Mirror Image

Bullets were flying with such fury that it sounded like a swarm of bees. Explosions rocked the ground with such fury that even the loudest yelling was hard to understand. Land that had been lined with trees, bushes and saw small creatures flying and scurrying along was now an open stretch of smoking, muddy, shell torn hell strewn with bodies and parts,

As fast as men launched themselves onto the field they were shredded by bullets and shrapnel, tumbling to the ground and falling to pieces as their lives came to an end.

Wayne Gilbert sprayed till the ammunition in his gun was exhausted and he saw the helicopter land to remove the troops. So many men were torn to pieces on the field and could not stand.

Gilbert threw his empty gun aside and began running into the hail of lead and fire, picking up men on his shoulders and dragging them with everything he had to the helicopter and removing them. One, two, three, and finally a dozen, finally going back and picking up one more on his shoulders and supporting two, sweat falling off of him in streams, he yelled and struggled to get them to the waiting machine.

Riflemen targeted him and Gilbert could feel bullets smashing into his bones, and he forced himself to continue, screaming to God if he could hear him for his help.

Gilbert tossed the last three into the helicopter and he turned to see four enemy men charging forward as the bullets smacked into the chopper.

He pulled his side arm and shot at them, blasting all four of them as he felt their bullets hitting him. He heard one explosion and felt his right eye burn, and hands grabbed him to pull him into the machine. "Come on man, you're leaving too!" Someone shouted, and a rocket grenade sizzled in and exploded next to the chopper, sending bits of Gilbert into the air. For an instant he felt peace knowing that he would be free of this life in a moment. Free of the war, free of his shattered body....

Gilbert began to cry as he woke up again, as he had so many times and realized, he was home, in bed, most of him anyway.

His legs were gone form mid thigh, his right arm and eye gone, and part of his jaw was steel and pin. Gilbert saw that Mouse was already gone and so he did not hold back. He yelled, cursed and sobbed that he was still alive and smacked himself in the face with his remaining left hand.

Then he heard the sounds again next door as Jonas Walker, a tall, hairy, big man, used his wife Barbera as a punching bag again. Gilbert thought of the pistol in the closet and inside he snapped and struggled to drag himself from bed and get it, to send bullets into the house and into Jonas. But he hit the ground and could not drag himself into his wheel chair.

For ten minutes it continued, then Mouse came home and the assault next door ceased as Gilbert fought to collect himself...again.

"Fun shopping, Miss Mouse?"

Mouse nodded amusedly. "Well, my addictive behavior took over and I...well I..."

"So you couldn't help yourself could you?"

"Do you want to see me go into withdrawal?"

"We've talked about this."

"I know but..."

"No buts, Mouse, it's taking control."

"I know but I can get it so easily. I have enablers all over the place, everyone is willing to supply me."

"Mouse, you know the rule, if you are going to keep doing it..."

"I know, I know...share."

"That's right, you have to have enough for both of us."

"I do, I got two bags this time."

"Ok, with or without nuts?"


Mouse shook her head and laughed. "It's the dark kind this time."

"Good, I've gotten to prefer dark chocolate."

"Oh really, so now you confess..."

"Not the girl down the street, Mouse, the stupid Hershey."

Mouse laughed out loud.

There was a knock on the door and Mouse opened it to find Barbera standing in dark sun glasses and a scarf. She came in and Gilbert did not even hear the conversation, he simply stared for a moment then said "a little warm for a scarf, don't you think?"

Barbera didn't answer, she just paused awkwardly and went on talking till Mouse took her sun glasses off and showed her swollen eye.

"The big man, being one again." Gilbert said.

"He has problems. I can handle it. It's not really that big of a deal, kind of like going through a thunderstorm."

"He might kill you someday." Mouse said as tears welled up.

Barbera backed away. "I'll come back later, I don't need to make my one friend feel bad. That's stupid of me."

"It's not you." Mouse said as Barbera quietly left the house.

Gilbert sat, feeling helpless. No legs, and one arm to hug her, now that Mouse was in tears. They sat together for a while till things calmed down, and Gilbert rolled his wheel chair outside to take a spin around the block. Mouse busied herself unloading groceries and cleaning the kitchen, which he could do little to help her with. Gilbert felt like he was in hell. Jonas had always been a bit of a macho man but he seemed worse in the last two or three years.

Gilbert wheeled back into the house to get a beer and try to forget it for a while.

The clouds were dissipating in the sky as a 1975 Cadillac rolled down the street. It was a solid looking car with faded paint and it rumbled like a warhorse. It pulled up in front of a plain looking house with tall grass, trash scattered around, and weathered paint.

Inside the house was a woman in a wheel chair. It was Laurie, and she watched the television and shook her head. The announcer sounded serious as he spoke.

"A week of black rolling clouds with no rain has been punctuated with the deaths of a large number of local gang members and members of organized crime. Last night the entire E Street crime ring vanished and their leader was found dead in the back of a police cruiser shortly after his arrest. It's just the latest in a week long string of strange incidents in the city.

There was a knock at the door and Laurie wheeled herself to it and opened it to find the tall man, his long hair perfectly groomed standing with a smile.

"Hi. Still looking for someone to help you around your house?" He said. Laurie smiled pleasantly and moved so he could come in.

"My name is Protos. I'm..."

Laurie looked Protos up and down and smiled.

"No doubt! I know who you are. Come on in. I'm glad to see you Protos."

"I could use a place to stay and you could use a bit of help."

"Absolutely. We have lots we can talk about. Nice car. I majored in mythology in college and you look like the pictures of the immortal Protos...but I also just....knew. Wow, this is so cool, 'Id love to have you stay with me!"

Protos smiled. "Now and then that happens, people recognize me, some not overly thrilled about it. I didn't pick you by accident. A friend told me about you."


"Yes, I helped someone not long ago and they mentioned you and said you could use a friend."

Protos looked back at the Cadillac. "You know ever since they started making them I had a fondness for those. Double headlights, long bulky bodies, then I ran into this woman who had one and I did her a service and she gave it to me. I was really pleased."

Laurie smiled. "I really would like to get this place in order. I want to scale down. I just can't keep up with it, and at this point I don't even want to. It would be so great if you could help me fix it more livable and talk to me." She said. Protos smiled. "I totally understand."

Laurie looked Protos over as he came in and sat down. He was tall, built very strong and she liked his hair.

Years ago she had dated men like him, but then she was enjoying being able to go out dressed nice, socialize and work toward her goals, till she felt some aching in some muscles and went to see why it would not go away only to find out that she was terminally ill.

Slowly but surely she had watched her shapely legs thin down and go pale, her slim figure sagging into aching muscles, and her arms begin to move involuntarily. Her hair got thinner also, and pretty soon the fancy dresses and high heels sat useless, looking awful on her, like icing on a rotting cake.

They talked for what seemed like an eternity that night, Laurie enjoying every moment of her unusual guest, then Protos brought in his small amount of luggage and put it in her spare room, and went to get some tools from his car. As he did, a pickup truck passed with a huge man in it and Protos stood for a moment and regarded the truck without saying anything.

It was Jonas Walker. Protos smiled to himself.

Jonas pulled into his driveway down the street and Protos watched him go into the house.

Jonas walked into the house and without any greetings he looked at the table and shook his head.

"What the hell have you been doing all day, besides bawling to Mouse and that crippled up husband of hers about your sad life? Shit I'm hungry."

"I'm sorry, I'm working on it. I had alot to do today."

Jonas shook his head and slammed down in front of the television. He made no effort to keep his stress and agitation from boiling over onto Barbera.

Barbera dutifully worked at making dinner, but her nerves were on fire and she kept dropping and spilling everything she touched and was nearly in tears. As was his custom, Jonas was intolerant and agitated over everything and slowly but surely the evening went from complaining, to anger, to Barbera spilling a beer on him. Jonas yelled and swore, and Barbera retreated to the kitchen again, standing at the sink and trying to hold back tears. The man she had married was gone and this thing was in his place, and she felt trapped....forever.

Sometimes Barbera felt like running away, but Jonas controlled the money, owned the bank account and the cars were in his name. She felt worthless and more like a rug for him to walk on every day.

At last Barbera made one more mistake, and she readied for the tirade she knew was coming, and it did. Time to endure and survive another night of marriage.

Next door, Mouse was dazedly watching television and trying to ignore the tiny noises that began to indicate that Jonas was yelling, then hitting Barbera. She made her way to the kitchen, then thought hell with it and she went outside and looked into their window.

Mouse's sadness turned to tears as she watched Jonas get angrier, more drunk, and go from yelling to smacking, and Barbera turn from being scared and sad to recoiling in a corner as her brute of a husband yelled and closed in.

Mouse did not see her door open and Gilbert, burning with anger, rolling toward their door till she heard the sound of him hitting the door with something, and she came around the house in time to see Gilbert at the door, and as Jonas yanked it open Gilbert aimed his old army pistol at him with his remaining left hand.

Both Barbera and Mouse were terrified as the two men confronted each other, Jonas standing like a mountain, and Gilbert aiming his cocked gun. No one saw the distant figure of Protos, watching from the street.

"Come on big man! Show what a big man you are and kick the cripple's ass before I splatter your mother fucking brains on the ceiling! Come on big boy, you can kick the shit out of a helpless little woman, come take me!"

Mouse's heart was pounding in terror and Barbera stood shaking her head, eyes wide, as she watched. Jonas stood and glared. Gilbert laughed.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, you gutless macho sonofabitch. You won't do shit! In the army I fought men bigger, meaner, and worse than you'll ever dream of being. I'm not afraid of a sniveling wife beater who hits his wife every time beer drips on that limp dick of yours."

Jonas just stood and stared and neither of the men heard the women begging them to stop.

"I'm sick of listening to you, night after night, hitting her, screaming, being rude, what the fuck did she ever marry you for? I'm done DONE, MOTHERFUCKER, LISTENING TO YOU ABUSE YOUR WIFE DAY AND NIGHT!"

In seconds, Gilbert pulled the trigger and the gun clicked. Mouse felt a pang of terror in her stomach and ran toward Gilbert, who cocked the gun and tried again but it did not fire. Mouse took the gun as Barbera fell to her knees shaking. Gilbert smirked and Jonas just stood silently.

"Keep in mind this crippled bastard had the balls to face you. Next time, you dickless wonder." Gilbert turned and wheeled into his house and Jonas stood and stared.

Mouse looked at Jonas. "Are you out of your mind?!" She screamed. "You're going to get someone killed one of these days!!"

"That was the idea, to kill a fucking rat."

"And flush your own life down the toilet in the process!"

Mouse went in the house and put the gun high up on a cabinet and sat shaking on the couch.

She felt like she had to do something, so she dialed the police and reported Jonas. She shook and nearly peed herself as the car pulled up, but they did not come to Gilbert's house. They looked at Barbera and arrested Jonas. Mouse went outside and as the police led Jonas away he turned to her and spit at her.

Barbera was a mess of tangled hair, runny make up, and gaunt strain and terror as Mouse walked up and held her, shaking. Mouse held her and they cried gently till Barbera recovered herself enough to go inside and take a shower and sit and breath in peace while Jonas spent time down town. She was afraid to press charges. He would get out and come back. Barbera fell into bed exhausted and went to sleep.

At the police station a gray haired officer entered the plain white room where Jonas sat staring at the wall as if totally put out.

"Jonas Walker. I'm detective McSween. Let's cut the bullshit and get straight to the point. I've seen your kind a million times, a big badass, gets drunk, slaps his wife around again and again. Six months from now I'll be charging you with capital murder and your wife will be in a casket. That what you want?"

"You don't know what the hell hap..."

"You went home drunk, wife displeased you, and you got pissed over some little thing and threw a tantrum. Spare me. I saw the stain of beer on the wall. Everybody coats the wall with beer and licks it off, right? Let's face it you are a violent bastard. Hell man, you think I haven't seen your kind before? Your wife is too scared to file charges and lock your big ass up so you will post bail, go home and do it again. Your kind make me sick. Where is a drunk driver when you need one?"

"That your professional opinion?"

"What do you want to do, Jo Walker, sue me?"

"So how long am I going to jail?"

"You aren't mighty man. Are you deaf? You got your wife so terrified of you she won't press charges. I've got her freezer all picked out. Go home, there is no sense me talking to you."

Jonas left the police station and got a cab home. When he arrived, reeking of sweat and alcohol, Barbera was asleep. Jonas turned and walked outside for a moment to cool down. As he walked toward the street, he saw a man standing at the end of his driveway and he stalked toward him. The man had long hair, an odd Gothic jacket and old style clothing.

"If you came looking for a handout, freak, you're wasting your time." The man looked Jonas in the face.

"My name is Protos and I came to let you know, you will be receiving a gift from me tomorrow."

"I don't give a shit who you are, I don't need a gift from you. Get your stupid wanna be pirate ass away from my house."

"The gun didn't go off, Jonas, because I prevented it or you would have gotten what you deserve, rather than a chance to learn something, which is what I'm going to give you."

Jonas felt anger burn. "Look, you cosplay moron, how I live my life is my business, and you're really close to an ass beating yourself." Protos stared at him without moving. "You won't hit me, Jonas Walker. You're the little coward your dad taught you to be when he told you how a man does things in this world and poisoned your mind as he drank and called your mother names."

Jonas pointed his finger in Protos's face. "You don't know jack shit about my family buddy boy!"

"Your dad worked as a pump operator and his clothes stunk so bad you had two washing machines. You wanted to write music and he smashed your guitar and tore up your music and told you a man lives in the real world. Your mother, Rosetta, lived in fear of the man she loved and your brother left home at sixteen just to be free of him. You adore Barbera but you are so clouded with manly man thoughts you think your abusive behavior is how to control a home. The booze you slosh down only makes it worse."

Jonas stared, stunned. "Who the fuck are you?"

"The person who is going to give you a second chance because under the nightly beer and beating, there is still a man who can be saved."

Protos turned and walked away.

"Fuck you, go back to your ship and drown. Damned freak." Jonas mumbled.

Jonas walked back in the house, lay down on the couch and fell asleep.

Protos went into the house he was renting and Laurie was sitting in her wheel chair. "I saw you talking to Jo Walker down the street. You're about to make me a happy person and tell me you are trying to straighten him out."

Protos smiled. "I am." Laurie nodded happily. "Someone needs to and he won't buck another man." Protos chuckled. "So true."

Laurie smiled. "So would I be prying to ask a little more about you?"

Protos sat down with Laurie.

"I really haven't told you much of anything about what is actually going on, besides our casual discussion the other day.

Protos looked up at the sky as he spoke. "This universe is way older than you can imagine. Long ago when the first planets were settled there was a race of immortals, Lumaris being the most mighty. We ruled planets and solar systems, galaxies...I came along as the prototype on which others would be made. There are others, such as Asroth, Cirque and Onan, serving in various ways in various worlds.

"It sounds fascinating." Laurie smiled.

"At first, Cretius ruled this universe and things were very beautiful and well organized. Lumaris was Cretius's first in command besides himself. At some point Lumaris became consumed with jealousy and self pride and felt he had been treated unfairly. He tried to convince us to join him against Cretius but I refused as did others. He got Asrathe and Cirque to join him. He wanted everything for himself and thought there was so much more...

"They attempted to seize power from Cretius and they lost. It was violent beyond what you can imagine, with powers you could never think of before Lumaris lost the struggle. Cretius banished Lumaris and the rest of his rebels to this planet and barred them from leaving it. When humanity was put here, Asrathe decided the only thing to do was dominate them and become their gods. He and Cirque ruled them for centuries till they became many in number and they turned them on each other.

"Cretius blew up the blue moon which used to orbit Earth and all but a very few of them died, and he let them rebuild.

"They sent me because it is time to stop humanity from destroying themselves. That's the two minute version."

"So how do you work?"

"I give people a chance, and if they take it, we go from there. Not all of them do."

Laurie looked tired. "I'd love to hear more but..." She faded away, her eyes fell shut and she fell over and Protos picked her up and carried her to her bed and lay her in it. She breathed heavily, as if struggling and protos felt sorrow for her as he sat down to keep an eye on her for the night.

Jonas Walker woke on the couch and sat up, feeling different at once. He opened his eyes and yawned, but the voice he heard...then he looked down and saw...Barbera's body! Jonas stood up with a gasp and wiggled around, making sure he was not in a

dream. He stood froze in disbelief for a moment then ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, to see Barbera. "What the ever lovin' FUCK!?" He said.

Jonas stared at her face then checked the bedroom. Jonas did not have to be up early and his body was snoring in bed on his side. Jonas stared and wondered how he could be laying in bed and yet be in his wife's body. Barbera put on a robe and half ran to the house Protos was staying in to find him standing in the yard as if waiting.

"Okay, who the fuck are you and what the hell did you do to me?!"

Protos smiled. "Such naughty language. My name is Protos as I told you and I am an immortal sent to deal with evil on Earth, in your case a husband who uses his wife as a punching bag, and now gets to find out how she feels, buy being her! Dontcha just love that robe? Oh yeah, you might have to practice on her make up."

"I have a job and commitments, I can't be stuck in this damned body!"

"I thought you liked that body!"

"I can't live in it! This is my wife's body! Undo whatever little magic trick you did and put me back!"

Protos got serious. Mr. Walker, you will remain in that body till you figure out how to treat your wife like a human being, to respect her feelings and love her right, or you will cease to live at all. One way or another, her days of being bruised, bones out of place and watching you tower over her screaming are done. Time for school, Jonas Walker, go attend, and learn, mortal man, learn."

Before Jonas could reply, he suddenly found himself in his house and his own self was getting out of bed.

At his house, Jonas was horrified at his situation. In Barbera's body, he felt the pull to get dressed, brush her hair and make breakfast, all of which he did, then as Jonas watched himself walking around the house, he noticed that his actual body seemed hulking and huge, as opposed to seeing himself in the mirror.

In his wife's body, he became aware of every little noise Jonas made, every move, and felt edgy and nervous, fumbling and dropping things because her hands shook constantly. He became frustrated trying to do basic chores because as fast as he finished one he felt the sudden urge to do another, and he noticed the constant irritating nagging of Jonas, correcting everything and complaining. Part of him wanted to hit Jons, but then his mind told him how badly he would be hurt...by himself.

Trying to clean the kitchen, Barbera's hands broke a glass then dropped a plate. Jonas came in angrily. "How bout you stop breaking everything in sight?"

"I'm doing the best I can." She replied and her stomach knotted as Jonas shot back "Did you just say something?" Barbera froze and Jonas heard her voice quiver as he replied "No, I just..." Jonas slammed down his coffee cup. "It sounded like you sassed me and I will knock that sass out of you."

In Barbera's body, Jonas froze and waited for the moment to pass.

In Barbera's body, Jonas was ready to leave the house to go shopping and felt the tension of trying to hurry and get out the door. Then he felt her dread as she approached Jonas in the living room sorting through television channels.

"I have to go to the store." He heard Barbera's voice say. "I need money."

Jonas Shook his head. "Jeez." He dug out his wallet and handed her some cash. "This better do it because you aren't getting any more."

In Barbera's body, Jonas walked out the front door of the house and felt a surge of relief being outside. He got into the car and drove out into the city, and even though he did not know where she would go, her mind automatically took them there.

Jonas felt her desire to buy perfume, and saw blouses and dresses she liked and wanted. He felt the tension in her as she looked but did not dare spend any of his money. The conflicting emotions were awful and her helplessness ate at Jonas as he saw her life through her eyes. She bought food and other supplies robotically and he was amazed at how efficiently Barbera's mind planned and figured. She was amazingly intelligent. When the shopping was done, she got in the car and he felt dread welling up in her as she forced herself to start driving and came close to the house. Her mind spun and thoughts of running away filled her head.

As Barbera pulled into the driveway, Jonas was overwhelmed by her unhappiness, and forcing herself to go in the house and unload the car as he saw himself sitting on the couch engrossed in a sports show drinking beer. He felt a gnawing need to throw up and the nervous tension of trying not to make that creature on the couch angry.

Barbera mechanically put things away in the kitchen, then turned and Jonas saw his body standing in the kitchen door way, filling it up like a monster and glaring.

"You can stay the hell away from that little butterball next door, that thing you call Mouse." Jonas boomed. "I'm tired of her glaring at me and shaking her damned head and her crippled piece of meat husband isn't going to stick his fucking gun in my face again."

Jonas suddenly felt Barbera's tears well up and without hearing it come, he heard her reply "She's the only friend I have. My family doesn't come around me anymore because of problems between you and me, and you don't let me go out and socialize. What am I supposed to do?"

Jonas saw himself get face to face with Barbera and he smelled his beer breath and heard his booming voice. Jonas roared at Barbera about messages on Facebook, and when she responded, Jonas felt Barbera's terror and grief mount, and her voice break as she tried to fight back, then he felt the slamming impact of Jonas's hand on her face. Barbera's body fell and Jonas stood over her yelling and in her mind, Jonas no longer knew anything but terror. He watched his own body stomp around the house, throwing things and yelling then go in the bedroom and slam the door. The terror and pain were becoming overwhelming as Jonas saw himself through her eyes.

Forcing Barbera's body to get up, Jonas staggered out the front door and managed to force her to walk down the street. Protos was washing his car when Jonas drug himself up in Barbera's body.

"What do you want to take me out of my wife's body, Protos, money?" She asked in a tortured voice. Protos looked thoughtful. "Um, twenty thousand you have in savings and your pickup truck to replace this old tank would be about right."

Jonas straightened up in anger. "Are you serious? Money and my truck?"

Protos drew near to Barbera's face. "You don't get it, do you, Mr. Breakfast on the table on time. I put you in Barbera's body for a reason Jonas, not for amusement, but to give you a sample of her life and now you are experiencing the confusion of having her thoughts, her emotions, and you’re also and learning what you do to the most important person in your life. In a few hours you are soterrified of who you are you are groveling to be relieved! This is what your wife puts up with every day! There was a lesson to be learned and since I can see into your mind and know exactly what you are thinking and feeling, I wont undo it till my purpose is accomplished. You haven't figured it out yet, and until you do, you are stuck being her. Hurts, doesn't it, big man?"

"She is not as strong as that hulking monster. I'm not sure I can survive days or weeks like this." Barbera's voice pleaded.

"Precisely my point, Jonas, it really stinks doesn't it? You are actually feeling her fear for her very survival. Do yourself a favor and go home and look at the wedding album you yourself made and ask yourself who the guy in those pictures is, then go to the mirror and take a moment, let your wife’s thoughts and memories come flooding home and get to know her, and the real you. I have lived for thousands of years, Jonas, seen kingdoms come and go, and I was sent here by a group of higher beings for a reason. Your money means less to me than a hill of dust. Go home and learn some more. Clearly you aren't smart enough to learn quickly. Jonas is about to go bellyaching about you to his beer drinking buddies and he wont be home till later so you have some time, Jonas Walker, to learn about Jonas Walker. You are the luckiest man alive. You're welcome."

Suddenly back in his house...again, Jonas suddenly found himself looking out of Barbera's eyes and seeing his body stomping for the door with his car keys.

"I'm going to watch the rest of the game at Marty's. Try not to burn the damn house down while I'm gone."

The door slammed and Jonas stood looking after himself as he felt a surge of relief and heard the truck leave the yard.

After Jonas watched his body leave the house, he sat for a moment in stunned silence in the living room. He shook his head in disbelief that some strange looking man had stuck him in his wife's body. Good lord, where did this guy come from? Jonas went to his computer and put the name Protos in. He immediately found a lengthy article on mythological men and women. As he let Barbera's fingers search he saw that Protos was an ancient being in possession of incredible power, and some of the acts attributed to him in past centuries. The man he had met looked just like the statues and renderings on the computer. Jonas was astonished that such a being could even exist, and boy had he found out! He was becoming terrified that his attention was on him!

He then got up and took out his wedding album, and his world began to crumble.

Jonas looked at pictures of Barbera in her wedding dress, her hair swept to the side, her smile radiant, and her dress perfect. He looked at her face and she seemed a totally different person. Jonas paged through the pictures and saw a world he had forgotten, and he began to feel her memories. Her head was filled with memories of running away, avoiding him and the pain she had suffered at his hands.

He got up slowly from the couch and walked into the bedroom and began to feel sick. Then for no particular reason he opened the drawer and saw his gun. He looked at it and felt her peace and desire to pick it up and end her misery...then the memories began to flow and he saw himself hitting her, yelling at her, berating her, and realized she had thought of suicide, and this thought alone left him stunned.

Jonas walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He slid Barbera's dress down and saw the bruises and he looked at her face. Her memories came flooding back and Jonas felt her tears begin to flow. He bumped against the wall and slid down to the floor as her memories filled her head and he did not try to stop them. His tears turned to loud sobs and he began to hate himself.

Jonas saw a memory of himself terrifying Barbera so bad she had crawled across the bed to get away from him, and he felt each time he hit her breaking her down inside.

Jonas whispered in his wife's voice, weak and strained "What have I done. I destroyed the thing I loved the most." Jonas began to cry out loud, and he heard the terrible sound of his wife's voice crying...because of him.

Jonas was overwhelmed by grief and anger, at himself, and as the evening wore on and he sat alone, he felt it come to him in waves, sickening him.

Jonas washed Barbera up and went outside to the mail box. Mouse met her and gave her a gentle hug, then began to cry. "Your face is all teary, you've been crying your eyes out." Mouse began to cry out loud and turned and ran back to her house and Jonas saw Gilbert staring at him. Gilbert glared, and made a gun out of his remaining hand and aimed it at Jonas, making a shooting motion, then went into his house. Jonas realized how much pain and anger he had spread, even to the neighbors.

Barbera went into her house and sat down again on the couch. The night came on, dark and lonely for Jonas Walker as he sat in his wife's body in the silent, dark house. He then went in the bedroom and lay on the bed, and finally heard the front door open.

Jonas saw himself come in the bedroom, reeking of beer, and turn the light on. To Barbera's horror he smiled and said "good, you're awake. Great game, I won some money and I'm in a fun mood."

The night grew dark, and the moon vanished behind a cloud. As it did, Gilbert crawled through a dense pile of bush and stayed close to his pal from the barracks, Tim Banks. Banks had a little girl at home and they had talked at length about her, and how daddy...suddenly there was a wire in front of him and Gilbert grabbed Tim's ankle to stop him, and with one more motion it was too late and a leg was all that was left.

Gilbert forced himself from bed and drug himself into his wheelchair, straining every muscle and feeling the steel in his face as he worked to get himself out of the room without waking Mouse.

Gilbert went to the computer to try and force the memories out of his mind, and he found Mouse's Facebook page she had forgotten to log out of. Things went down hill from there as he saw the men she socialized with from time to time, strong, healthy men with two arms and legs, a face without steel in it...and his cute mousie faced little wife...who could have something so much better if he was not....in the way...a piece of hamburger ruined by a war he did not want to fight.

Gilbert wheeled out of the house, down the road to the street and began to sob openly and to hit himself with his one hand. How he hated his body, and the remains of what had been legs. Gilbert wheeled himself down the road and heard the electric motor whine as he moved, not caring, filled with self hate.

He went to the old road where the old tracks crossed and he parked his chair on the tracks and just stopped. Everything stopped. Gilbert snapped inside. He took his hand off the control and decided to wait, and suddenly a feeling of peace swept over him. Suddenly abandoning himself to the idea of suicide felt....relief. No more of this ruined body, no more missing arm and legs, barely opening his mouth because his face was steel...Gilbert closed his eyes.

A roar of train engine, a quick blast, no pain, and it would be over and once Mouse was past her grief, she could have a life again with a man, not remains.

Gilbert sat for a moment then hear a noise and he opened his eyes to see the strangest sight he had ever seen. A woman was coming toward him, but not a normal one. She was a lovely lady, nice figure, nice face, no hair, and wires, tubes and machinery visible in openings between her body parts. Behind her, hovering in the air was a large egg shaped reflective craft about the size of a house. The woman looked at him.

"That train is coming, fellow, you can't be on those tracks! You're all sad. It's okay, Shirron's scanner picked you up and he said to bring you in."

In moments, Gilbert was suspended in a small lab, his clothes gone, and a short man, about four feet, bald, with a cute face similar to the area fifty one guys but not near as ugly, was talking to him.

"What the hell...?"

"Hello Gilbert, my name is Shirron, and I am from a galaxy in your system, a planet named Zirkhon, and I do a bit of work on your planet from time to time. I have a scanner that reports life forms and it tells me, oh dear. You're missing some things."

Gilbert replied "Yeah, a bit much I'm afraid. How do you know me?"

"I know alot of humans, Protos, who'm you've not met, is doing some work on your neighbor Jonas Walker. We go way back."

Gilbert looked around. "Well ya learn somethin' new every day." He commented. Shirron smiled. "You do indeed!"

Shirron had holographic images in the air including a picture of Gilbert's wrecked anatomy, and he placed tubes and bottles over him and began to work. Gilbert was so fascinated he stared at the little alien being wordlessly for a while.

Shirron was about four feet tall, and his eyes looked like the eyes of beanie babies. His assistant sounded and behaved just like a normal woman, and Gilbert watched with fascination as her mechanical parts moved.

"Human anatomy is not overly sophisticate for my people, sir, and I make sort of a hobby out of fixing human beings. Even some of the ugly ones. Just kidding."

"I'd like to ask you....so many things."

Shirron smiled. "Feel free! I am an empath, and I talk inside your head, that's how you can understand me. So, my human friend, what would you like to discuss with the wierd alien?"

Gilbert was suspended for a while, and he spoke at length with Shirron about the world, history, space, and many things and actually enjoyed his visit alot, as Shirron hooked him up to the machine, Gilbert felt odd sensations as he regrew both legs, his arm, and removed the steel from his face. There was no pain, but he felt strane as he felt fingers, teeth, and knees take shape and Gilbert found himself standing on his legs, healthy and normal, vigorously shaking Shirron's hand. "A simple thanks will be fine, my human friend."

Gilbert took one more look around at the insides of the craft and Shirron commented "sorry, we don't have soft drinks." Gibert suddenly laughed out loud. "What in the world am I going to tell everyone?"

Shirron smiled. "I bet you think of something! Enjoy your body again, Mister Gilbert."

It was six in the morning, the sun was just beginning to show, and Mouse heard the front door from the bathroom.

"Dammit Gilbert that better be you! You had me worried sick!!"

Gilbert fumbled for words. "Well, I'm sorry Mousie, but...I was...abducted...by...aliens."

"Well you damned better have been for vanishing half the night!"

Mouse came around the corner, saw Gilbert with a right arm, normal face, and standing on two legs. She froze, let out a yelp, and fainted. Gilbert shrugged. "Well, this little alien guy named Shirron and an android..............oh shit."

Laurie woke up and she felt so weak she could barely move. Protos was holding her hand and he had an odd grin on his face. Laurie spoke weakly. "I'm dying Protos. I can feel myself slip away." She could not understand why he smiled broadly.

"Well before you go, you have to meet someone who dropped by to talk to me, my sister Perciousse."

"I'm sorry Protos, but I can't..."

Laurie then saw the most beautiful woman she had ever seen walk into her room. Persiousse had flowing blonde hair, a perfect, almost overly perfect figure, the face of an angel, and her super mode legs were framed by a blue dress fit for royalty. She looked down at Laurie and smiled. "Well you just look miserable, girl."

"Miss Precious..."

"Perciousse. It's where the word precious came from."

"I'm very sick and just don't feel like company. Please be understanding."

Perciousse flipped a hand and a rose appeared. "I have some skills. Here, take a whiff of this, you'll love it."

Laurie felt angry that this woman could be so inconsiderate but she took the flower and smelled the sweet smell. Suddenly she felt herself waking up and her strength flow back into her body. Laurie looked down in astonishment and saw her body begin to restore itself and she looked at Perciousse."

"Cretius gave me power over living things. Fixing people is a hobby of mine. I'm also beautiful, dress gorgeously and have a great sense of humor. I'm humble about it too!" Protos nodded sarcastically. "We can tell!"

In moments, Laurie stood and held Perciousse's hand and thanked her deeply for repairing her sick body."

Down the road, six houses, Jonas Walker woke up in the morning. He turned over and had an instant realization that he was in his own body again. Stunned, he felt himself to make sure, and yes indeed he was his old self....

Jonas saw his hands and chest, then he saw Barbera next to him, coiled into a ball wrapped in blankets mentally isolating herself from him. He reached for her, then stopped.

He got out of bed, and as he stood, the memories filled his brain again and he almost felt faint. He walked into the garage where he kept his mother's old furniture. He looked into a mirror and saw his face.

Jonas was overwhelmed with more disgust and anger than he had ever felt in his life. He stared at the image of the man, and let the memories from his wife's mind, and his experiences of living in her body for a time fill his head. The yelling, bullying, slapping...Jonas looked at his morning face and every second filled him with more revulsion. He had pushed her to the brink of seeing her own death as a relief.

Jonas balled up a fist, let out a yell and smashed the mirror. He then turned and walked back into the house.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number, then he went to the bathroom and got in the shower. He put on one of his button down shirts, and checked to make sure Barbera was still asleep. He shaved and neatly arranged his hair.

Jonas went to the kitchen and began to cook. It wouldn't be great but he was going to do it. He put on some after shave and finished making breakfast.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Jonas turned to see Barbera throwing on a robe, running from the bedroom. As she ran to the front door she was muttering. "I'll get it Jonas, I'm sorry, I overslept, I'm so so sorry, just give me a minute, please don't get mad." Jonas slowly walked up behind her as she answered the door and waited.

A flower deliver man was outside. He had the biggest spray of roses she had ever seen. She was terrified. What man had sent these, while Jonas was home?!

"You Barb Walker, also known as Snooks?" The man asked. Barbera paused. "Snooks?"

She nodded and took the flowers and a large note. The deliver man tipped his hat and left and she closed the door. She slowly read the note as Jonas took the flowers and held them.

"Barbera. I am a monster, I am a self centered, abusive bastard who does not deserve a smart, good woman like you. I am mean and spiteful and a cowardly bully. Please, please accept my apology. I swear I will go back to being the man you married."

Barbera slowly looked up and saw tears in Jonas's eyes. He said nothing, just sat the flowers down and slowly began to hold her.

Barbera saw breakfast waiting. Jonas embraced her tightly and held her.

"Can you accept the apology of the biggest asshole in the world? I will never ever yell at you or hit you again, ever." He said. Barbera backed off and looked at him. Her face was pleasant, which he had not seen in a long time. "Yeah, I can. I'd really like that. Where did this come from?"

"Oh, you'd never believe me."

For several days Mouse did not see Barbera, and when she did, she was totally astonished. Barbera was dressed nice, no bruises, happy, and she was getting out of Jonas's truck. They were laughing and talking. Jonas waved at Mouse and said "Go ahead and hang with your fiend, Snooks, I've got this."

Mouse stared for several seconds and Barbera spoke. "Something happened, and Jonas promised to stop being an asshole to me. He has been awesome again. He got me a bank account of my own and he's been treating me like he used to."

"Aliens?" Mouse asked.

Barbera smiled. "I don't know, but it sure is nice."

Mouse was still stunned and nodded as she watched Jonas go in the kitchen and start setting up lunch. Was this still Earth? She wondered.

Gilbert eventually ran into Jonas, who didn't seem too surprised at his restored body.

"By any chance, guy with long hair and a weird ass style of clothes?"

Gilbert shrugged. "Not exactly, but my guy knew your guy."

Early one morning a little Mexican lady was in her front yard looking at two dead trees as Protos came out of Laurie's house, packed and moving. With him was the most stunning blonde she had ever seen. As they got ready to leave she noticed Laurie was healthy again and wondered how the hell that had happened. She watched the old car pass and the blonde called out "Enjoy your trees!"

The Mexican woman muttered "Stupid smart ass broad." She turned around and let out a scream of surprise. The trees were alive...and in full bloom. She spun around again but the car and the hot blonde were gone.