The chirping of the birds woke Ammiel. No, she's no longer Ammiel starting today, she's Eleanor now. She slowly tried to sit up when she heard the door open.

"Good morning Eli! I've got breakfast for you. You need to eat for you to have strength once we start our journey today", Daniel smiled at her cheerfully and placed a tray containing a soup, bread, and water in it.

Eleanor looked at him and smiled back. "Thanks Dan", Daniel was suddenly taken aback. Eleanor always called him 'Daniel' or 'Dan', but even so, the way she called him 'Dan' today kinda sounds different for him. It feels like something familiar or nostalgic.

"How about you?", he snapped back from his thoughts and looked at the girl again before smiling, "Oh, I already had mine downstairs. I just want to bring yours here", Eleanor smiled and said a simple 'thank you' before proceeding to eat.

A few minutes passed and she was finally done eating. She placed her plate and cup on the tray and was about to stand when Daniel immediately grabbed the tray and proceeded to go out of their room.

"Just stay here, I'll be back", he said as he opened the door and finally went out. The whole room turned silent until the door reopened after a few minutes. Daniel closed the door behind his back and locked it before he went to a nearby chair right beside the bed and sat there. Silence filled the room again. No one talked and the both of them know why.

"Okay, so…umm…I should probably start. Well umm", Daniel can't help but stutter. He's nervous. He's afraid that his friend might get offended that he kept a secret from her, though she also did the same to him. Eleanor inched closer and tried to grab his hand, and when she was finally able to do it, Daniel finally was able to calm himself down. He breathes for a few more seconds and then started talking.

"I was still young back then. I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I tried remembering everything but I can't. I was just 3 that time, and that's the day I arrived at the orphanage. The people there told me that they found me in the forest behind the orphanage with cuts and a big wound on the back of my head, and they brought me inside. They asked me questions but I can't answer them because I can't remember anything." Eleanor stayed silent as she hear him out.

Daniel continued, "For years I never remembered anything from my past. The only thing I know about me is that I'm three and my name is Daniel because it was in a paper on the pocket of my pants and that my parents left me a red and orange brooch, one that has no designs but has red gems on it. I lived in that orphanage with you and I never recalled any memories. I don't know who I am and who my parents or family are. But then, on the day when you got into an accident where you fell down the roof trying to prove that you're someone special, someone who possess a mana…", Daniel stopped when he saw Eli's face. It's contorted.

"A-are you okay?"

"Are you serious? I mean am I serious? I seriously tried to prove that I have a mana and jump from the roof? What am I, a bird? Oh gosh!", Daniel went silent as he watch his friend continue to murmur and talk to herself. Then, when he finally can't stop it, he let out a snort and then laughed out loud at her.


"You look really funny! Your face is contorted and you're talking to YOURSELF about YOUR OWN SELF! Haha! You've gotten weirder Eli!", Eleanor blushed and scratched her head in embarrassment.

Daniel finally stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "Anyways, should I continue now? Pfft!", Eleanor grimaced at her friend and sighed before saying, "Yeah whatever"

"Well, after you fell…I felt so desperate and before I know it, foreign words came out of my mouth. Those are spells"

Eleanor's face became serious. "That spell tried to save you from falling, but, because I don't have a wand, my mana was out of control and thus, it didn't work. After making sure that you're okay after waking up, I started doing my research and even tried seeking help from the information guild. And I found out that I am indeed a wizard. That must've mean that maybe one or both of my parents are wizards, and well I plan on investigating about it more in the future", Daniel looked at his friend, eye to eye.

"I'm sorry I never told you anything about it. I…I never wanted to keep any secrets from you but I…I just….", the boy stopped talking when he felt warmth throughout his entire body.

"I understand. Thank you….for telling me all about it", the girl hugged him tighter, he then, hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. The two hugged each other and stayed quiet for some time before they separated.

Eleanor smiled at Daniel and he did the same. "Now, I guess it's my turn?", the nervous girl can't help when her hands started to shake due to the anxiety she felt. She can't tell him that she's not the real Eleanor, he might not believe her or worse, he might tell that she's crazy or even something even worse than that. She's still new to everything despite the years that passed, so she can't just do something that she might regret later on. She needs to think things through before doing or saying something.

And so, last night she decided that she'll only tell Daniel about… "So…I umm….you already know that I arrived in the orphanage when I was still a new born right?", Dan nodded. "And well, we never really found anything about my parents or anyone related to me even after we asked help from the information guild. All I have is this hairpin with a flower design made of sky blue crystals with mini flowers beside it, and a single piece of earring…."

"With a blue gem in it wherein you can see your name on it if you let it bask in moonlight for a second"

Eleanor was taken aback when Daniel was the one who continued her explanation. Daniel did it to put her mind at ease for just a little bit. She was then able to regain her composure, her shaking hands started to settle down, and soon she was able to smile at him comfortably before continuing.

"Yeah. Well, those are only the clues I have about me. But Dan…do you remember the day when we tried applying for the job in the pub?", Dan nodded.

"Well, that day, a commotion occurred outside the pub right?", the boy tried his best to remember that day and a flashback occur on his mind.

That day they received news about the pub hiring extra workers to help them because of the increasing numbers of customers, and so they decided to try to apply despite their young ages. At first the owners of the pub were reluctant to hire them because of how young they are, but, when they were tested on their capability on doing the jobs that will be assigned to them, they found out that they can do their work properly and they have a reasonable reason why they wanted to apply.

Eleanor….Ammiel that time, was the first one who was tested in doing her job as a waitress, the only problem she had is that she can't read nor write but even so, she was able to pass and was hired. When it was Daniel's turn to apply as the chef's assistant, a commotion was heard on the outside. When people came to look outside, they found an innocent young girl unconscious in the arms of the young Ammiel and a knocked out older man on the side.

They asked her about what happen but she only told them that the older guy hit the girl younger than her and she tried helping out, and luckily that guy was drunk and tripped on the barrels that were found knocked down on the scene and so, they were able to avoid a beating from him.

It was a success and they were able to finally acquire a job that day.

There are no problems in the orphanage because they spend a lot of time trying to convince the head of the orphanage to let them earn their own money but in return, they'll still do their chores. Daniel's eyes widen when he finally got what she's talking about. He looked at her with a serious face and asked…

"It was you right? The drunk guy didn't actually got knocked down because of the barrels, YOU were the one who knocked him out!", he concluded. Eleanor nodded silently.

"I was able to do it without any wands or casting any spells that time. I was also shocked at first and I tried researching about it but to no avail I found nothing since the only books available at our library in that town are limited. I tried searching about it to know if I'm maybe a wizard or an alchemist or even a priest but my abilities are not similar to what they can do. And so, I just concentrated on honing it secretly on my own"

After talking Eleanor opened her palms and concentrated and a few seconds after a blue light appeared out of nowhere. Daniel watched her with bewilderment as she closed her palms again and opens them again, and this time the familiar blue dome-like shield appeared around them.

"At first I found out that I can shoot balls of lights. It's not that strong before but after 4 years of practice I was able to control it more and strengthen it. I also discovered that I can create a dome-like shield and can heal wounds. I also tried honing them out throughout the years and well…I even tried healing a poisoned bird near the forest before, so I can say that I was able to control these 3 abilities now", Eleanor then looked at Daniel who's now thinking deeply.

"But, it really is weird. How can you heal wounds, create a barrier, and shoot this kind of ball of light without any spells or wands or even creating potions? Priests can't do it because they can only give blessings so it's out of the question. You might be a wizard because wizard can create any attack, defence, and can heal but we can't heal internal injuries like poisons. And if you're an alchemist, you still need to create a potion in order to heal them but you were able to heal internal injuries and external ones without any potions"

Now the two are having headache thinking about how Eleanor's mana works. Eleanor was the first one to give up. She sighed and stood up. "For now, at least we have a goal. Find out about what's wrong with me and find out about your parents. Aside from that, Dan... also...I...I also want to say I am sorry, that I kept this a secret to you too, but for now we should start moving forward. No more secrets as much as possible. Deal?", the two shook hands and smiled to each other. Then Eleanor lifted her left eyebrows jokingly and asked Daniel, "So, where should we head on to first, boss?"

Daniel looked at her and sighed, shaking his head at her silliness. Then, he smiled and stood up, walked towards his bag on the left side of the room, and took out a map that looks like a map of Sirthyna. He then came back and sat down on the bed where Eleanor is sitting and left a space on their middle to put the map down there.

"Here, we'll start here in Centralis, the center region of Sirthyna. We'll get some equipment that we'll need in our journeys. We can also try gathering information there. After all, it's the capital, information can be gathered anywhere", Eleanor nodded to Daniel's plan.

"For now, pack up and prepare yourself. We'll leave after lunch. I already bought two horses that' we'll use in our journey", Eleanor nodded again and proceeded to prepare her stuffs as Daniel came out of the room again, but after preparing and changing her clothes, she suddenly came into a halt when a thought came crashing into her head. She can't help but slap her forehead and widen her eyes when realization hit her.

"Dude! I don't know how to ride a horse!"

"So, that's the problem", Daniel can't help but sigh when Eleanor came running down the stairs and out into the inn they're staying in just to catch up to him to tell him about a tiny problem they have regarding their journey. Eleanor can't help but bow her head down in shame because for some reason, she's kinda embarrassed about their predicament. But Daniel on the other hand just patted her head just like usual and spoke to her gently.

"It's okay, no worries, we can just let you learn for now and on the way"

For two more hours that they're both free, Daniel tried teaching Eleanor how to ride a horse. Eleanor enjoyed those two hours. She can still remember how she always tried to convince her parents to let her learn horseback riding back when she was still Ammiel, and now, she's learning it for free!

She can't help but smile at Daniel's patience in teaching her, though he told her too himself that she's a fast learner, but still the effort he gave was very much appreciated by the girl.

After two full hours, they decided to take a bath again and eat some lunch before grabbing their stuffs and paying for their stay. The two exit from the inn and came to a barn where their two horses are being kept.

One of these two horses has a light shade of brown color and the other one is on the darker side. Daniel helped Eleanor put her stuffs on the darker one and then put his as well then the both of them climbed on the lighter one. Both of the horses' lead ropes are on Daniel's hands.

"Are you sure you can handle them both?", Daniel looked back to Eleanor who's sitting behind him. Worry evident on her eyes. They both look at the ropes and Eleanor suddenly went down the lighter brown-coloured horse.

She then proceeded to climb on the darker one next. "Wait Eli! You just learned how to ride for a few hours, what if something happens to you?!", Daniel panicked but Eleanor just shook her head. "You won't be able to handle both of their reins. Besides, you already taught me how to make him move to my desired direction and how to make him start walking or stop. I'll try to handle him for now. Besides that, the rode is not that rough so I can learn more on the way", she stubbornly said.

Daniel wasn't able to retaliate because she then taps the horse to make it walk and went out of the barn first. The boy came out after her and can't help but still worry, and so, he decided to try something.

"Then, wait for a sec", Daniel moved his own horse closer to Eleanor's then tried to hold her head. He then proceeded to cast a spell. The girl's body glowed for a bit. Daniel opened his eyes and looked at Eli staring at him.

"It's the newest spell I've practiced last night. I can at least try it on you for now"

"What kind of spell is it?", Eli wondered.

"It's a protection spell. Well, I don't really know if it works that well but I can at least try. Besides that, I'll just have to keep an eye on you the whole way. But this way, I can at least relax for just a bit"

Eli laughed at the worrywart boy in which caused him to pout at her. "Okay, no more pouting. Are we okay to go now?"

"Yeah, just one more thing"

Daniel came down from his horse then removed his stuffs from Eli's horse and put it on his own horse instead. He then climbed again and checked everything.

"This way, your horse and mine will have the same and equal load and will be able to travel on a good condition. Now that everything's okay, let's go"

The two then tap both of their horses which started to walk after that, and they proceeded onto a new journey. Eli stopped then looked back at the mountain behind them. Their town which is located on that mountain before is no longer there. The only traces of that town that can be seen are the treeless part of the mountain caused by the fire that devoured the town.

She prayed a silent prayer hoping that the people from that town were still alive somewhere and was able to evacuate before. She then looked ahead and saw Daniel who stopped as well and is now waiting for her. "You ready?", the girl nodded and gave him her determined face. "Yeah, let's start with this journey"