The Punishment For Neglect

Finally free from her first "etiquette" lesson she was full of life as Phius wrapped around her and picked up Theron's leash happily escaping her own room. Rosalyn insisted on picking an outfit for tomorrow and went through her entire closet, trying on every single outfit. The etiquette part was having to walk properly and gracefully in those heels and dresses despite her body wanting to physically scream stop each time she was reminded to stand up straighter.

She was sure that somewhere there were explanations on the latest fashion trends amongst the horrified sounding insults towards her closet. She didn't care much about her outfits as she wore whatever the maids prepared her which were mostly from Isaac, Nyx, and her mother.

Racing on over, it was already nightfall and she'd have more work to do with the sanctuary. Theron had a long enough walk, she had to take the others out for their's before they got grouchy. Opening the door to the building, she caught a glimpse of red locks that belonged to someone familiar.

Removing the leash of the beast, Nyx stood up and looked over his shoulder flashing a smile, "Little eleventh!" he called out, running up towards her only to have Phius nearly strike at his face. With two fingers he squished it's face, not bothering to look at it while he spoke to her.

"There ya are, it's unusual for ya to not be in ere' when Isaac and I are gone, ya didn't even come back by the times their walks ended. Where were ya?" He asked, she knew she couldn't lie to him as he'd figured out regardless within a week.

"Father had a request of me, that's all," she bent down to let Phius off and removed Theron's leash, essentially shooing them away for the time being. "I have to attend a tea party next week and host one in a month."

Putting two and two together he figured the reason she was gone so long from her beasts was not on her own volition but thanks to a certain sister. "Ya could of come to me for it!" He faked being hurt as she raised a brow and stared in silence up at him, reminding him that she was taking after Isaac too much.

As he was about to respond her stomach growled and the tips of her ears were flush. Now that she thought about it she skipped breakfast, slept through lunch, and had to work throughout the evening leaving her on an empty stomach. "I forgot to eat the whole day.. ignore that." She mumbled in embarrassment.

Poking her stomach, Nyx lifted her up with ease with one hand and held her close to his chest. "Just cause yer busy with his task doesn't mean ya shouldn't eat." He mumbled, taking her back into the estate before she could say goodnight to the beasts.

Where was the option to be constantly carried? Even if it were humiliating that she was being carried she had to admit it was far better than walking. What took her forever to achieve took him half the time without having to stop for a break. Feeling a poke on her head she zoned back in, she was in her room and a maid nervously looking at her as Nyx repeated, asking her to tell the maid what she wished for.

Another convenience Nyx had gifted to her. "Something sweet." She bluntly told, the maid excusing herself and running off not seeing Nyx's unamused face, glaring at the woman for not checking up on her earlier despite being her maid. He would deal with this issue later, Isaac would understand anyways.

"What were you doing?" she tried to ask, only for Nyx to smile down at her and speak at the same time. "What'd ya do with Rosalyn?" Clearly he chose not to answer her, always doing that when he was doing something shady.

Sighing, she pinched his own cheeks and shook her head. "Maybe I don't wanna tell you." She responded, him faking his hurt feelings after he had raised her. It was true he did raise her more than her actual father and mother, actually.

"We decided on which tea party to attend and went through my wardrobe," with a sigh she stared at her closet which had already been fixed from all the clothes that had been thrown out. "also i got to do etiquette lessons for the next 'month'." From the way she said the last word he laughed.

Rosalyn's infamy was known throughout the family, she wasn't going to escape. "Even if ya act like him no one will judge you, yer an Argyris at the end of the day. Don't let anyone insult yer name." Hearing him say this, that was a total Nyx move. Rosalyn was all about grace and elegance, fighting people with words, but in truth she likely could get away with slapping someone for looking at her. It would definitely produce rumors but she could get away with it nonetheless.

Keeping that in mind she was ecstatic when the maid brought her back some soup and sweets, offering some to Nyx who declined, letting her enjoy herself as he left watching her shrug in response. She was far too preoccupied with her dinner.

Grabbing the maid by the wrist Nyx led her out, ordering her to head on over to the kitchen, he was going to find the head maid and meet them in the kitchen afterwards.

Sitting down cross legged on the island table he stared at the maids the head maid brought over that worked for Theia. "I guess you all know why you're here if you're trembling like that," he hissed, glaring as no maid would dare to bring her head up to meet his gaze other than the head maids.

Even the chefs trembled wondering if their lives were at risk. "If you've got an excuse say it now," once again no one spoke up except the head maid who smiled at the boy.

"The evening rotation had no say as Lady Rosalyn were preoccupied and Lady Theia insisted on heading to the sanctuary. The morning rotation as well, it's often she skips breakfast if Young Master Nyx recalls it to feed her own beasts. The blame falls solely on the afternoon rotation for not searching for her after she were missing." She explained, a reasonable conclusion that the other maids looked relieved by, unless they were the latter.

He got what the head maid was insinuating, wanting to both prevent too much of bloodshed being spilt, along with saying that the maids presumed she was in the sanctuary and never checked, none of them wanting to go in just in case she weren't there and had to deal with the beasts. She was unsupervised despite Isaac ordering them before leaving to ensure they knew her location at all times just in case.

Shaking his head, he jumped off the table as they disobeyed their order. He excused the head maid and other staff as he picked up his spear on the table, twirling it in his hands. "What a mess ya all made, finding new maids are gonna be a pain." His formal speech was gone as he came to his conclusion, catching his spear and with one swift motion, slicing their necks, eyes cold as blood poured out, their screams not reaching him as their bodies fell, merely trampling them and walking off.

Reaching the door, he turned to look at one of the chefs with violet eyes, "Clean that up, won't ya? Go ahead and tell yer dad to get new maids that are more competent." Even if Theia's maids had the highest mortality rate, it didn't mean it was safe to just not do your job. Walking off, he wiped the blood off onto his shirt and made his way to Rosalyn's room, ready to hear just what went down specifically earlier, and why the Duke had suddenly brought this up.