Deceit Comes Natural

It felt like the air was sucked out of the room as her mother told the story, Isaac himself dared not to move. Their mother was known as a beast tamer and it was impressive in its own rights, but this was much more different than what she expected, even a side character had a story, no matter how insignificant a role they played in the novel.

"Mother…" Isaac broke the silence, sitting up and staring at her. "I'll protect her during the hunt, both of us will come back alive." Hearing that, she gasped as her eyes widened, the first time she was hearing they were both to be brought during the royal hunt.

She was expecting her to cry out in despair, but it seemed like their mother had anticipated that after being asked what a true beast tamer was. "That sounds quite like the Duke," she sighed and shut her eyes, squeezing his hand. "Please, keep your promise to me. You too, Nyx."

She was surprised to hear her talk so calmly to him, but he only raised a brow for a split second before pouting. "Of course, don't go lumpin' me in with those Argyris dumbasses…" He said exasperated, cracking his neck with his free hand. Blinking he coughed and added a quick "I mean of course I'll do you a favor, Lady Cyrille."

She couldn't tell exactly who's side he was on, but for now it seemed like he did favor her so that's all that mattered. Smiling, her mother beckoned him close, Isaac taking her from him swiftly and putting her in his arms as he stared with a stoic to slightly irritated face as her mother pulled Nyx's head down onto her lap and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Thank you, Nyx." She laughed, the boy closing his eyes and pridefully smiled up at Isaac from his position, she couldn't exactly read what he was mouthing, but she felt her brother's grip tighten and if looks could kill, Nyx would of been dead a very long time ago.

Picking Nyx up with his wind magic, Isaac threw him out the door, excusing himself from their mother to give her time to think. "That hurt, geez." Nyx muttered sitting on the floor of the hallway, jumping to his feet and trying to take her, only for Isaac to dodge.

The cycle continued for a few minutes, making her dizzy. If Isaac were a cat, then Nyx was definitely the dog provoking him, making the cat more aggressive. "Abu!" She yelled in frustration as she saw stars, the two boys only then paused to check up on her, or more so pocking at her.

"She's a very quiet child, right? Did ya get upset by us? how adorable." It sounded a bit condescending coming from Nyx, but she chalked it up to the fact that none of these kids actually knew how to talk to babies or children, they were the Argyris household, after all.

Clicking his tongue, Isaac brought her up to his chest and begun walking off. "Get lost, bastard." he growled, for some reason he felt more irritated after saying that, but couldn't quite put a finger on it. Laughing, Nyx followed along, even faster than Isaac.

"If yer participatin' in the hunt, ya can't just rely on magic ya know?" Nyx smiled, her brother was irritated, but agreed with him. "Right now i need information." He responded.

She'd never seen anyone as excited as Nyx was at the moment. He was practically screaming pick me with his eyes. "I hate to admit it but you are the best at gathering information. Provide me a list of those attending." Isaac ordered him, the other boy obliging as they worked out the details.

It felt like she was missing something as they exchanged silent nods of understanding to each other, talking about how Isaac would handle everything else, Nyx just had to get the names of the attendees, and ensure they'd really come.

"Ah, if an Argyris is cruel than yer worse than hell itself, ya know that?" Nyx told Isaac as they arrived in what seemed like a courtyard, plenty of space for practicing and training. Her brother merely rolled his eyes, a slight smile tugging his lips. "What a shame you agreed to enter hell with me."

The two laughed, completely different yet they could still play with each other. Perhaps this was why Nyx protected Theia while growing up, out of respect and playfulness he reserved for her brother, almost as if the two of them were actual brothers instead of the countless Argyris siblings they had.

As they walked pass the courtyard, she was completely confused, wouldn't they train like knights in this novel setting? Instead, they walked way past into a much bigger field, one with plenty of open space, and a single tree by a river.

Putting her down gently under the shade of a tree, Isaac took off his coat, placing it right on her lap and walked up to the river front with his signature stoic and graceful face. In return, Nyx pulled out a hair tie and tied his hair into a high ponytail, stretching thoroughly before making his way to where Isaac was.

Was it a duel? She wondered. "Ya know that I'm not that stupid, right? What exactly did ya promise the Duke to go on the hunt?" Nyx asked, taking a seat, throwing off his shoes and dipping his feet in the water.

Isaac followed his actions but less messy and slower. "I took an oath," he sighed, putting his feet in the water and staring up at the sky. "If I fail to protect her and bring back the biggest beast, I give up my right to succession."

Hearing this, Nyx laughed extremely hard. "Ya really are worse than anyone else." Nyx commented, patting him on the back as she tried to understand what he meant.

"Swearin' an oath to the man you plan to kill," he said between his fit, "not only that but sayin' you'll give up rights to succession!" he was almost doubled over from laughing. Isaac merely shook his head in response, closing his eyes.

He did what? And what? "Deceit comes natural to an Argyris, does it not? I'm pretty sure it was something the Duke himself said." They both laughed at that, but behind all their laughter, she could feel bloodlust.

She was planning on using the duke to live, but it seemed like her brothers intended the opposite. They wanted him dead, and would take the power themselves. "Yer right," Nyx replied, regaining his composure with his bright smile returning onto his face. "Both deceit and cruelty are natural to an Argyris, perhaps too naturally for ya. There's rumors bout last night, and there'll be rumors during the hunt with what yer doing."

Yawning, Isaac brushed off his comment. "There's always rumors about the Argyris family. So long as they can't prove it, I don't care."