"Hmmm, so that's why you look so desperate", Meridia nodded to herself, she was just a bit taken aback but was still able to quickly compose herself.

She put her hand under her chin and faced the two nobles, "So, what do you want me to do, I mean, what kind of tracking potion do you want me to create?", Lucius finally lifted his head, determination and hope present in his eyes after hearing the confirmation that the alchemist will help.

"We want you to create a tracking potion that can track a person using blood. You're already aware that we don't have anything that the baby already used, but, the only thing we have connected to her is our blood. So as much as possible, please create a potion that can track a person using the blood of their parents or family", he answered.

"Okay, now, what I want in return is a contract. Contract that can ensure me that my research and my creation will belong to me. No one else will have a credit for it", the 2 adults, Meridia and Duke Lucian both stood up and went to the alchemist's office, and the 3 teenagers were left in the laboratory.

The three of them just remained quiet the whole time until the Duke went out of the office and left with the young master. Eleanor immediately ran to where Meridia is, "What should we do now master?"

"Now, you both need to help me with this, but, I trust that the two of you will close your mouths about this case?", the 2 nodded to her.

"Alright then, we should start by gathering information about tracking. You two go to the main library in the city to search for some books, I'll stay here and check some documents"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Welcome back young master"
"Shall we prepare anything sir?"
"A simple meal"
"Yes, young master. Oh and, sir, we found this earlier in your room sir. It looks like it's a possession of lady Eli but you already left so we were not able to give it back"

Ren who just came home, tired from all the issues regarding the tracking potion that the Duke of Donati was requesting, was just about to go back to his room to get change when the butler handed him a blue hairpin. This hairpin has a big flower and small flowers in it that are made of gems.

This is indeed Eleanor's hairpin that she was always wearing ever since the first day he met her. He held it in his hands tightly. "I'll be the one giving this to her"

"Hmm, shelf no.8….number 8….number 8…..number 8…..Oh! There!...Now put it back on the shelf, okay…..ugh! I…..almost….there!"
"Here, let me help"
"What the fudge?!"

Eli who was taken by surprise immediately back down just to see familiar electric blue eyes with the same shocked eyes as she had. "Yo-young master Lucius! Why are you….ow!"

Lucius immediately ran towards the girl who's now in the ground holding her aching head after being hit by the book that fell due to not being placed properly on the shelf.

"Are you okay?!"
"Do I look okay to you sir? I just hit my head and he's asking that, seriously why is that book so thick?"

Eli can't help but answer him that way. She then gasp and covered her mouth after finally realizing what she just did. "I-I'm sor…"


'Am I the one who had something hit her head or him? Did he loose a screw on his head?', Eli looked at Lucius with unsure eyes. She slowly got up and little by little and then came closer to the young man.

"Ummm, s-sir, a-are you okay?", she stretched out her hand to check on him but Lucius who just finished laughing held it. "I-I'm okay, haha. Don't worry, I was just taken aback that someone was able to answer me that way"

Eli started to panic again; she continuously bowed her head, "I'm really sorry! I'm sorry!", but the young man just shook his head. "It's fine. Here let me take a look at your head", Lucius is a lot taller than Eli, so he had no choice but to bend down to reach her height.

He gently touched her head, observing them carefully. "Hmm, there's no lump, it looks okay, but internally are you okay? Nothing inside your head was shaken right?", Eli shook her head while holding her head. "Good"

"Eleanor? Looks like someone is looking for you", Eli turn around and saw the librarian peeking from a shelf. She fixed herself then looked at Lucius one more time. "Are you trying to find me for something?", but the boy just shook his head.

"No, I just coincidentally came here when I saw you in this isle", he answered.

"Oh right! Yes I'm coming!"

She faced the boy and bowed her head again. "Again, I'm sorry about what happen. I'll be going now. Please excuse me", and with that, she finally walked away.

Lucius, who was left there, looked back to the shelf to make sure that the book was surely placed in there. He saw that the book was secured on its placed and so, he was about to leave as well when he noticed the title of the book.

He came closer to the shelf and took out the thick book again, and his eyebrows creased as he read the title, "Theory about dimensions"

It's almost the end of summer and finally the research about the tracking potion was done. It's time to try to create it now.

"We sure have a lot of herbs to get. Are we sure we can go back to the lab by sundown?", Ren stopped from fixing the reins of a black horse and look towards the girl busy mumbling while holding a paper where herbs that they'll need to get are listed.

In order to start making the tracking potion they'll need a lot of herbs.

And thus, early in the morning, Meridia sent them to get some of these herbs that can be found in the forest before she set off to get the rest in the shop in Centralis. She also left them notes on what to do with those herbs and where to store them so that when she comes back, they can just proceed with adding them to create the potion.

Knowing that Eli is from Centralis and the crown prince of Sirthyna is searching for her because of her unusual ability, Meridia made sure that Eli will never have the circumstance of needing to go there.

And right now, Ren is just finishing their preparations in going to the forest. "It's okay now Eli", Ren mount the black horse and adjusted some more things then finally, he extended his hand to the girl.

"Here, grab on", Eleanor pocketed the paper and secured it before grabbing onto the boy's hand to mount the horse as well. She adjusted herself and looked up to see Ren looking down at her, watching her.

"You comfortable now?", Eli nodded, Ren held the reins and finally they set off going to the forest. It was daytime so Eleanor felt relieved for a bit. The two went pass the city market and rode the horse for a few more minutes. And finally, they entered the forest.

Ren took out a map from his pocket and gave it to Eli. This was also given to them by Meridia the first time she sent them out to gather some herbs for the potions that she'll be making. This map tells them the places where they can find the herbs that they need to get.

"First we'll need to cross a river, near here we'll find this first one, then we can go to this direction and find this one", as Ren pointed the places they'll need to go to, Eli listened to him carefully and attentively, the two continued to discuss the route that they'll be taking to get all of the herbs they need for minutes, then finally, they set off onto the first one.

The whole day they just rode the horse, collect herbs, take little breaks, and had lunch. The sun is starting to set and the two are now collecting the last herb they need. It was found in a meadow.

Ren is holding the basket as Eli gets the herbs and put them in there. "And there we go! Now it's time for us to head back. We still need to grind these and put them in the proper containers to properly store them just as master instructed", Ren nodded and secured the basket on the horse.

Eli stood up and dusted her clothes when she felt a shiver run down her spine. She looked around but only saw trees. "Eli what's wr….", Ren stopped talking once he as well felt something strange. They can hear the birds flying away as the sun slowly sets.

"Eli, come here", he urgently said. Eli slowly back down and finally reached Ren as he quickly put her behind him. She unconsciously held onto the hem of his clothes as she as well looked around frantically after hearing rustling.

"Hurry, get on", the young man nudge the girl and helped her mount the horse. It's dark now but they can still see due to the moon that started appearing in the sky. He held the reins tightly as Eli looked around and stayed alert. He was about to get on the horse as well when something wrapped around his ankles and dragged him to the ground.

"Ren!", Eli shouted in panick as she also tried to calm the horse that she's been riding down. "Eli, get out of here!", Ren shouted but the hard-headed girl just shook her head in response. "I'll help you!", in this kind of situation, she can't think about keeping her secret. There's only the two of them present and no one can help. She'll help him despite her secret being revealed or leave him and save herself and her secret. But Eli knows she can't do the latter, and thus…

"Hold on!", she was about to use her ability when the same kind of vine wrapped themselves on both of her hands.

She was dragged down to the ground as well and she ended up lying on her belly same to Ren. The black horse ran off with the herbs but that wasn't important for them now. "Shit! Eleanor!", Ren struggled some more and tried to get the vines off him when he saw Eli's face paled in just a second.

He tried looking back and saw a monster made from actual mud. It stands 15 ft tall and has razor sharp, rock like, teeth. Its eyes are color red and are staring down at the both of them.

"R-ren! Watch out!", as the monster tried to gobble him he let out all of his strength and rolled out of the way. He took a small dagger out of his pocket and tried setting himself free. He was almost done when he heard another shout.

He looked towards where it came from and saw that the monster is now going towards Eleanor. His muddy body leaving traces on the soft grass. Ren sliced the remaining vines and immediately tried to attack the monster's body but the dagger was just consumed by its body.

He ran towards Eli instead and just as the monster was about to grab her, Ren snatched her away and started running. But then the live vines tried to wrap themselves on his ankles again causing him to stumble but he continued running. He was almost out of the meadow when unexpectedly, another mud monster stopped them.

There are 2 of them now.

The 2 gigantic monsters started cornering them. Eli struggled to release her hands from the vines using her teeth while Ren is busy finding an opening where they can escape. He then put her down, causing her to be distracted and pause from taking the vines off her feet after finally freeing both of her hands. "Tsk! Looks like I have no choice", he look at her and bended down. He took out a handkerchief.

"Do you trust me?"

Eleanor looked at his serious eyes. She slowly nodded to him, "I do"

Ren used the handkerchief and covered her eyes, he tied it from behind and soon Eli's vision was filled with darkness only. She felt Ren hold her hand and caress it.

"Then, promise me that you'll do what I ask of you", the girl nodded and held his hands firmly.

"I want you to cover your ears using your hands. I don't want your innocent ears to hear anything that can sully them and instead, Eli…sing any kinds of songs that you want. I'll be back"

Eli felt that Ren's hands were removed from hers. "R-ren! Wait! This is dangerous! You'll at least need me to help you!", she shouted not knowing where the young man is.

"Eli, you promised", Eleanor can't help but worry, "Eli! You trust me right?!", Ren shouted once again. Eleanor sighed, she cup both of her ears and just sat there. "I do"

And with that, she started singing a song unconsciously. And it's not just a song; it's a song that didn't come from this world. It is not a song that Eleanor knows; it's a song that Ammiel knows.

She can hear sounds but there are no grunts coming from Ren. But unknowingly, Ren who heard her sing was taken aback by the foreign words and unfamiliar song that she's singing.

He looked at the girl rocking back and forth, covering both of her ears as promised, and singing an unfamiliar song with unknown language. His mind flew off somewhere for a second but he came back to his senses when he noticed the 1st monster coming to attack Eleanor. He ran towards it and took out 2 daggers.

"Eli! Louder!", Eleanor heard Ren shout. She stopped for a second but did what he was asking, continued singing the song louder than ever. Despite having a blindfold she can't help but also close her eyes in order for her to be able to concentrate in singing. She felt hot and cold at the same time but she just kept on going.

She continued to sing while hearing a bit of sounds around her. Minutes passed and the song was about to end, that's when she noticed that some light were peeping on her left eye despite both of her eyes being closed.

She slowly opened her eyes to peek. Looks like the blindfold loosen and came off but not completely, only on her left eye. She peeked while still singing the last chorus of the song that she's singing but the scene in front of her caused both of her eyes to widen.

Right in front of her, Ren is standing there, his back facing her. They're both surrounded by fire, and scraps from the monsters' bodies were all over the place. His black hair was swaying with the wind and he is holding one dagger at each of his hands.

Her song finished and Ren turn to her but was shocked that she can now see everything. Loosen up handkerchief was hanging on her neck.

"Look out!"

Behind Ren, a big hand made of mud arose from the ground. Eli immediately stood up and ran towards him.

Ren slowly turn to look behind him and finally saw the monster's hand, moving on its own, about to crush him when suddenly, a body shove him out of the way as they both rolled to the ground.

Eli opened her eyes and saw that she's lying on top of Ren. Her hands were tightly gripped on his clothes as he looked at her worriedly. His eyes widen and Eli felt something gushing on the side of her head. Her vision started to become blurry.

Ren turned to her left and she can see him mouth something as she felt his right arm move. She can't hear anything but static in both of her ears as Ren faced her again.

Both of his arms wrapped themselves around her as she saw his mouth move, he's shouting something but she can't seem to hear it. Her eyes are starting to droop as she battle against herself in order to stay awake.

'Were the monsters defeated? Is Ren okay? What about the fire?' , she can't still relax so she still want to keep herself awake but looks like her eyes plans on betraying her, as she struggle to keep them open but they just continue to slowly close.

Looks like Ren started panicking because she felt him started to shake her body, but it's not doing anything. Instead of trying to keep her eyes open, she switched on concentrating to move her lips. "Re…n….I'm ti…red….sleep…first"

And with that, her eyes finally closed. But before losing her consciousness, her mind came back to the last thing she saw before her eyes finally closes. She's not sure if it's real of if her eyes are playing tricks on her but, she saw it,

Ren's black eyes turned into sky blue.