chapter 32

"I live here," I said amused.

"stand down," she said to the soldiers before turning back to me.

"where have you been."

"Well, I have been here for a bit. I also was slaughtering zombies," I said.

"We were sent to this location because of the decreasing amount of the undead. they were dropping faster than the other areas, so we assumed that some mutated beast was to blame," sam informed me.

"ah, that would be because I killed the pig. see there was a pig who was practically unkillable. so once I killed him the area began filling up with zombies, so I began killing them," I told her.

"that would explain it, with your strength and all," sam said shivering.

"it also seems like you got stronger," I said taking a whiff. "tier 6, not bad."

"I'm not even going to question how you know this. you most likely won't tell me," Sam said as she stood up.

"I suppose it should be time for me to visit my sister," I said sitting up.

"she was having a difficult time without you, you know?" sam asked.

"yeah my sister may be many things, but she's not the best when it comes to people," I laughed.

"Indeed, one of her guards passed away... yesterday," sam said before snapping to me who was whistling innocently.

"it was you," she said in shock.

"okay maybe I had a hand in his death, but he shouldn't have been having those thoughts about my sister when he's almost 40, and she's barely 20," I said crossing my hands over my chest.

"...fair," she said.

at this moment fire came out of the shower dressed in the black dress that I had washed. now this woman was the definition of stunning.

"I didn't know we had a guest," sam said.

"Her name is fire... or keeper. that's how I met her, and the name just stuck," I shrugged.

"and she tends to the fire?" asked same.

"yup, and now that I'm the god of the flame I guess she tends to me now," I said, to which fire nodded her head.

"she's warm," was all she said.

"... I guess that makes sense," same said as she headed to the door.

"Are you coming with me," she asked turning to me.

"of course I am. let me get my chains so we can be all dramatic," I said and not even a second later I appeared with chains in my hands.

"what do you want me to do with that," sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"you and your men will tie me up, but not before I do this," I said snapping my fingers and my appearance changed to a zombie.

"This is an illusion, I want to scare my sister a bit," I said with a smile.

"your family will drive me crazy," she said.


"raah," I said acting my part.

I was chained by sam and her soldiers and we made our way through her city.

the guards that were escorting me were also in the joke, but surprisingly they were really good actors.

so was Sam, she had tears coming out of her eyes and fire was hiding in the crowd.

the prank would be relatively funny if performed correctly, but painful if not.

"commander maxis do you know what you did to bring the infected into the sanctuary," a man in an army outfit approached.

"rules or not, director Anna has the right to know,"

"Now you are threatening the public's safety, bringing this vile creature," the man said earning a sock to the face from Sam.

"Watch your mouth, the reason you are still alive is due to her. now take her to the office," Sam said

so they dragged me to the office that happened to the towers that the system had built in the early days of the apocalypse.


death always found Diana's actions funny. her ideas were simply unique.

"something interesting," a voice was heard behind her.

"lady Nasha," I said bowing.

"Relax, I'm just here as a spectator," she said reassuringly.

"Well, Diana is going to be doing a prank on her sister," I said averting my eyes.

"ah yes... Diana. she recently became a traveling companion of Athena did she not?" asked lady Nasha.

"they have crossed paths inside the godly realms, however... your significant other kept getting lost on the way," Death said.

"yes I would imagine so. she has a habit of that," lady Nasha said with a small smile.

"What is the process of the god slayer," she asked turning to me again.

"so far she's barely touched the true amount of gods, and the self-proclaimed "god" has run away and is currently hiding very far from both the godly realms and earth," I informed.

"keep doing good work. you are by far my most loyal subjects," she said disappearing.

when she was gone I wiped the sweat off my forehead and took in a sharp breath.

talking with her is always stressful, one time she erased someone from existence for simply sneezing in her vicinity.

"scary women," death said.


hamburgers or burritos