

“What about you?”

“Huh?” I blinked and looked over at him, slightly embarrassed at being caught in a rabbit hole.

He chuckled, seemingly amused at my distractedness, “Who’s your best friend? I mean, not everyone has to have such a defined label, but everyone should have someone they can trust, someone they can confide in. Elliot, obviously, has been like a brother practically since birth. It doesn’t have to be a situation like that, though. It could be a sibling, new friend, even a parent. Literally anyone.”

I tried not to flinch at the mention of my parents. Even the thought of talking to them set me on edge. They would never care, if they even heard. I found myself looking back down at the desk, knowing that this conversation could easily and quickly change for the worst.

“I do not have a ‘best friend’,” I made sure to include the “best” part of that. Imagine what he would think if he realized just how much of a loner I really am.