chapter 4

I awoke feeling refreshed and looked around only to see Melissa still in my bed. I stretched and got up from the bed and put on some clothes.

I looked back at Melissa and covered her with a blanket. I walked out of the door and went downstairs and sat next to Anna.

of course, I wasn't only sitting but I was also making a self-made turret, the only part I needed was a chip reader and I can make a turret that can highlight enemies.

a door opened and the doctor came out of her room and out came the girl in the doctor's uniform.

"I see you finally woke up," I said looking over to the door.

"yeah," she said as she reluctantly sat on the couch.

"so you're a doctor?" I asked her.

"yeah, I used to help treat people with injuries and other problems they may have had," she explained.

"Diana foster," I said going for a handshake.

"Vanessa," she said giving me a handshake.

I was going to ask what she was doing before the apocalypse when suddenly Anna gasped for breath.

"sister," she called out.

"I'm here don't worry," I called out to her.

"how long was I asleep for," she said looking at the TV.

"almost eight hours," I said looking at my phone.

"your phone still works," the nurse said excitedly.

"if you need a phone there are some in the cabinet over there," I said as I pointed under the TV.

"I can move," yelled Anna as she moved her legs a bit.

"Indeed," I said.

she tried standing up, but she almost fell down. me being the good sister I was of course caught her.

"Careful, you haven't used your legs. come on I'll help you out for a while," I said as I picked her up and went to the gym room.

the doors opened and when I went in and grabbed a walker and put her in it.

"When did you get this," she looked up surprised.

"bought it from some Walgreens," I told her.

"How did you get this kind of money," she asked.

"I had about 15 million still left," I told her.

I spend the rest of my day trying to help her walk, of course, the rest of the girls dropped by.

I was looking at my stats and decided to finally upgrade my strength.

name: Diana

(XP 55/235)

strength: 10 -> 35

speed 10 -> 35

vitality 13 -> 35

endurance 12 -> 35

sense 8 -> 20 (100 max)


almost immediately I can feel myself getting stronger and I got up and started exercising to give Anna some hope.

of course, I took breaks for Anna and helped her out, and because I was in a tank top most of my sweat from my workout.

I don't have any problems with people checking me out, however, I was currently making armor for myself.

(img at the bottom)

of course, when I needed help I had Selina help me out with some of the components because of how dangerous the process was.

for the goggles, I installed night vision and just in case thermal vision. I mean hey you can never be too safe in the apocalypse.

the suit was bulletproof and will protect me from all physical attacks. that doesn't mean I'm invincible though, but I can take a beating now.

now that I had proper armor that can protect me I was going to use this to the fullest extent... but not until I left again.

so with that out of the way, I began making a couple of turrets with the help of violet. I had to say, she picked things up at a fast rate.

as expected of her though. while I left her to her devices I went outside with Melissa and Selina watching my back.

I started setting the fence and the wiring, but since I didn't have a lot I made do with only two lines and set up the turret to the power grid, and connect a scanner.

I had it scan our faces before setting it up otherwise we would get gunned down.

"alright that's stressful," I said as we watched the giant on TV destroy buildings.

"And you do this every day," Anna said as she began walking slowly.

"you get used to it," I told her.

"man you really prepared for everything huh," Melissa said sitting in between my lap.

"of course I did, I have been meaning to ask. how did you get captured," I asked her.

"oh well, I was going to meet a friend of mine when everything went down," she explained.

"How did you guys meet," Anna asked.

"Remember the scandal that happened when I was 15," I said to her.

"the lesbian celebrity?" she asked.

"Yup, I was the cause for that. teehee," I giggled.

"ah, the good old days. which you haven't sent me a text in the last week," Melissa said.

"well I'm sorry the world went to shit," I said with an eye roll.

"the military is going to fall in about thirty minutes," I said looking at the TV.

there were two giants approaching the military base and a lot of margwa's and another type of zombies.

"holy shit," said Silena as she sat up.

"How is that possible," Vanessa said as she studied the zombies.

"how they were made? scientist. how they mutated? I would either assume the giants are because of steroids, or because of how many undead there have eaten," I explained.

"But... how are we going to survive this," Anna said shocked.

"don't worry, nobody finds the bunker unless I was somebody to find it," I told her.

"how does that work," Silena asked.

"It's a tech I developed, basically it's an illusion that shows only a pitch black alley. of course, no one will go in the suspicious dark alley right?" I said as if I was a genius.

"Can you teach me how to do it," violet asked excitedly?

"once you master the basics, now come on it's time to eat," I said getting a soda from my stack of over 598 thousand.

I cooked some of the meat from the freezer to get rid of all the food that would get wasted first.

that night I had a mole (Mexican food) with some rice and bean. so I served all of the people first before serving myself.

I noticed now that my stats were up I would hardly get hungry as much. that being said I was eating to make sure if I get into a fight I won't be hungry and cause a life to be lost.

we ate and shared stories about each other. I went to my room and took out the five green stones.

I popped them in one by one and swallowed them. I felt my eyes close but not before I landed on my bed and my system came into view.

name: Diana

(XP 55/235)

strength: 35 -> 70 (x2)

speed 35 -> 70 (x2)

vitality 35 -> 70 (x2)

endurance 35-> 70 (x2)

sense 20-> 40 (100 max)



(img of armor)

stats of Anna

name: anna

(XP N/A)

strength: 7 -> 14

speed 2 -> 4

vitality 5 -> 10

endurance 8 -> 16

sense 3-> 6 .

I hope you enjoyed it.

next update: dimensions with a system