As humanity on Earth struggles with the decay of society, immortal beings and visitors from other worlds fight against dark forces in a millenniums old struggle against good and evil.
The congregation sat frozen like statues in the church, and a few whispering people suddenly fell silent. The air was thick with nervous tension as if a tidal wave was about to hit the building.
Then the door opened from the office hall way and he came in. Swaggering from side to side like a bank building in the wind, his huge head turning slowly to regard his congregation, the pastor moved toward the podium with his belly pushing out under his shirt and over his pants.
Standing like a tower of power over the people in the room, actually three feet over them because of the stage, he looked out into the room, his face tense with power and authority...or something. He took a moment to pause, intentionally throwing a bit more fear into the people and exalting himself a bit more as they sat in nervous silence before him.
His voice boomed into the room and he swaggered back and forth on the stage as he spoke. "I'm gonna tell ya how IT IS!" He shouted, his voice booming, filled with authority and conviction.
Faces stared, mouths slightly open, no one daring to move or think as the mountain of God walked back and forth letting them all know that hell and damnation waited for anyone who did not walk THIS WAY! The way he knew, the way God had personally showed him.
Here, a young person squirmed in his seat needing to pee, there a mother rocked her baby in hope the child would not make any noise to mar the cloud of authority emanating from Pastor Ed, God's handpicked servant, his anointed leader whose place in heaven was assured, to judge the sinners he condemned for an hour on the stage.
When the ceremony was over, the people got up and stormed for the door like a stampede, and within minutes the parking lot was like a ghost town without tumble weeds as the people went to restaurants, bars, home to smoke some hidden weed, you know, the us'al.
The next morning the pastor stood in court and faced a judge. Oopsie, he was going to need someone to fill in for a bit. The judge looked down at the pastor who just glared back at him. How dare he say this to a MAN OF GOD!
"Mr. Lairre, while you may think you were amusing yourself by chasing Miss Mikel down the road with your finger in the air beside her car screaming obscenities, the state has laws in place to prevent bullying. Miss Mikel tried to avoid confrontation by pulling off the road and you stopped and waited for her. You were very serious about bullying her, and you almost ran her car off the road."
The judge bounced his papers on the desk as he continued.
"This is not your first time, so with regard to your record of bullying, I am sending you to six months confinement. I doubt it will change your attitude but at least it will keep the streets safe for a while."
"I am a man of God and God forbids the kind of behavior..."
"Mr. Lairre God would not approve of your bullying behavior either. Sentence is confirmed, next case."
Officers escorted Pastor Lairre from the room as he shook his head and his son got up and sighed. He'd have to manage the church for a bit and tell them dad had to go take care of some business out of town, possibly starting another church...yeah! That would work!
What the judge did not know was that things were only going to start getting interesting.
Outside, a big black man with a shaved head in a purple suit was sitting back in his luxury car checking his texts and smiling at a woman wearing gobs of make-up and fish nets standing on the corner. Business was good. He was overlord and guardian of the streets, projects, urban communities, the man with eyes and ears everywhere, the man you did not cross unless you wanted to find yourself staring at cement, a chain saw, or worse.
His associates called him Papa Daddy, and his big bear paw and smile meant one thing, all would be well as long as you knew, he owned you. You make the money and keep him happy and all would be well. Otherwise, if you got smart or stupid, it would be a closed casket funeral or cremation.
A mile behind him on the same street was a woman with a stern, steely face and a square jaw who slammed her fist down on the podium and declared "let the crim'nals know, it's over, we're commin' for you!"
Now of course she had made that statement a time or two before and people rolled their eyes and waved it off. Those big six guns on her hips were cap guns from Mattel, not canons going to bring crime to its knees. The gang leaders didn't even watch her telecasts.
How long had it been? Thousands of years, government after government, crime, poverty, war, violence? More people more problems. Seems those six guns didn't shoot too straight no matter who wore them.
In the center of town by the old manufacturing plant now a film studio, Rose got out of bed in her apartment, and looked outside. She didn't see any signs of the black car so she tugged at the girl laying next to her with disheveled blonde hair.
"Wake up Kat, we have to get out of here now!"
Kat rolled over with unexpected speed and opened her eyes. "I'm ready."
The two girls threw on jump suits and tennis shoes quickly and hurried down the stairs, out back and into an old family sedan that had seen better days. The paint was damaged and the body had dints and dings, the kind of thing that didn't attract attention around here and might not catch the eye of Papa Daddy's thugs when they kept track of who came and went.
Rose started the engine and the yellow check engine light came on again and the engine died. Her heart racing, she tried again and the car ran. They got out of the parking lot and drove through traffic to the sign that said YOU ARE NOW LEAVING ARBEDGE, PLEASE COME AGAIN.
"Well the car ran well enough to get us out of town." Kat said.
"Let's hope before it conks out for good we can make it to my dad's place. We should be able to try and figure something out."
"You think Papa Daddy will still come looking for us?"
Rose looked sad. "Probably. We made him too much money. But we can at least make the effort. I couldn't stand another day of dirty, bearded egos on two legs pawing all over me and stinking of machinery and truck yards. Bunch of animals."
Kat nodded. Being his pet wasn't the great gift from God that he thought it was."
"More like a curse." Rose replied.
The old sedan drove out of town and the girls felt better with every mile it drove, hearing it sputter and pop now and then, but still going. Rose had given nine hundred dollars for the car in the hopes that a car with old tags, that looked ugly, might be the best ferry out of having to work for Papa Daddy in his clubs.
Rose was just into her twenties, long black hair, opposite Kat's thick blonde hair and had gotten tired of the county life and gone to Arbedge originally to sing, but then she found out that trying to be a club performer or gigging in Arbedge meant you dealt with the huge, shaven headed form of Papa Daddy who controlled all the entertainment, and soon enough her life, like Kat's, had spiraled out of control and they had been turned into the meat that was feasted on by the hard-workers of the town, the men who thumped their chests and thought they were gods because Arbedge boasted a sweat drenched, dirt crusted drilling operation outside of town where most of them worked. Young and attractive, they drew the men, and women, like ants to sugar, but endured the torture like prisoners as every day got more and more sickening in the circus of horror's that was simply to make money for the organization.
Cursing, vulgarity, sexual deviance of every form, filth and squalor that was wallowed in by lowlifes was the jungle Arbedge offered, with a trail of money leading to Papa Daddy and his slew of lawyers, cops and politicians that kept trouble off his back. One of the judges was an old man with a gritty voice who got Christmas "gifts" from both Pappa Daddy and Ed Lairre, and he was great at finding ways to keep these men from jail, regardless of their offenses. Oopsie, he didn't get Ed this time, dammit.
Rose just wanted to take a step back, and so did Kat, her only friend, an ex-junkie she wanted to save from the Arrogant One, and her dad welcomed the chance for her to come back to the dry roads and tall trees that hopefully would give her safety for a time from Papa daddy and his loyal gun toting minions. Hopefully, maybe.
As Rose drove down the road she saw the sky turn gloomy ahead of her, then boil with black clouds and lightning. Kat looked worried.
"Does this thing have working wipers?"
"Yeah, the best stereo wire can make. I'd rather sleep in leaks than stop moving."
"No doubt. I'm actually not shaking anymore."
The two girls exchanged and encouraging hand squeeze and Kat was about to thank Rose for bringing her when they spotted a figure on the road.
The figure was a man, in a long fancy black coat that looked like something out of a cosplay convention. His hair waved in the wind, long rock star locks going down his back and he sported black boots and a fancy shirt and pants like something out of the pirate days. Kat and Rose giggled a bit as they passed, and the man looked at them and kept going.
"Searching for his ship!" Kat laughed.
The two girls drove on till the highway melted into trees and open fields, then as they drove, the car jerked and the light began to flash. Rose spotted a small diner and decided to pull in just in case the car would not keep going. Kat looked worried and squirmed in her seat.
As Rose pulled up in front of the seedy little diner between pickup trucks and jeeps, the engine kicked and died. Rose tried to restart it and with several pops it started and ran rough.
"Shit, shit, SHIT!" Rose cursed.
"How much farther we gotta go?"
"About twenty eight miles."
"Ok, well if it'll do it alright, if not, fuckin' walk, I don't care!"
Rose nodded. "Ok, let's get something to eat. I'm wrecked."
The two girls walked into the diner, and as they walked in the door, the same dread hit them that they got from clubs in Arbedge. Around them were tables filled with fat bikers and truckers, beards, long hair, and the smell of road in the air. The men turned and regarded them, and some grinned and muttered.
"Shit, shit, shit." Kat whispered.
The two girls nervously sat down and waited at a table, but as Rose was about to comment that they could eat and get out, the waitress showed up and she was almost scared. The waitress had a stone square face and looked like a man. She handed them menus and said in a baritone voice "Watchew waunt to drink, babeh doll?"
"I'll take Sprite. Your breakfast meal there, number five looks fine."
Kat nodded. "Yeah, me too!"
"Sho thang. I'll hook ya right up."
The waitress walked away, her broad shoulders bent as she swaggered behind the counter.
"Should we just leave?" Kat asked.
Rose looked around. "Let's give it a minute so we don't look too obvious. I want the car to cool a bit so the chances of it starting are better."
In a few minutes their food arrived and Rose gave the waitress...thing cash and began to eat nervously. She saw the men glancing at them and still talking and laughing and she knew they were watching.
As she ate, Rose felt the day take a very mysterious turn. The man in the long coat walked into the diner. The other patrons turned and stared at him, and many began to laugh openly. At one table, a big huge man with a neck like a tree trunk was sitting with two boys and he shook his head. "Yo ho ho!" He mocked. Kat and Rose stared at the man as he sat down at the bar in his long coat and were glad he was taking the attention off of them. He casually ordered coffee and the management ignored the men as they kept mocking him.
"Waitin' fer yer ship to come in?" The fat man asked and the two boys with him laughed.
The man looked at them and then returned to his coffee. In a moment, one of the boys came over faking enthusiasm and sat next to the man.
"Hey, whereja get that nifty coat? I'd like to have one just like it!"
The man drank his coffee. "I've had it for a long time. It's not your style."
The other were laughing as the man continued. "That coat get you laid?"
The man looked at him for a moment. "I've got better things to do than to get the minister's niece pregnant then force her to have an abortion and get daddy there to threaten her to keep her quiet."
The young man stared angrily and Kat exchanged glances with Rose as they realized he had just told this man something he should not have known. The young man stomped back to his table and the big man turned to the stranger.
"You think you're funny?"
"Evidently you think I am. You really should give back all the merchandise you've been stealing from the people you loan money to and claim they never repay. Not nice to steal."
The fat man glared and Rose got up and went out with Kat before things could get ugly.
She got in the car and turned the key and the car spun, but would not start and the starter kept hanging up.
Rose was angry now and she smacked the wheel and begged the car to start as three men came out and grinned, walking toward them. Kat was terrified.
The starter hung up and banged and Rose sat, trying desperately to think how to get out of this worse situation. As she sat, the men gathered around the car and grinned at the windows.
"Well hay, sweetie pie!" One of them said. "You need a ride? You give me one I give you one!" He mocked, and Rose felt tears welling up.
She tried the key one more and the starter jerked but would not turn and she realized, if the car quit here, they were finished. Heaven knew what these hicks would do to them. As she breathed fast in terror, out of the door came the stranger, his coat flying, with the three others behind him. He strode toward the car and pushed past them as he came up to the window.
The hillbillies hooted and shouted, mocking him as he calmly looked through the window and said "let me get in your car." Rose looked at him and desperately hoped this one freakishly strange man might save them in some way, and she unlocked the door as the men taunted around them, yelled insults and the big fat man glared.
"Lookie lookie, pirate man is going to save the two bitches!" He yelled.
The stranger got in the car and hit the key, and the car started. He then shifted it into gear and it jerked forward and the fat man dodged it, kicking it as the stranger drove past him. "You cock sucker, you almost hit me!" He shouted.
Rose's hopes that the episode was about to end were dashed as the car coughed to the street, the man looked in the rear view mirror and began to drive, with two truckloads of hicks roaring out behind them.
Kat and Rose huddled together in the passenger seat as the man drove silently, almost seeming to let the hicks catch up, and they roared down the road with a pickup truck full of men on each side of the car, screaming and mocking, some of them throwing beer bottles.
With a truck on each side, the sedan moved down the road, the stranger calmly ignoring the mocking till he suddenly punched the pedal to the floor.
The old sedan stopped coughing and the engine roared to life as Kat and Rose looked, in stunned silence.
Hurtling down the road, the sedan led the two trucks as they struggled to catch up, and the stranger looked in the mirror. "Nighty night, my inbred friends." He said calmly. Suddenly there was the sound of metal crunching and the two girls looked back to see the two trucks spilling into the dirt, throwing the men everywhere.
The sedan continued on and the man pulled over and looked at the girls. "If you want, one of you can get in back. Seems you're a bit crowded. My name is Protos by the way."
"We're Katherine and Rose. Thanks for your help." Rose replied. "Howwww...did...yooooooouuuuuuu?" Kat said. Protos just smiled.
Back in Arbedge, in a large, ornate antique chair in a plush office filled with expensive furniture sat the huge, bald figure of Papa Daddy looking at a stone faced man in his forties and a casual business suit. Alone in the office with his friendly enforcer, Papa daddy got up and slowly began to pace as he smoked a cigar.
"I'm an unhappy man, Bruthah. Ask me why I'm an unhappy man."
"Why are you an unhappy man, Papa Daddy?"
"Oh, you so polite askin' me that. I'm feelin' so down cause two of my bitches done insulted me by runnin' off."
"That's sad."
"It is. Now you can ask me how we goin' fix that so I can be happy again."
"How are we going to make you happy again, Papa Daddy?"
Papa Daddy smiled.
The mayor stood six three in her shiny wet look high heels and her stern face radiated authority as she stepped out of her car, flanked by six security guards with dark glasses and hard edged looks. It was muscle flexing time in Arbedge, time to make a big noise as the thugs and gangsters around town smoked, laughed and watched the show on television for entertainment purposes. She addressed the camera and spoke boldly and powerfully as the people at home nodded in approval of her no nonsense points.
"For way too long the city has been plagued by violence and crime, drugs, prostitution and worst of all gun crime. It's time for it to STOP! JUST STOP! Right here and now, end of story. There is no excuse for this nonsense, and starting with a package of new gun control legislation we are going to take back our streets and make Arbedge a peaceful place to raise your kids and make a home again!"
While attention spans flagged, the mayor went on to slam down her shoe and declare it was OVER! "We're comin'............................for you!"
She then strolled into a large room filled with a crowd of cheering supporters who applauded and yelled, and drinks, food and photos filled the air. Behind them a large car rolled down the road, stopped in front of the building.
The mayor ate cake and drank a large something out of a glass and talked at length of how gun ownership was a plague caused by people who used personal protection as an excuse to keep the flow of guns alive in town.
As she spoke, the double doors to the gala opened and in strolled Papa Daddy flanked by a handful of heavily armed men and as they came in, the security guards went for their guns. There was a roar of gun fire, screaming people running for the exits and the mayor standing, eyes wide, as her guards lay wounded or dead on the floor, and in the middle of thirty seconds of carnage the big black man came lumbering toward the mayor with a smile. He raised a hand and snapped, and was presented a cigar, which his assistants lit, and he came up and blew smoke in her face. He scooped up some cake, downed a drink and stood in front of the mayor.
"Well hello deh!" Papa Daddy said with a smile as his men stood by with their guns smoking. I jus' seen that speech, and mah, oh MAH you can talk, some SHIT! Mattah o fact I ain't nevah seen no bitch talk shit like you do!"
The mayor stared silently as Papa Daddy shook his head and smiled.
"Oh I agree! We got a problem with gun violence and shit in the city, big time and I think we need to do sumthin', NOW!"
Papa Daddy came over and looked in the mayor's face. "I know what ahm gon do, I'm gon shoot the shit outta any muthuh fugga that think they gon think about steppin' outta line! Hey-ell YEAH, THAT'S WHAT I'M GON DO."
He got close to the mayor as she stood and glared helplessly.
"Let me tell you somethin, bitch. I own this town and everything and ever buddy in it." He licked icing off his fingers and got close to her face again. "I own you too. Now you go an do yo thang, and tell all them sum bitches out there to hand in their guns for a gift certificate, but you keep in mind.........I'm boss in this town...nobody but me. ME!"
Papa Daddy glared at the mayor. "You got that? Good."
Papa Daddy strolled out the front door with his head in the air as sirens filled the air and in moments he was gone and police and medical units filled the building. In his car, Papa Daddy sat next to his friend from his office and smiled.
"Well Lenny, ask me how I'm feelin' now."
Lenny laughed. "How you feelin', Pappa Daddy?"
"I'm feelin' fine, almost. I'm gon feel real fine when you go after them two bitches that ran this mornin', bring em back so we can have a little chat. Now you bring em back alive, but that don’t mean it gotta be clean, you know what I'm sayin? That Rose bud got a daddy out in the country in redneck town. You go put some sense in em and bring Rose bud back to me, you heah?"
Lenny smiled.
The mayor sat shivering in both shock and rage by an ambulance and watched her security guards carried away. She did not look at her personal assistant, a man in his early fifties with a gravelly voice, but she spoke between clenched teeth. "I want to know when he gets his next shipment, and where. I will not stand for him massacring people during a speech then walking out puffing his fucking cigar like a god. Are we clear?"
"Very." He replied.
Miles down the road at that moment the sedan made its way up a drive way in the green, lush country and Rose got out with Kat and before they could stand up straight Rose's mother and father came out, arms wide and began extending hugs as if they had not seen their daughter and her friend in centuries. Rose was nearly in tears of both joy and fear, wondering if she had made a costly mistake by coming home. Her fear turned to fascination as she politely told her parents "this guy helped us get this car here, his name is Protos...uh, just"
"Protos." He smiled. The others watched fascinated as Rose's father walked toward Protos, extended his hand and just stared for a moment and nodded, obviously thinking very hard.
"Protos. I'm Bill and this is my wife Vickie. I'm very pleased to welcome you into my home sir. I would assume you are here on business."
Protos nodded. I have business, but it has nothing to do with you. Is it okay if I stay a day or two?"
Bill nodded slowly, thoughtfully. "I would absolutely be honored with your presence."
Rose stared for a moment then spoke. "The car quit and somehow he got it going again. He really saved our butts."
"Oh I'm sure he did." Bill replied.
Rose and Kat exchanged puzzled looks and Rose realized there was a lot she did not know about this man.
Protos stood with his long overcoat and pirate clothes but Bill was very glad to welcome him to dinner.
Rose showered and changed clothes and shook a little as she looked in the mirror then sat down on the toilet and Kat came in and sat with her for a moment.
"So any theories as to who the pirate is? He gets in a sick car and it suddenly runs like mad and with a glance he causes two truckloads of human garbage to have a nasty wreck. Obviously this guy is something odd."
Maybe, Kat but I hope he has some idea how to keep Papa Daddy from sending his evil children after us. You know he isn't going to just let us run off. He thinks he owns the world."
"I know." Kat replied sadly. "Maybe we should leave right away."
"I agree but I don't know where to go. Maybe we should get dad's guns."
Kat replied sadly "we can't stand against professional thugs."
"Maybe not but if we don't do something, they won't go away."
The two girls walked slowly to the dinner table and saw dinner cooking. Vickie welcomed them into the kitchen and as they sat down to talk, Protos and Bill were outside. Bill smiled and looked at Protos.
"There's so many things I'd like to ask you." Bill said. Protos smiled.
"You're a kind hearted quiet man, Bill. Don't worry yourself. Your business is to keep taking care of your wife and this place. There is a lot of evil that must be dealt with, powerfully."
"So how did you come across Rose?"
"I was on my way when she had car trouble and a bunch of gutter garbage decided it was fun time. They needed a lesson in humility."
"I wish I coulda seen it."
Protos laughed.
Dinner was pleasant and cheerful and Rose got the distinct sense that Protos had not accidentally found her on the run. He vanished after they finished eating and she fell into bed in her room and was asleep before she could think about it.
Many miles away, Lenny was in his room getting ready to take a fun trip. He groomed his hair, adjusted his suit, and took out his favorite gun and rubbed it down. He wouldn't need it of course, not against some dim witted kid, but it was fun to carry because his reputation as Papa Daddy's enforcer meant that anyone who saw his gun...or him, knew it was checkout time from Earth Hotel.
Before going, Lenny decided to take a couple of friends along and he went down to the Dimension club to get some information and have a drink.
Lenny was the sharp dressed man, but he only had two sets of associates, one of them breathing and the other not, since a date with his torch, chainsaw, or the lake had canceled their respiratory system, depending on what they had done to piss off the big man. His friends were laughing or screaming depending on the orders of the day.
The club was busy, and Lenny walked in and saw Papa Daddy sitting in a booth with several women wearing ounces of clothing around him. He nodded to Lenny who came over and sat down and some girl he would forget ten minutes later began snuggling with him. Papa Daddy smiled and said "you broads gon take of this man befo he go on a trip. He my big boy. You steal from me, you lie to me, you fuck me around and Lenny gon hurt you bad."
Papa Daddy was about to comment on the girl on the pole when heads turned and amidst the room filled with drugged up, drunk girls and boys, the odd figure of a man came strolling into the room. He wore a long coat with designs on it and he casually walked up and stood looking at the group from about twenty feet away. Papa Daddy stood up and walked up to him.
" Some pirate fantasy sex fantasy muthah fugga?"
"My name is Protos. I am an immortal visiting your corrupt little planet to do some cleanup, starting with this city you claim to own."
Papa Daddy laughed thunderously as did Lenny and the girls. "You're a fuckin who?"
"I have merely to give you one warning and if you fail to heed it I deal with you."
Papa Daddy laughed again. "You gon warn ME!?"
"You can shut down your murder and whoring business or you will be put out of business by me in the next days’ time. I will be paying you one more visit, much less friendly and your business partners won't like it either."
Papa Daddy got in Protos's face. "Is that a fuckin'.........fact?"
Protos looked him in the eyes. "That is indeed a fact."
Everyone got quiet and Papa Daddy stared at Protos. There was a moment of silence and Papa Daddy turned to his four huge bouncers and said "entertain us and fuck this guy up."
The first man lunged at Protos with a pool cue and Protos's eyes glowed blue and the cue struck him and bounced off. It then became a snake, and lashed out biting the man as he screamed and the guests backed off with gasps of horror. The snake bit the man, then wrapped around his throat and squeezed. The man exploded and sent body parts flying.
Papa Daddy stood up suddenly "What the FUCK.......!"
The second man grabbed Protos by the throat and Protos waved his hand and sent the man flying into the sound system which exploded in sparks and flame as the guests ran out of the club. Protos walked toward the front door and the two remaining men ran after him, pulling guns. Both of them began to smoke, then glow red, then as the guests scrambled to get away from the scene, the men exploded. Lenny got up and pulled his gun. He aimed it at Protos's back and the gun exploded, shattering his hand and sending pieces of metal through him. He fell to the ground as Protos walked out of the club, waved his hand and sent a bolt of lightning that exploded in a massive fireball as Papa Daddy and his friends ran outside. Protos vanished into the night as Papa Daddy stood screaming in rage.
With eyes like a possum, close together behind a pointy nose and narrow chin, Papa Daddy's little doer of dirty deeds cheap had earned the nickname Rat from the rest of the thugs in the empire.
Rat was a well-trained and highly experienced thug who had risen to the point in Papa Daddy's army that he stood before him now, as the very angry man glared at him and a small collection of thugs in his living room at home.
"Papa ain't a happy man." He hissed. Some sumbitch come into my club and start shit, throwin people and fire around. He say he comin' back. We gon have a party. He had some parlor tricks up his sleeve, like a magician. We'll see how his magic do the next time.
"What do you need done, bawse?" Rat asked. Papa Daddy got up and squeezed his shoulder.
"Now you see, muthah fugguhs, that's the kind of attitude I like. Right on it, don’t waste no time. I'm gon tell you what Papa want. I want you to take your favorites and go out to a country place and bring me back two bitches Lenny was gon get befoe that magician blew his hand off."
Papa Daddy walked over to a tall black man with a smooth face and adjusted his tie for him. "And you, you one of the smartest people I got. You put me together a nice party for that sumbitch, because he said he was comin back real soon, and you know what that means?"
"It means he wants to crash the arrival of the guns and ammunition we got comin to the Lascoe Warehouse."
"That's right, so he can show his magic to our business contacts, and I want a bigger magic show fo the lunatic sumbitch. You ready?"
"All ready, Papa Daddy."
"Good. He wants to make a big splash. We gon be ready for this Protos bitch. Now let's go see how much its gon take to clean up my club."
As they prepared to walk out of the room, one of the young thugs nervously approached Papa Daddy.
"You know boss..."
"What is it? Spit it out!"
"That guy say his name was Protos."
"So? Whatchew know about it?"
"Well, down at the library on display in the mythology section is a sword that is 'sposed to kill guys like him, I seen it when I was studying in high school."
"And you can get to it?" Papa daddy said thoughtfully?"
"I can go in tomorrow and with a little persuasion I can get it."
Papa Daddy stood silent with one hand out stretched and his fingers rounded as if holding an invisible drink and the other flat.
"Whachew doin, bawse?" The young man asked.
"My right hand is waitin' fuh that sword, and my left got a nice little bonus for you when I get it!"
The young man smiled and laughed.
The mayor's phone rang s she sat in her office reading e mails and a voice on the other end said "Papa Daddy has a shipment of guns coming in to the old Lascoe Warehouse."
She smiled. "Excellent. I want eyes on that place day and night if we have to chain people down."
"No problem, boss."
Meanwhile out in the country, Rose was sitting on the porch of her house when her mother came out and sat down.
"You look so sad."
"I'm wondering how much trouble I got you into coming here."
"Don't worry about that, Rose, I want you and your friend to bunk down and try to pull your lives together. Where is her family?
Rose shook her head. "She left her house because her mom lived single in a trailer and social services was going to take all the kids. She left to go make some money and she got stuck with Papa Daddy."
"Then you two need to stay here and try to go to school or something and take a new path."
"But mom, sooner or later, someone is going to come!"
"We'll figure it out." Vickie replied. "But running is going to be an unending journey that won't solve anything."
Rose nervously hugged her mom and Kat joined them on the porch. Bill came out and simply smiled.
In the next few hours the two girls sat down and looked into schools and discussed what they could do to put their lives on track as Bill and Vickie smiled and went on with their daily routines.
There was no sign of Protos, and Bill concluded he must have gone about his business and left, and while he understood, he worried about what would happen if that gangster in Arbedge decided to do what Rose feared and come for the girls. Surely two young girls weren't that important...were they?
The sun turned red on the edge of the field and shadows from the trees grew long....and a van came down the road and parked in the dark. Rat sat at the wheel and grinned.
"Time to have some fun." He said.
Bill had finished helping clean the kitchen in the house and sat down to watch television as Rose and Katherine went into Rose's old bedroom and stretched out on the bed to talk. The talked turned to lazy, dreamy talk then trailed off into sleep.
Rose woke suddenly to find Kat, wide eyed, terrified, shaking her, and the sound of yelling in the kitchen. She slid out of bed and heard a voice which turned her blood to ice and she stood frozen in terror. She recognized the sound of Rat, one of Papa Daddy's sleazy street boys and she walked down the hallway toward the kitchen to find Bill and Vickie tied up with two other thugs grinning over them.
"Well, if it ain't little ole Rosebud!" Rat mocked.
"Just leave my mom and dad alone. I'll fucking go with you."
"Oh I know you will baby doll, and yo li'l sweet thang behind you with all them boo hoo tears! But we can't have mama and daddy all in the way now can we, snooks?"
"Fine, just take me back to deal with him then, dammit."
You got that right. Now you and blondie just get on your knees and shut the fuck up."
Kat was crying as the two girls sat own and the thugs zip tied their hands. Bill just looked at Rat. "I don't think this is going to turn out quite the way you expect."
Rat got in Bill's face. "You got somethin planned? You a big ex CIA operative or a special forces dude gonna get up and start beatin' the shit out of me and my boys?"
Bill shook his head. "Nope. I'm just a tired old man sitting here while you ruin your life."
Rat laughed and his thugs laughed with him. "Ruin my life? Hey daddy, you know how much I make in a week? We got a market for drugs, gun, girls, you fucking name it. I make more in a week than your 401 from the army, old man!"
"I never served in the army."
Rat got in his face once more and mocked, "I don't give a shit what you did!"
Rat drug the two girls out of the house into the dark, crying and stumbling as they went and Bill held Vickie's hand as they sat tied to chairs.
Rat stood and waited as his thugs poured gas on the porch and he ignited two road flares. Rose screamed. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD JUST TAKE US!!"
Rat laughed. "I didn't say shit. You did."
Rat threw the road flare and the house began to burn furiously as Bill and Vickie held hands. Rose and Kat sobbed and screamed as they were thrown into the back of the van and Rat turned up the radio blasting loud and began to drive away.
The flames flew high into the air and the house was blazing, bellowing smoke, when the smoke twirled around and the figure of Protos walked toward the house out of the darkness. Protos raised his hands and the flames began to shrink down as Bill and Vickie coughed inside. The flames got smaller and smaller and the fire died as the van vanished into the night.
Protos walked into the house and Bill looked at him. "I had a funny feeling I hadn't seen the last of you, my friend."
Protos looked at the bonds, and they crumbled away, freeing Vickie and Bill who got up out of their chairs.
Protos smiled. "You should tidy up a bit."
He vanished suddenly and Bill smiled. "Better than the movies!" He joked.
Down the road, Rat was driving fast and singing to the radio as the figure of a man in a long coat suddenly appeared in his headlights and the engine on the van died. Rat's attempts to restart the van failed and Rat got out with his thugs and walked toward the figure.
"You on drugs or something, pirate man?"
One of the thugs laughed. "That's the piece of shit from the club that thinks he's a magician!"
The thugs drew their guns and Protos said calmly "you don't want to do that, boys."
Protos walked up to the men and stood close.
"Robby Thomas, known as Rat to his friends, dad was a hard core alcoholic, mom was a junkie. You ran away from home and Papa Daddy took you to run his guns to local gangs. You swallowed your dignity and did as he told you. Pete and John, you both took up being gangsters because you didn't see any hope and now you do what he says out of fear."
The boys were silent, and Protos pushed the guns down. "Right now, I will give you three one chance only to walk away, to go far from Arbadge and begin life someplace else. This is your one chance. Either that or live by the gun, die by the gun...soon."
For a long moment there was silence and Rat suddenly said humbly "You mean that, mister? I seen what you done in the club and if you say you can do it, I think you can. You ain't no normal man."
Protos smiled. "Right now, Rat, walk away. Rat no more, Robby Thomas again."
Three guns fell to the ground. Protos nodded. I'll take care of the girls. You fire up your van, drive away, and don't look back."
Moments later the van doors opened and Rose and Kat saw Protos. He slipped the zip ties off and smiled. "Go home to mom and dad." Rose hugged Protos and suddenly the two girls found themselves in the living room of the house.
The van drove into the night.
Many miles away at the Lascoe warehouse, a large black van pulled into a rolling garage door and parked. Three well-dressed men in suits, with guns in their belts, got out and opened the back doors of the van to reveal neatly arranged guns, lining the walls and floors and in crates.
At the other end of the main warehouse room were three of Papa Daddy's best flanking him as he walked forward. They waited as he inspected the guns and pulled an AK 47 and with a huge smile he strolled arrogantly among the watching men and slipped in a magazine.
"There ain't NOTHIN!!" Pappa Daddy Bellowed, "like the automatic fire, the military grade, the cold hard steel of an Ay Kay fo-ty sevun to say........I'M THE BAWSE, THE BIGGEST BADDEST MUTHAH FUCKAH IN TOWN!!!"
Papa Daddy aimed the gun at some old equipment and sprayed it with bullets, then smiled and nodded for his boys to hand over the money for the guns.
As he did, Protos walked calmly into the room, his long coat trailing behind him.
"Gang wars, terrorist cells, white supremacist groups, and gangs, all murdering countless people with your guns." He said.
Papa Daddy opened his arms. "Well muthah FUKAH, if it ain't the magician, right on time!"
Protos stood and looked firmly at Papa Daddy.
"This is your last chance to make a change, Leroy Roberts, or face permanent consequences. You are a scourge to society. Your greedy, corrupt behavior ends tonight one way or another."
Papa daddy stood for a moment then roared with laughter. As he did, several police cars loaded with heavily armed police, led by the mayor, were encircling the warehouse and readying their guns.
Papa Daddy stepped forward as he spoke to Protos. "Now let me tell you somethin', muthah fuggin' magician wanna be. You think you parlor tricks gon stop me? I got a show just waitin fo you ass."
Papa Daddy snapped his fingers and suddenly a high caliber machine gun and a gunner in the upper shadows of the warehouse opened up on Protos as the gun dealers dove behind their van for cover. The bullets smashed into Protos, and after a few moments he fell to his knees. Papa Daddy then snapped his fingers again and one of his henchmen brought him a flame thrower which he aimed at Protos, who was starting to stand.
"This is mah personal gift to you for fuckin' up my club and blowin' off Lenny's fingers." Papa Daddy aimed the flame thrower and engulfed Protos, who fell on his back as flames towered around him. He moved a little as his jacket fell away and his body became charred and his skin tore. Papa daddy roared with laughter. Outside the Mayor yelled through a loud speaker.
"Papa Daddy, bring out your boys with your hands up and surrender your weapons. I have a platoon of officers waiting on you!"
Suddenly there was a response from another machine gunner who blazed away at the police and yet another hiding in the shadows who hurled explosives. The police were driven behind their vehicles and Papa Daddy roared with laughter and snapped his fingers as the sword from the library was given to him.
"This sword was used to smite bitches like you centuries ago, Protos, and I'm gon finish yo ass with it."
Protos was smoking on the ground, with flames licking around him as Papa Daddy came over and readied to plunge the sword into him. Outside thunder clouds rumbled overhead with frightening speed, and the gun battle continued, spilling shells like rain and the explosions of glass and metal from the police cars filled the night. The mayor sat behind a police car. "Shit, shit shit, dammit to fucking HELL!!" She cursed.
Papa Daddy plunged the sword down and it tore into Protos's chest and as Papa Daddy stood over him, he gritted his teeth and yelled, trying to drive the sword down hard. Suddenly Protos's hand shot up and grabbed the blade. "Game over, gangster man." He said.
Protos rose straight up off the ground and the sword shattered and fell to the ground. "Cheap pot metal prop the library bought to make a neat story for visitors." He said.
The flames died, and Protos began to heal as Papa Daddy backed off, staring in shock. "Fuck me, muthah fuggah!" He said.
Protos looked at him. "That's another thing, Leroy, you have a filthy mouth!"
Protos raised an arm in the air. Thunder exploded outside so hard it rocked the building and all of the gangsters looked around in sudden fear at this man who now stood as if they had never touched him.
"I want you all to meet my old associate, Lumaris, who thought he could wrestle the universe from Cretius and ow has a special place, for him and all other evil monster like him."
Suddenly a tall set of gates faded into the warehouse and began to swing open. Papa Daddy and his gangsters began to shake and cry out in terror as the gates revealed a throne, and in it a figure shrouded in darkness, with eyes like blazing fire. Papa Daddy suddenly began to whimper. "No man, let me out of here!"
Protos looked at him. "Too late. You are pure evil and greed beyond redemption."
As the gangster began to be pulled into the realm of Lumaris, shrieking, clawing, and sobbing, digging at the warehouse floor to stop themselves from going into the abyss, Protos waked toward the garage door and as it slid up, lightning flashed and the police watched him calmly walk through a hail of bullets as jabs of lightning shot down and struck the men shooting at the police, making them glow red and convulse before falling to the ground below, and being sucked into the garage where they all were drawn into the gates.
Protos kept walking and as the last of the gang vanished, the gates faded away and the mayor slowly walked, stunned, and addressed Protos.
"Who or what are you?"
Protos regarded her kindly. "My name is Protos, like your word Prototype, or first of many. I am one of the children of Cretius who has tired of the evil on this planet and I am here to do some clean up as man's days in this world come to an end."
"You mean you are an angel of God?"
Protos smiled. "I am not an angel nor am I a savior. I am a servant of Cretius. Leroy is gone. Your days as mayor will not be easy but they will be better. Sadly there are more Leroy Roberts out there."
The mayor extended her hand. "Thank you. That little show was incredible."
Protos smiled. With a jocular wink, he said "more to come. Sad to say."
The mayor readied to do cleanup and Protos vanished into the night ask thunder rumbled overhead.