Chapter 4 Room of the Sage

“Alright, it's a good thing Tian'er has awakened his mana. But right now we should pay attention to what we are going to do the most first. Let's have dinner.”

The middle-aged man spoke up, interrupting the three. The middle-aged man was sitting on the head chair reading a newspaper in his hand.

Although he was very happy, he would not show it. This middle-aged man was Ao Yihao, the father of Ao Ertian.

Hearing Ao Yihao said

The trio stopped talking about mana. and immediately sat down to eat together.

The four of them had not had a meal together for a long time. adding to the good news. The four couldn't help but chat happily while eating.

“It's true, Tian'er, tomorrow is the start of the school day. Does Tian'er want to go to school or do you want to stop by the Central Hall to measure level first?”

Li Xiyan asked Ao Ertian with a smile.

She was also going to measure her mana too. It would be great if there was someone to accompany her so that she would not feel lonely.

A few years of studying far away from home had made her so lonely. If possible, she didn't want to be separated from Ao Ertian, her cute little brother for a second.

“I think I'll go and measure the mana level before I go to school. If possible, I would also like to accept the mission.”

"Accepting a mission... Wouldn't it be too soon? Although according to the law, They would accept people at the age of eighteen or above. But I've never seen anyone take a mission at such a young age. The youngest was twenty two or twenty three years. Like Yan'er, Mother wasn't worried. But Tian'er only turned eighteen a few days ago.”

Xia Lin immediately spoke up when she heard that Ao Ertian wanted to accept the mission.

“Mom, don't worry. I definitely don't accept missions that are too difficult and dangerous. You can also let Sister Xiyan go to do missions with me if mother is worried. Sister Xiyan, what do you say?”

“Mom, don't worry. I'll take care of Tian'er myself."

Li Xiyan could not even refuse Ao Ertian's request. She will do anything her brother wants. She was always spoiling him.

This caused Xia Lin to have a headache many times.

"No mean no"

This time, the person who spoke up was not Xia Lin or Li Xiyan. But it is Ao Yihao. Everyone turned to look at him. Ao Yihao's expression was very serious right now. The atmosphere immediately became tense.

“I understand."

Ao Ertian sighed.

“Good, wait until you can use your mana fluently before accepting the mission. But now your Mana is just woken up. not yet used to it. Going beyond the walls can be dangerous and stupid.”

After eating together, Ao Yihao got up before walking into the room, dressed in his usual uniform, and walked out of the room.

“Isn’t today your day off?"

“Just now I called the factory and asked to do overtime.”

“Overtime? Why did you make such a sudden decision?”

“Now Tian'er has awakened the mana within himself. He needed the money in the beginning. All I could do right now was to make more money to help him. Even if it's a little, it's better than nothing.”

Xia Lin heard this, her eyes became red. Ao Yihao was worried about his son the most , even though he was always scolding Ao Ertian. He still loves his very much

Ao Ertian who now had a strength of the 2-star Bronze rank fighter,

Just this house, he could already hear everything from every nook and cranny. upon hearing what his father said Ao Ertian couldn't hold back his tears either. He was really lucky to be born with such a warm family.

“Dad, Mom. I will make sure to give you two of what you deserve.”

Ao Ertian made a promise to himself. before turning back to the bedroom. so that tomorrow he will wake up early and start what he wants to do

The first step towards a better future

And after that Ao Ertian had already entered the bedroom at the end of the walkway of the second floor. Li Xiyan stood there smiling. She looked at Ao Ertian's room with a meaningful smile.

After everyone has finished their own activities. Ao Yihao is the only person who works outside the house. The rest of the family went to sleep with a new hope for tomorrow.

[The system is closed for maintenance. Proceed into 3D training mode.]

while Ao Ertian was lying on the bed. The system's voice resounded in his head once again. Ao Ertian slowly opened his eyes. found that he was no longer where he was.

“Where is this place? Is it the second dimension?"

Ao Ertian asked the system.

But no matter how many times he asked, the system would not reply to him. It was as if the system had never existed before.

"What happened?”

Ao Ertian started to feel worried. He tried to recall the last message the system alerted.

“It seems to say that it is closed for maintenance. and Enter 3D mode..."

Ao Ertian tilted his head back and forth. What is 3D mode? He only sighed. At this moment, the place where he was standing was extremely strange.

He was in a room with no doors or windows. But the room was bright in itself. The room where Ao Ertian was in was a large room. The walls and floors were made of light brown stone. Ao Ertian took a good look. The area he was standing on was similar in appearance to an arena.

“So what am I going to do here? I wouldn't have to fight a monster in the arena, right?”

Don't knowing what to do, Ao Ertian walked around. Notice that there are strange letters written on the wall. He couldn't read it, but even though he couldn't read, he understood some words without him knowing how he could understand them.

"It's fun. Let's play with them to kill some time before the system starts again."

Ao Ertian had now found something to kill time. He slowly remembered word by word, he understood the meaning of these words

Three hours later, Ao Ertian was still playing around with strange letters. until he could read the full sentence of it

He recited it in a strange language. His mouth moved in accordance with the pronunciation. and as soon as he finished speaking Ao Ertian suddenly felt a strange fizziness. His light yellow mana appeared before turning into gold color. Ao Ertian's breath emitted a smoky vapor.

Shocked, Ao Ertian flickered his hands to the side. The golden mana in his hand was extended into a string. caressing the ground beside him in a semicircle and when that golden mana touches the stone floor

*Fing!! *

On the ground appeared a sharp lightning spear stretching across a semicircle. It quickly spiked out of the ground.

[Congratulations, you have learned to use lightning-elemental mana.]

[Getting skill -Lv.1 Lightning Spear-]

[The system had created the shortcut usage and directly transferred to the host knowledge. The host does not need to chant to cast the spell next time.]

[System maintenance is complete]

[Host can use [Room of the Sage] again tomorrow.]