chapter 33

"We brought her," Sam said dragging me to the front of her desk.

"that's my sister....," Anna asked with sadness in her voice.

I looked up at her and tried biting her. now obviously I wasn't going to actually bite her, but I broke through the chains and when she closed her eyes in acceptance I wrapped my hands around her neck and hugged her.

my disguise fell apart and I started laughing. and she looked at me in shock before she slapped me saying that it wasn't a funny joke.

in hindsight I deserved it. then again I do deserve most stuff. what can I say I definitely deserve the title of the worst kid ever.

there was a time that I had graffiti at my school. I just redecorated the hallways with some art of video games, or books.

what can I say the school needed some remolding anyways. when word got out someone had done it and the school wanted to take it down there was a lot of protest against it.

In the end, I won, and they lost.

or what about that time I accidentally caused someone's death? I dropped my banana peel and a man stepped on it and headed into oncoming traffic.

or what about that time... you get the idea. my worse idea ever was hacking into the PlayStation servers and getting me free access to PlayStation network.

I had people on my ass for a week before they arrested someone who they thought was the culprit. whoever you are, I thank you for your sacrifice.

"where were you," Anna said stomping her foot.

"he//," I said as saying the words distorted my voice.

"I'm almost... 92 percent certain what she said is true. she has that piercing undead scent. moreover, he also has a different smell to her," Sam said saluting in front of my sister.

"yeah... I ran along some compactions on the way back. oh, I also met a friend in hell. she doesn't have a proper name but I just call her fire," I said holding my hand and fire appeared next to me looking confused.

"How did-," she said before getting excited.

"Is this your sister? you used to always used to talk about her in he//.... that's weird, he//," she said before getting confused.

"hell," Sam said.

so I guess because fire and I actually came from he// so we could actually say it properly.

"anyways catch me up on what I missed," I said looking at the paperwork on the desk.

"worm mutant... nothing compared to the tentacles from hell... ooh plant mutant, I could use their cores to power my toaster... oh now THATS interesting," I said pointing towards the


it was a reanimated dire wolf.

It might be only skeletons but I knew its weakness thanks to death.

see Inside the bone somewhere there was a tiny core, and when I say tiny I mean like almost a centimeter.

immortal beast number two found.

"adviser Anna," a woman burst through the door and began yelling.

"what's the situation," Anna snapped to the woman.

"We have a code 3 in stall 13," she said.

"have 404 clean it," Anna said turning back to me

"the western gate is also being attacked," the woman said.

"why didn't you say that before," Anna said pressing the level 5 button.

"say less," I said jumping out the open window.

I used the rooftop as steps and jumped over a couple of houses before rolling to absorb the impact.

I arrived at the west gate and saw heavy modifications to my flimsy gate.

"your making this place smell like death and depression. so get out of here," I said picking up the car and throwing it at the zombies.


Do you know the best thing to ever happen? Diana getting my scythe.

see normally we would sort through the dead individually, or send them to the idle Fields to wait for their judgment.

however, there are certain sins that automatically condemned you to hell.

guess who has supreme reign over death? well... lady Nasha, but after that it's me.

with my scythe, Diana was not only separating souls and sending them to the afterlife but also punishing the guilty.

right now people are getting their deserved afterlife. well.... except for the gods she killed since technically killed them.

although, a word from the shadow realm is that they were going to deal with her soon. can't have her interfering with the necromancer's journey.

see while she may not cross over universes, she can send something that can.


my beloved scythe could go over there and deal with the problem and return back.

however, now that I thought that I realized that the barrier between worlds was set by Nasha, and only Athena had that ability.

I mean she was married to her. you never know with mortals these days, too unpredictable.


hope you enjoyed it.

next update: the all-time gamer.