chapter 28

love.... is a new emotion to death. some say death is cold, uncaring, and hateful.

however, that couldn't be further from the truth. in all honesty, death was kind and full of curiosity.

when "God" created humanity he was a kind God but over the ages, he let it get to his head and began rubbing it into people's faces.

did death care about that? not really. she had a job to do and she did it well.

she usually liked playing with the spirits of kids because they were the most energetic, however when the souls started pouring in she had to put a stop to that and began working manually.

so she created the reapers.

they greatly decreased the work she had to do, but sadly she had to pay them with death coins.

the death coins were helpful for a whole number of things. when you accumulated a certain number of death coins you have a choice between reincarnation or paradise.

mortals' concepts of heaven and hell are technically correct, however, they are also very wrong.

see hell was an infinite layer dimension that always expands and is semi-self-aware. this is where the murders and mass murderers go to.

now there are others that go there too. like there are certain crimes that if you commit you automatically condemned your soul to hell.

heaven was indeed a place where good-hearted people go, but it was majorly different from the heaven the mortals know of.

heaven was very twisted. see when you get to heaven you have the chance to choose a pantheon.

Greek, Christan, Roman, and all the other ones.

however contrary to what people expect the people that chose other pantheons were usually destroyed.

soul and all.

what can I do about it, I'm not god, I'm death.

i mean technically I could kill him as divinity laws don't apply to me since I am supposed to reap his soul.

however that's something I cannot do otherwise I would have the other gods mad, but I can kill them too, but I'll rather them all die when they were supposed to.

by dying to Diana.

the Greek pantheon and roman seemed safe. their deaths were not written down, but the others were still there and they all had the same dates.


and it was barely 9/10/2023.

all the pieces are all falling together perfectly, and the cosmos are going to be turned over.

(just pretend the op pantheon gets wrecked by our MC 🗿)


inside the Greek pantheon sat a certain red-haired goddess who was peacefully tending to the flames.

she knew that Diana was strong. how strong she doesn't know, but something tells her that she really doesn't want to find out.

that fear was amplified when she gained divinity because now she had access to the godly realms. now, who would want a god killer in their place? well, Hestia would, but that's a different subject.

she had watched her rip through zombies like tofu, but she hasn't displayed any of her real power. flames? she was using lowly flames, enough to kill the zombies, but it would only hurt immortals.

she still had a lot of learning to do to control her domains, and she barely got the hang of the revenge, almost losing herself in the thirst for blood.

overall not good. not all gods are like that though, some got along just fine ... but had some side effects.

some became alcoholics, betrayers, or even sometimes tried to destroy humanity.

that being said it was about time I plead with her to spare my family, and if she does then we will stay out of her war with the divine.

would it be difficult? yes. would it work? we will find out.

but one thing is for sure her second-tier power is definitely going to cause some trouble.

.... (back to Yuri)

"you know... back in hell, I spent thousands of years down there. now there's someone in Infront of me," I said leaning into death's lips.

"I...," I suddenly was flipped and death was pinning me against the wall.

"ooo, taking the lead. I like it," I said before we got teleported and suddenly I was on a bed and death had my hands above my head...

let's just say it was a new experience for everyone that night.


I stretched my body and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. like I just had the best sleep of my life, or rather I was sleeping in a valley full of soft pillows.

I looked at death to my right and saw death still sleeping. I leaned over and kissed her forehead before I teleported out back to my last location.

in order to kill the gods, I needed to first get rid of this zombie apocalypse, and what better way than to kill all of them?

on my shoulder, a little skeleton appeared and it had death's aura written all over it.

"chchch," It tried speaking, but it kept pointing to the north.

I followed where it was pointing and it was the zombie that I had impaled onto a fence.

a slash and it was killed.

the skeleton began pointing me in the direction of the nearest zombie, however, a plant type zombie was chilling in the middle of the street.

now, these things usually pop out other plants around them to protect themselves or use poisonous gas to incapacitate their opponents.

once it saw me I got its complete aggro I then went for the core of the monster.

plant monsters are always difficult to locate, but if you train your eyes you can just make out the outline of where the core is.

and right now it was inside its roots, I cut off the root and the tree died, but the root tried to regenerate its body back.

too bad, I grabbed the core from its Body.

"chchchch," the skeleton shook my hoodie, indicating extreme danger.

I looked at the sky and noticed the red lightning coming out from the sky and knew wave 4 was coming in less than 15 minutes.

"acidic rain huh," I said raising my hand to the sky.

...(flashback) (5 months into the apocalypse)

Diana had killed the last of the rippers, but she was just a 21 year old that committed a mass killing.

she might be a tier 3 mutant but even that wasn't enough to afford a decent meal, so she did what any rational human would do.

kill the higher-ups of the organization called the "black hand". they were the ones monetizing the food, and they were the ones hoarding the monster cores.

I looked up and saw the red lightning and a part of me knew that danger was coming, but I didn't know when, or how.

I hide in the shadows with my cloak as a giant passed my location, oblivious of my presence.

once it was gone from my location I began walking the streets hesitantly making sure I didn't get caught from the hordes of zombies.

I began walking towards the mini base I had set up. it consisted of the important things.

a water purifier, some cans of food, and some blankets.

easy to move, easy to run with.

I slept that night on edge. I don't know why but my danger senses were going off like crazy.

when I woke up I opened the window and noticed that there weren't any zombies near me so I strapped my water purifier to my waist and grabbed my trusty ice axe.

I was on the lookout for any black hand member when I noticed it start to rain. I paid no attention to it and began watching the black hand again.

it seemed like they were trading military-grade weapons with the red foxes. it seemed even though they hated each other they still cared about profit.

I was about to begin a shootout with them when the rain landed on me. it was painful. so painful that I yelled out in pain, giving away my cover.

not even 10 seconds later it began pouring, so I went to the only location that would protect me.

the sewers.

almost immediately I was attacked by a cannibal to which I threw him off me and quickly killed him with my ice axe.

I quickly address my arm and saw the tearing the acid did to my skin. it left a big scar, and I had no idea if that would heal.

I was stuck with the hundreds, if not thousands of humans that turned into cannibals that lived in these sewers.

luckily these sewers were the ones where there were sidewalks on the side so I didn't have to deal with the waste humans flushed down there.

however, chances are I will run into more cannibals in the next 5 minutes so I merged with the shadows, and attacked them from behind.

I took any weapons that could be used against them, whether it be knives, or bullets, and I only picked up two assault rifles.

I knew that once I shot they were going to be flooding this place like flies on shit, and those flies are fast.

my only saving grace was a tunnel map showing the exact position of all of the tunnels and where they lead.

the downside was that I knew there were going to be guarded, so I went for the food storage.

the reason why? because if they had canned food then I can keep them as a last resort, however, I was only taking the sealed items.

there were two guards, one male, and one female. the male was about 5'8 and the female 5'2, but I was wondering how to "deal" with both of them when I pulled out the pistol that I took from a gunsmith.

(also yes I do know that suppressors do not hide the noise as Hollywood movies do, but mine was forged in the river Styx 🗿)

I lined up my shot and killed both of them with a single shot, and opened the door to the storage and tossed all of the beans and other canned goods, but when I looked in the back I saw chopped-up human meat being hung and I quickly ran out of there and took off.

I recall the map I saw and begin making my way to the center while dealing with the zombies and cannibals that were in my way.

this was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done, mainly because they always traveled in packs of 3 or more.

some were feasting on the corpses of dead humans, and those were the easy ones.

now I was standing above the "leader" of said cannibals and I had the perfect opportunity to kill him so I took it.

I jumped down from my position and began stabbing him repeatedly. once I finished with him I turned to the remaining cannibals and began killing them.

some tried to escape but I threw my ice axe at the door controller and the doors remained shut, and not opening.

now they were tapped with me, so I did what any reasonable person would do.

I killed them all.

the doors opened and I saw the delta team enter guns at the ready.

"it seemed you got to them first, lone ranger," the man said walking to the front of the group.

"delta task force huh? seems like you guys need to up your work, can't have civilians doing your work for you," I said putting the head of the leader into his arms and left.


hope you enjoyed the chapter.