"Woah….", people passing by can't help but look at the 2 kids gawking at the sight they saw after entering the main city of Ciden, the western region of Sirthyna.

People are bustling all over the place. Different kinds of shops are open for everyone to buy stuffs they need or want. Eleanor came back to her senses when she felt a hand held hers. She looked up and saw Daniel who's gently smiling at her like usual. His larger hand grasps her smaller one.

"Let's prioritize getting some supplies first", Eli nodded and held the boy's hands tighter. Then the both of them started walking. Both of them holding the reins of their horses that are walking after them.

They first left their horses in a barn they found. For Daniel it's better to leave the horses in a barn, it's safer because the people taking care of livestock on barns are present, that way their horses can't be stolen by someone that easily. They're paying for it anyways so no problems.

The two visited shops where they bought supplies that they'll need on their journey. From simple clothes that they can use to move easier to food supplies, they shop throughout the whole town before eating lunch after. The two then went back to the barn, where they left their horses, to arrange the things that they've bought.

Eli was busy arranging hers when she heard Daniel spoke behind her, "Hey Eli, can you please wait here? I forgot to pick up the boots that we bought earlier. I'll go get them so please wait just a sec", and with that, Daniel dashed out of the barn. Eli can't look at the door where he left as she can't help but smile at her cute and caring friend's clumsiness at times.

She then continued packing stuffs when she remembered something. "I forgot, I was about to buy Daniel a wand earlier", she opened her pouch where she kept her money. "Good thing I was able to save more money than I thought", she grinned and look at the old man working in the barn.

"Umm, excuse me sir. I need to buy something so can you please inform my companion that I'll be back soon", the old man looked at her and nodded in understanding. "Thank you!"

Eleanor got up and took her pouch, she then ran out of the barn and into a place she saw earlier where she can buy the thing she wanted to buy. It's the only shop she saw that sells staffs so she really had no choice but to enter a dark alley in order to get to that shop.

While walking she can't help but feel scared and nervous. The alley was dark and no one usually enters there but she and Daniel entered that alley earlier in order to buy a supply and that's where she saw the store that sells staffs that priests use, and thus she's expecting that they hopefully sell wands for wizards….wizards like Daniel.

Wands are used by wizards in order to control their mana and use a spell properly. Potions are for alchemists, they use bottles and make potions with the amount of mana they have. This is the only way for them to use magic, through making special remedies, potions. For people who have no mana or any special attributes, if they're aiming to be a scholar, they don't have any tool but their wits and brains, and for those aiming to become soldiers, the ones they use are ordinary weapons, like swords or bow and arrows and many more.

Now for priests, even though they don't have manas, they were still given special ability to bless a person, but for them they still use tools too just like the others. They use staffs; they're like wands but are longer. They use staffs in order to channel the blessings properly and use those staffs to receive the prophecies given by the goddess through a prayer.

The city of Castus is the main city of Ciden, the western region of Sirthyna kingdom. In this region, most of the people present are priests and some normal people. And in the main city, an academy for priests was made. The Lumen Academy. There are also other academies present in the kingdom; an academy for wizards on the North, alchemists on the east, and knights/ soldiers & scholars on the South.

Eleanor sighed in relief when she reached the store in one piece. She entered and saw different kinds of staffs, in different sizes and colors, displayed on the shop. The owner, an old woman, welcomed her.

"Oh, are you here to choose a staff for the academy?"
"Oh…no! I am not here to choose staffs"

The old woman looked at her wondering what she's here for if not for any staffs. "Umm, I…I am actually here to see if you're selling wands for wizards"

"Oh…a wizard's wand? Hmm", the old lady walked inside a room while thinking. Eleanor stayed on her spot waiting for the response of the shop owner. Then, the old lady came out of the room after a few more minutes.

"I'm sorry darling. This is a shop for priest staffs", Eleanor can't keep her disappointment from showing after the old lady told her that.

"But, I found this on the old stockroom. This is the only wizard wand we have. It has been kept for so long in there but it still looks new though and I think it still works well", the girl look up and her eyes glimmer when she saw a brand new looking wand on the box that the old lady is holding. It's a color red wand that looks simple but it's radiating power.

She held the wand and was at awe when she felt how right its heaviness is for a child like her. But the problem is, "Oh shoot, I forgot. This wand is not mine. It's for a friend of mine", after remembering that important fact that a wand should be at the same wavelength with the person's mana, Eleanor felt disappointed to herself again.

She felt so stupid for forgetting that important part in choosing a wand. But, the old lady placed her hand on the girl's shoulder and spoke to her, "Is he far away from here?", Eli shook her head then smiled at the idea that popped on her mind.

"Then, I'll bring him here! Please wait for a second!", and with excitement, she rushed out of the store and ran to out of the alley, but, on her next turn she accidentally bump into someone causing her to lose her balance and land on her butt.

"Ow…oh…I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?", she hurriedly stood up and helped the person she had a collision with stand as well. Then she helped in removing the dust from white outfit that person is wearing. After dusting her outfit, Eleanor noticed that their right elbow is bleeding and she began to panic for a bit, but she then tried to calm herself again and think.

Out of her pocket she took her handkerchief and tied it to the where the wound is. And she finally looked up and came face to face with a beautiful girl that looks like an angel. This girl had the same height as her. She also can't help but compare her black hair and purple eyes to that girl's peach hair and dark blue eyes. Her skin is pale and she looks so innocent.

"I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry and I bumped into you. I'll be careful next time", Eleanor bowed her head in apology and looked up to the girl who is now staring at her elbow that was wrapped in Eli's handkerchief.

"If you need medical assistance I can just accompany you to a nearby clinic or something", the girl looked at her again and smiled. "I'm okay, and I'm also sorry for bumping into you. I was actually on my way to a shop", the girl finally talked and smiled at her as well.

Eli was fascinated. She really looks like an angel. Their moment was cut short when a familiar voice called her name. "Eleanor! Oh goddess! I was looking everywhere for you!", and soon Eli was enveloped in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry Daniel", she patted the boy's back to comfort him as he pant and cling onto her at the same time. The two separated and Daniel finally saw the girl. He wipe his forehead where his hazel brown hair was now full of sweat caused by running and is now sticking to his skin when his forest green eyes met the girl's dark blue ones.

"A priest?", Daniel murmured which was still heard by the two girls. "You're a priest right? Based on your clothes you are", he said once again.

The girl looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, though I'm not really a priest yet. I'm still a student at the academy, still learning, so I'm not a priest yet", the girl replied.

Eleanor looked at the both of them back and forth. Now that she thinks about it, the two of them looks familiar together. She can't put her mind in it but she's sure that they both look familiar. She was busy thinking when suddenly she remembered an important matter that needs immediate action from her now.

"Oh…I forgot! Good timing Dan! I was about to go get you as well. Can you come with me for a sec?", Daniel looked at Eleanor and nodded though unsure about what the girl wants him to do. Then Eleanor looked at the girl. "Umm, I can accompany you to the store where you're headed, as an apology to you", the girl looked at Eli as well and said,

"Oh it's quite alright, I just have to go inside this alley and I'll reach the shop on the other end"
"You mean the shop that sells staffs?"
"Oh you know that shop?"
"Yes, I was supposed to head there too once I got him"

Now, it's Daniel's turn to look back and forth to the two girls discussing things he doesn't know. "Then, we should go together!", Eli smiled and held Dan's hand using one hand and the other girl's hand on the other. They walked towards the alley and after a few moments, they arrived at the familiar shop.

The three entered the shop and the old lady welcomed them. "Oh, you're back with your friend now, I see. And you're with Anette too!", Eli looked at the girl with peach hair.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Anette Felicia. I'm a student in Lumen Academy. Nice to meet you", Anette smiled and held her hand out. Eli accepted it and introduced herself as well.

"I'm Eleanor and this is Daniel, nice to meet you Anette", they shook their hands and Anette did the same with Daniel. "Oh, wait a minute, I'll go get the wand", the old lady came to the room inside the shop again and came out holding a box with the red wand.

Daniel's eyes widen and he looked at Eli. "I plan on giving this to you as a surprise gift but I remembered that in choosing a wand you have to know first if that wand synchronizes or matches with the owner's mana, so I brought you here. Now try it!"

Dan became speechless as he looked at the wand. But Eli decided to speed things up and decided to get the wand and hand it over to him herself. Dan held the wand like it was the most delicate thing he ever held. Then he felt his mana dance around the wand.

It light up into a bright red and began to glow like a red crystal or gem. "Oh, looks like they match", the old lady cheerfully said. Eli looked at her.

"I'll take it then, how much is it?", she then got her pouch and prepared her money. "Oh, this is an old stock so I'll give it to you for free instead", but Eli shook her head. "This is my gift to him ma'am, so I want to purchase it properly, so please accept my payment", all three heads look at the young girl.

The old woman then smiled. "Well then, three pieces of silver coins", Rosh got three hundred pieces of bronze coins, which is equivalent to 3 pieces of silver (100 bronze coins= 1 silver coin), and carefully placed them on the counter. Daniel can't even speak due to how surprised he is and so he wasn't able to stop the girl in spending her own money for him.

After paying, Rosh looked at Daniel and smiled. "Welp, consider that as my birthday present to you throughout the years that passed", Daniel stared at her quietly.

"I…I want you to know and find out more things about yourself, that's why I decided to buy you a wand, so you can practice more spells and improve yourself. Though it's not really an expensive wand but I hope that it will suffice for now. So do your best okay? I promise, I'll always be here no matter what decision you make in your life, but remember, as your friend, I won't allow you to ruin your life and I'll stop you if you do something stupid, got that? So don't even think about doing some stupidity in this lifetime"

And before Eli can say more, she was cut when Daniel lunge and hugged her. He squeeze her so tight but not too tight that she won't be able to breathe anymore. The two stayed like that while the old lady and Anette watched them.

"T-thank you. Even if you say that it's not an expensive wand, I'll cherish it, always"

Anette's eyes sparkle as she watches Eleanor comfort the crying Daniel who buried his face on the crook of her neck.

That girl….that girl looks somewhat amazing to her. Her whole life, she only saw 2 kinds of people, compassionate/kind and evil. They're the kind of people who only acts depending on how they're being described. A kind person will always act compassionate and kind no matter what. An evil person will always do evil things no matter what.

But that girl, she's neither one of them, she's not sure why but something really is different about that girl.

"Anette, would you like to get your staff now?", she turn around and smiled at the KIND old lady.
"Oh, yes please"

The old lady left and came back now holding a long staff. It has a pinkish crystal on the center. Crescent moon-shaped metal filled with beads connects it to the handle.

It's simple but Eleanor's eyes widen after seeing the staff. It's a familiar. It's VERY FAMILIAR to her.

That's when a memory when she was still 14 came to her mind. Something she forgot back then.