said as I handed her the core and water.

she looked at the core in her hands and then back at me. without any hesitation, she put it in her mouth and used the water to swallow it.

I couldn't help but sigh at her nativity and watched as she passed out falling forward.

I grabbed her and laid her on the couch for a rest and looked in the direction of the commander walking towards us.

"did you drug your sister," she asked with a hardened expression.

"not really, I just feed her healing medicine... kind of," I said as I watched the commander sit across from me.

"My name is Eva," she told me.

"and mine is Diana," I said.

"What is this place," she said as she pointed around us.

"the proper name is bunker Alfa, A-L-F-A, it was abandoned for a while so I got a hold of it," I told her a semi-truth.

she looked at the t.v and at that time R.T.M came back and announced that he had finished his scan.

"I have found the information you inquired about," he told me.

"pull it up on the screen," I told him as all the information was all the information including the list of people involved in the experiments to their family members.

it turns out that a specific group in the military was trying to create a biological weapon, however, it backfired and led to a containment breach.

(SCP anyone?)

I made sure to note everything about them and if I could I would kill them.

we started to look over the information when I got an alert from the system.

{quest: save the medic

description: did you think a base would last without a medic?

mission: save the medic located at *****

difficulty: medium

bonus mission: save the officer

hidden mission: ????

failure: lose a valuable person

reward: (10 zombie immunity pills, 4000 XP)


if I accept the mission and I complete it then I could level up around 16 times if I do my math right.

I clicked on (y) and got up quickly startling Eva who was sitting in front of me.

"tell me something Eva, how accurate are you with a firearm," I asked her as I went to the armory.

"I was probably one of the best. after all that is how I was able to survive so long," she told me.

"good," I said as I opened the door to the armory.

I grabbed an M4A1, a sniper, and magazines that I would need for the mission. I also grabbed my trusty ice axe and Bowie knife.

"where the hell did you get all of this," she said shocked.

"found them off a drug lord," I said as I grabbed a holographic sight and attached it to my m4.

"where did you get your weapon training," she asked.

"I was in the army when I was 17, then I joined the FBI," I told her. of course that wasn't true, I had to do different jobs but I haven't been there.

I finished my weapons and put them on my back and looked over at Eva.

"I have you here, however, should you try and harm anyone then the security turrets will shoot you," I said as I was nearing the entrance.

"we're are you going somewhere," I heard violet call out.

"yes, and stay safe," I said as I opened the door and entered the zombie wasteland.

I needed about 38 more white cores in order to upgrade into what I call a mutant one.

I basically combine all of them into 5 green crystals and then eat them like how Anna did.

if I were to do that then my strength would go up by 3 times. I was nearing the position and I hid behind cars and made sure nothing noticed me.

when I arrived at the place I noticed why the difficulty was medium. this place was for the cannibals.

I got into a building to scout out all entrance points and saw that they only had one point of entry.

I unloaded my sniper and put on my suppressor and began to count how many people were there.

9 cannibals and three hostages.

I aimed at the ones that I knew I could take out silently which was about five.

the rest were either together or patrolling the perimeter. I climbed the fence and laid down covering myself in the grass.

when the guy who was patrolling came my way I grabbed a Karambit knife that was on the counter.

when he was Infront of me I covered his mouth and shoved the Karambit behind his neck, killing him.

I dragged his body away and hid it. I then did the same for the other three. before I could get to the hostages I felt a shiver up my spine.

I looked to my left and saw a margwa coming in our direction. I pulled out my sniper and quickly took aim.

it was almost half a mile so I took the shot and popped its head. it started to scream and run in our direction.

I waited for it to open its mouth and shot him again. he was getting closer so I switched to my m4, and the margwa slammed on the ground opening a portal and summoning skulls.

at that moment though I was prepared and shot the 8 skulls and aimed for the head and took the shot killing the monster.

(leveled up x6

gained 500xp

leveled up x5 (for the margwa

name: Diana

(XP 56/110)

strength: 4 -> 10

speed 4 -> 10

vitality 7 -> 13

endurance 6 -> 12

sense: 8


'good,' I thought as I began my way to the cages with the three people.

"help us," said the woman frantically.

the girl in the police outfit stayed quiet and so did the one that looked like an assassin.


intention: to be freed

sins: stealing pens]


intention: ... curious and afraid

sins: killed a criminal]


intention: free... crush???

sins: had to be a paid assassin to pay for brother's cancer.]

(author note: don't come at me for cancer, I had made a way for her to have a sexy-... I mean a good potential ally.)

"alright I'm letting you out and if you follow me then we can go to my base. however, if you try and attack I'll put you down," I told them.

something told me that the assassin could have gotten out at any time, but I have a feeling that our meeting was fate.

I unlocked the cages with my master lock-picking skills and I had them follow me towards the base. I picked up 27 white cores and 3 green cores along the way.

now I was eager to go home, the only problem? the doctor's stamina sucked so I had to trust my weapons to the assassin. which I now feel like I saw her before.

we arrived at the bunker just as a horde was passing threw our street. I put down the doctor and I went and grabbed my gun from the assassin and put it back in the armory.

I then locked it with a fingerprint and I had the A.I build a new room for the guest. I went to my room and claimed my rewards.

(quest: save the medic

description: did you think a base would last without a medic?

mission: save the medic located at *****

difficulty: medium

bonus mission: save the officer

hidden mission: save the assassin

failure: lose a valuable person

reward: (10 zombie immunity pills, 4000 XP)

'claim,' I thought.

(you leveled up x23

name: Diana

(XP 55/235)

strength: 4 -> 10

speed 4 -> 10

vitality 7 -> 13

endurance 6 -> 12

sense 8


I began thinking about something when my door opened to reveal the assassin who came walking up to me.

"What, do you need," I asked a little wary and prepared to pull out my Bowie knife.

she took off her mask and revealed who she was, it was the celebrity crush I had when I was 15. I met her once and she gave me a kiss on my cheek for the pictures.

however here she was now in front of me, while I was stunned, she took the innovation and grabbed me and put me on the bed.

...what followed was not something for kids...but I had to say, definitely one of the best nights of my life.


you like the ending, #assassin waifu.

next update: Naruto and his system