Chapter 3 Awaken [Edit]

“Mana Stone, Did the System just say Mana Stone just now?”

Ao Ertian couldn't believe his ears.

[Correct, Does the host want to extract and absorb the Mana Stone?]


Ao Ertian replied without thinking, Mana Stone!

His dream was about to come true. with this Mana Stone. He could unlock his core and become a Wizard!


[Extracting and absorbing -Lv.1 Mana Stone- Completed]

[Modify the body structure to support mana.]

[Congratulations, the host can now use mana.]

[Checking the host stats according to normal measurements... The host's body is a 2-Star Bronze Rank warrior. The host mana capacity and density is a 1-Star Bronze Rank Wizard]

While the system alerts various statuses Ao Ertian now closed his eyes and felt a strange force moving slowly inside his body. It didn't feel bad at all. But it was an unfamiliar feeling.

“Is this, Mana?”

Ao Ertian spoke up before releasing something he could feel inside of his body. His body gradually emitted a pale yellow glow. It was an aura of lightning elemental mana.

“Mana, finally… Finally!! haha"

Ao Ertian laughed with tears flowing down from his eyes.

“The days of hardship have passed. I will become stronger! and rich!”

The first thing Ao Ertian thought of right now was the smiling faces of his father and mother. His home was very poor with his awakened mana. He could bring great fortune to his family. There will be no more day that the two would have to worry about food.

And while he was rejoicing.


[The host has reached the limit that the host body can handle in the second dimension atmosphere. Move back to the original point within 10 9 8…]

Before Ao Ertian was able to say anything. The same thing happened again. Ao Ertian was sent back to his home from the Second Dimension by the system.

“Back to the original place”

Ao Ertian stood still, the surroundings changing too quickly. He felt dizzy.

“Why did the system send me back? and what does it mean that my body has reached the limit?”

[The host has a body that is not strong enough. If the host stays in the Second Dimension longer than his body limit. It will cause the host's body to mutate.]


Ao Ertian of course didn’t want to be mutated.

[In the Second dimension, there is an energy that can modify the structure of the human body. If the host wants to stay there longer. The host needs to upgrade the system.]

“How do I upgrade the system?”

[Not enough resources]

“Okay…So how long can I stay in the Second dimension now?”

[Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes is a safe distance, more than 2 hours is dangerous.]

Ao Ertian nodded before sitting down on the bed. He raised his hand before gathering his energy into his palm. A pale yellow light appeared. It was an indication that there was mana in his body.

“Mana, I finally got it. There is also a system to help me become stronger. 290 credits is worth it.”

Ao Ertian smiled hysterically to himself. 290 credits in exchange for 50k credits. Of course it was very worth it.

And while Ao Ertian was playing with his mana. The door to his room was opened.

“Tian’er, what have you been doing, why didn't you come down to have dinner yet? Wait is that”

A middle-aged woman walked into the room. As she walked in, she saw that Ao Ertian's hand was emitting a pale yellow glow.

“Tian'er, you have mana, your mana has awakened!”

This middle-aged woman was none other than Ao Ertian's biological mother, Xia Lin. She was very happy as if the one who had awakened mana was herself.

Ao Ertian only smiled at his mother. He couldn't tell his mother that. Where did he get the mana from, lest his mother be worried.

“Good news. This is the best news I have ever received. Hurry up and go downstairs. Let's go tell your father and elder sister."

"Elder Sister?"

"Don't you remember? Today is the day that She will come home after receiving her graduation certificate yesterday. She will come straight back home today. She must have missed you very much. To hurry back like this.”

“Ah… that's it, then let's go down.”

This elder sister that Ao Ertian's mother spoke of was named Li Xiyan. An adopted child that she was adopted before he was born.

Li Xiyan was different from everyone in the family. She had the blood of a noble. She was able to awaken her mana at the age of ten. And through many tests, She can be called a genius. There were many institutions that wanted to invite her to join them with a very expensive price. in order for her to cut off ties with her family.

Li Xiyan rejected it immediately and entirely. and choose to walk the difficult path Ao Ertian had great respect for this elder sister.

Ao Ertian and Xia Lin walk downstairs and straight into the dining room.

And when Ao Ertian walked in, He was shocked.


A woman with a beautiful appearance like a goddess. seeing Ao Ertian walk into the dining room, immediately jumped and hugged him.

“I miss Tian'er so much.”

Li Xiyan was now hugging Ao Ertian, not letting go. She missed her younger brother very much. She hugged him as if wanting to merge with him.

“Sister Xiyan I can't breathe.”

Ao Ertian's face was extremely red. Although he had been hugged by Li Xiyan since childhood, now it's different. Ao Ertian was in his teens so there was something going to rise against heaven If she did not let him go.

Li Xiyan hugged Ao Ertian's head. Her soft breasts smashed against his face causing him to choke.

"Oh, sorry, I missed Tian'er a lot. So I can’t control it"

Li Xiyan hurriedly released Ao Ertian from her embrace. Ao Ertian's face was extremely red.

“Tian'er, are you okay?"

Li Xiyan hurriedly touched Ao Ertian's forehead lightly. However, after she touched Ao Ertian's forehead, She could feel some power.

“Tian'er, you have awakened your mana! It is also at the level of 1-Star Bronze Rank wizard!”

Li Xiyan was shocked. The power she could feel from Ao Ertian right now was definitely the power of a bronze rank wizard. Even though his strength was much weaker than hers. But how many people could have awakened mana?

“Yes I have. and it was just a minute ago.”

Ao Ertian replied quietly.

“Awaken just a minute ago? The power had just woken up but was already at the level of a bronze wizard. This is not normal.”

When Li Xiyan heard what Ao Ertian had said, She was stunned. Usually, most of the people who just awoke their mana only had a small amount of it. But for Ao Ertian it was very strange. Ao Ertian's Mana was much more intense and concentrated than usual.

“Isn't that good?”

“No, it was very good but you need to be careful okay”

Ao Ertian, who was afraid that it would be bad, let out a sigh of relief.

He knew there was much more to it but she didn’t tell him. She must have reasons.