chapter 29

yeah, not my best moment in life, but it made me into the woman I was today.

"Attention everyone. wave 4 is now upon us. tier 5 mutant humans can walk through it, but anyone below seeks shelter," I heard the voice of my sister in the distance.

"Seems like she really did find all of my books,' I thought as I headed to my hideout.

"I'm back," I said jumping through the window.

"ah, your back. come quickly," she said grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the kitchen.

inside was a small child with black hair, and eyes that were the kindest I ever saw before.

"May I have a chat with you, Eana," the woman said as food appeared on the table in Infront of us.

"you don't have to worry. she's really nice, she's also my patron," fire said as she sat down next to her.

my scythe rested next to the table so I could easily reach it in case she tried anything.


"I know your opinions of the gods are not favorable, and you have every reason to believe that.

I'm here to ask... no plead to spare my pantheon. they might not be the best family but they are family nevertheless," Hestia said bowing her head a little.

I sat there stunned. a goddess was sitting here in from of me pleading for me to spare her family.

as much as I wanted to snap her neck I knew that at the end of the day, she was just like me.

a person looking out for their siblings. I would do anything to protect my sister, and I mean ANYTHING.

murder, torture, or anything else that's gruesome.

I sighed and rubbed my face and looked at the goddess in Infront of me.

"fine... I'll try not to kill them. however if they do try anything with my sister then I will kill them, no exemption," I said.

"I suppose that's all I can ask for huh," she said as a tear fell from her eye.

"well I always keep my word, if your family doesn't try anything with me then I won't need to dispose of them," I said before remembering something.

"I have a question."

"please go ahead and ask," Hestia said.

"who's your family," I asked with a straight face.

call me dumb, but I wasn't one to study gods in the apocalypse. I was wondering where my next bite to eat was.

"I suppose I should start from the beginning then huh," Hestia sighed.


"Okay, so Greek mythology, got it," I said nodding.

"thank you for hearing out my request," Hestia said as she was about to bow.

"Please don't do that. you're always welcome to my home Hestia. while I may not like gods, I will make an exception for you," I said putting out my hand.

"I apologize, I have a council meeting to attend, and... you are always welcome to attend since you are not bound by pantheons," Hestia said disappearing into flames.

"she was nice," I said.

"chchchch," the skeleton agreed.

"did you wake up from your nap," I asked to which the skeleton responded with a chchch.

...(pov hestia)

it was the day of the winter solstice and Diana was coming. it has already been half a month since I last talked to her and I had to inform Olympus to NOT mess with her.

while I prefer to remain peaceful this is one of the rare occasions that I NEED to use violence.

while everyone was yelling I grabbed Zeus by the ear and yanked him off his throne getting everyone's attention.

"I have something I need to make extremely clear, and if you don't you run the risk of getting destroyed," Hestia told the shocked gods.

"bu-," Apollo tried to say something.

"but nothing. you have no idea the trouble I went into for you guys. now she's coming whether you like it or. be on your best behavior otherwise you will wish you were dead.

do you understand Zeus," Hestia explicitly said?

"yes," he cried out trying to free himself from Hestia's grip but failing to do so.

"Good," she said releasing him and heading back to the hearth upset.


"Hestia help," I cried running into the council with fire right behind me chasing me and my skelebro with fire in her hands.

"What did you do this time," Hestia sighed.

"I tried to make her listen to my music and we were attacked by a horde of zombies," I said moving behind Hestia once again.

"And...?" Hestia questioned.

"she kept squirming in my hands and I threatened to drop her," I squeezed out a confession.

"she's afraid of heights," Hestia exclaimed.

"well, I didn't know that. she then tried attacking me with fire," I said as I carried Hestia away from the fireball heading our way.

"We are immune to fire," she said stopping me in my tracks.

"We are?" I asked confused.

meanwhile, the council was watching this unfold with minor shock, and hades had barely arrived, once Diana saw him she made a beeline for him.

"gloomy, wears pitch black, and had dark circles under his eyes you must be hades, hestia told me about you," I said grabbing his hands and shaking them.

hades were thrown through the wringer, he didn't know who this person was or why she was touching him, but something told him that she was dangerous.

"oh come on any bro of Hestia is a bro to me," I said pulling him into a hug.

"help me," hades struggled to let out as I accidentally crushed him.

"oh sorry, I haven't got used to my strength. I'm used to killing zombies, demons, and sometimes gods/goddesses," I said.

the silence was heard throughout the room, and it stayed like that until I coughed.

"anyways I'm going to sleep with fire, teehee," I said picking up fire and making a hammock, and fire just gave up on struggling and stuck with it.

"what the hades... man that feels weird to say," hades shook his head.

"Indeed brother," Poseidon said.


new chapter. spoilers down below 👇.

The next chapter has some god-slaying in it 🗿. also, two of the stories are going to collide. 🗿🗿