A Plan in Motion

The rest of the day was quite dull, as a baby, she ended up falling asleep, only waking up in a crib that was inside a different room. The room was spacious, but very barren. A large bed in the center, two nightstands, a closet, and her crib.

She wasn't sure if anyone willingly decorated like this, or he was just given this room and told not to put anything in it. Isaac had briefly said to put her crib in his room, and it seemed he were serious.

All he did for the past week was study inside, or in the library with her with him. He hadn't changed much, including his injury. There wasn't much in the novel, but she understood him as a rather quiet boy who preferred solitude, maybe too much.

She didn't even see her mother or anyone else other than a few maids. No other wives, children, staff, not even Nyx himself, she was getting a little restless without them until she heard her brother's door burst open while he was reading a book with her in his lap.

"Ya ready to hear this, Isaac?" Nyx came running in, slamming the door behind him loudly and taking a seat on the bed. Nodding, her brother closing his book and putting it aside, Nyx getting closer and sitting cross legged in front of them.

She couldn't remember why Nyx wasn't visiting, but allegedly he now had something important to tell, she wondered if that's why he was gone an entire week, and what he was doing to take that long. "I've got info on everyone tending' the hunt, long' with everyone tending' yer first sister's birthday."

She was now interested in what he had to say, and exactly why that was important. It was the first time she heard of her sister's birthday, was that why she never saw anyone at this side of the estate? They were too focused on her, the first child?

"Don't tell me that's all you did?" Isaac sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Nyx laughed, shaking his head, as if her brother told a funny joke.

"Come on, ya know me better. All the folks in the hunt are tending' the party. Ya owe me, was a lotta work tryin' to convince her and the others to invite some people." He smiled, it was then it clicked.

It wasn't just that the staff and siblings ignored her brother, they could of come if they wanted, Nyx was doing crowd control. She didn't know he had this kind of ability to manipulate others into doing things he wanted, but she still didn't understand why he would invite the hunt participants to a child's birthday party.

Raising his brow, Isaac paused for a moment. "Good job, but no one caught onto you, right?" He asked, Nyx should his head and resting his chin on an arm, a mischievous grin on his face.

"They're too busy thinkin' bout how they can humiliate other families and children," he raised his free hand and shook his finger. "And the others'll definitely tend. Ya know no one wants an enemy from the Argyris family."

Nodding, her brother stood up walking over to his closet as Nyx took the opportunity to pick her up and hold her. "Little eleventh, been too long!" He playfully squeezed her cheeks as he turned for his legs to sit off the bed.

She'd never seen inside his closet, or when he actually got up to shower and change… or sleep. In fact, she rarely saw him eat. She wanted to peek inside, but when he emerged with a giant spear, handing it to Nyx, she decided she didn't want to know anymore.

He proceeded to walk back as Nyx gushed about the weapon to her, how beautiful it was and how he was sure he could stake someone through the heart with it, Isaac took out a sword for himself. It reminded her of a rapier with how thin it was, but she didn't quite think it was one, nor was it exactly a longsword.

The handle of the blade looked like wings sprouting out of the sword, and she found that a pretty nice design, much nicer than his entire room. She wondered if wanted to or having nice weapons ran in the family as he too, seemed to like his weapon as the two exchanged a few comments on why their weapons were better.

Concealing his weapon, Isaac put his away and put on a large black and gold coat, with the insides being red, draping over his shoulders and the bottom touching the floor. Kneeling down to the bottom of his nightstand drawers, pulling out a pair of leather black gloves and closed it, staring at her and Nyx in silence with the slightest pout and heading for the door.

She heard Nyx snicker but follow after him. "Aww, Isaac's sad his sister's not with 'em." He muttered. Unlike her brother who put his weapon away, he was proudly twirling it in his free hand, as though he wanted to flaunt it to everyone instead of simply putting it away. Where would he put a large spear away, anyways?

"I take it ya already got permission?" Nyx asked Isaac as he caught up to him with ease, she reminded herself to never try to outrun him on bare feet, she'd lose. Isaac nodded, but she didn't recall ever meeting anyone within the past week that required permission. Was it when she was asleep?

"Can't believe the Duke agreed," Nyx muttered closing his eyes for a minute before suddenly exclaiming. "No, he would! Man's an asshole!" She was still puzzled by their behavior, but they made their way out of the estate for the first time through the main entrance.

She saw an extremely large garden with beautiful butterflies and a fountain, amongst other foliage unlike the garden she'd been to. Unlike the estate which was gloomy, this place looked beautiful.

After exiting, a maid immediately stopped them, nervously looking to the side. "Young master Isaac, Young master Nyx. I'm afraid you need permission from Duke Argyris to be here."

Glaring, Nyx stepped forward and gave a glare, squinting and eye and going, "Huuh? Ya telling me what to do ya vermin?" It was nearly like he was going to spit on her as the taller woman cowered and apologized profusely.

Coming out, a different maid approached and Nyx looked much more civilized, backing down as Isaac pulled a note out of his pocket. "Here's the permission slip." He gave it to the new woman to look over and she nodded, calling out a carriage.

"Be back by tomorrow morning," the woman said not batting an eye at the contents of the note. "The product will be sampled upon returning and after giving permission, returned to you." With that, grabbed the woman who was cowering and apologized for the new hire, excusing herself.

Just how restrictive was the Argyris household that they couldn't even leave without permission? she thought as they walked to where a carriage arrived. "Finally," Nyx said, getting in first. "Hurry up, Isaac. Sooner ya get the poison, the better."