"Ren....Ren!.... Wake up Ren!....REN...REN!"


"You're finally awake young master!", Ren opened his eyes. It was a bit blurry but he can see a few people surrounding him. He tried to close and open his eyes for them to readjust, and finally, he was able to see the people surrounding him.

The head butler of the mansion, Rostum, together with 3 maids and 2 butlers were all staring at him.

He tried talking but stopped when he felt roughness in his throat, he touched it and Rostum immediately knew what he needs. "Bring the young master a glass of water", one of the maids poured it in a glass near the bed where he is laying while the 2 butlers and Rostum helped him sit down.

The maid gave him a glass of water. He drank it and gave it back before trying to talk again. Fortunately, he was able to talk after that.

"What happen?", he immediately asked. "You were asleep for 5 days since we found you and Lady Eleanor and brought both of you back from Lor Forest. Lady Meridia Oscas, came back from Centralis 6 days ago and came here asking if lady Eleanor is here, and that's when we tried to search for the both of you. We then found you both in the forest unconscious"

Flashbacks came to Ren's mind. After defeating the 2 monsters made of mud, his memories became a bit hazy, and the last thing he remembered before falling unconscious is Eleanor passing out first.

Ren's eyebrows furrowed. "What about Eli?", he asked. "Lady Eleanor is with lady Meridia in the academy. Lady Meridia already gave her a healing potion similar to the ones you took sir. Do you want me to check on her, sir?"

Ren nodded, "Send someone to check on her and also, investigate the forest where you found us both and tell me anything unusual that you might see"

"As you wish young master", Rostum exited the room together with the butlers and maids. After closing the door, he faced them, "Send one personel to check on Lady Eleanor and inform lady Meridia that the young master is already awake. Send 6 knights in the forest to investigate. And, prepare a simple breakfast for the young master and prepare his bath"

"Yes head butler"

"Young master, it's Rostum, may I come in?"
"Come in"

Rostum opened the door and came in with a maid pushing a tray cart with Ren's breakfast in it. As they placed the foods in a table next to the window of the room, Ren, who's already sitting down in the chair, looked at Rostum.

"The young lady is still unconscious, though her wounds, including the one on her head, was already healed, she's still unconscious due to shock", Ren nodded at the butler, "Okay. How about the forest? Anything unusual?", Rostum shook his head in answer as Ren dismissed them. The Lor Forest is one of the closest forests in the main city Poculum located in the eastern region of Sirthyna, Orien. It is known that this forest is the one of the safest forest in Sirthyna for the reason that monsters can rarely be found there, especially in spring, summer, and autumn.

Only wild animals can be found in that forest so encountering not one but two unfamiliar kinds of monsters in there really caused Ren to be caught off guard and not expect any encounters like what they just experienced.

In his head, he just don't get how could monsters appear in a safe place like that all of a sudden.

"S..I mean, what is it?"

The meek girl immediately bowed her head. "I'm sorry sir but the head wizard is calling for you in his office"

"A-ahem! Okay, I got it!"

The girl tried to peek through her hair that served as curtains but jumped in shock when her eyes came in contact with forest green ones.

"Do you still need something?", she immediately shook her head and stood up. She went towards the door before facing the young man again and bowed before going out and closing it in a hurry.

The boy immediately grabbed his cloak, he reached out his hands on a red wand, staring at it and caressing it before tucking it inside his cloak and going out of the room. He walked in the hallways and he can see people as he passed by, they're all staring at him.

After turning from a lot of corners he finally found the door of the person calling for him. He knocked and as soon as he heard someone saying, "Come in", he immediately opened the door and entered a wide office full of books.

"Ah, there you are"

The young man bowed towards the older one, "I greet the Head Wizard of the Imperial Palace", the Head Wizard immediately made him stand up. As he stood up he was able to see the kind smile of the Head Wizard directed towards him.

"No need to be that formal when it's just the two of us….Daniel", Daniel immediately smiled after that. "How's it been? I know that you're a genius but you don't have to prove that to other people you know. Sometimes, you can go outside and breathe in some fresh air instead of just focusing on your researches", the older man stated as he light a cigarette.

"But I am not…"
"Daniel. A commoner who entered the Veneficus Academia under my sponsorship after winning a contest and was soon recognized as a genius wizard in the whole Sirthyna Kingdom in just 4 years that he spent in the academy. Entered the palace as an Imperial Wizard after graduating and is now an A class wizard. You're underestimating yourself again"

Daniel just let out a sigh and shook his head at the doting older man. It's been a year since he decided to join the Imperial Wizards. He was immediately accepted due to his great ability and talent as a wizard. He spent his 4 years studying in the academy for wizards and he almost stopped during his 3rd year because Eleanor's letter stopped coming.

He was convinced by the Head Wizard of the Imperial Wizards that sponsored him to continue his studies first and in return, he'll help him find Eli, but, they found out that the crown prince is trying to find a girl that was described exactly as Eli.

He became more worried because of that but Eli was never found up till now. And that's why he decided to be an Imperial Wizard, because he knows that in locating someone, the chances of him finding Eli is high if it's by the help of the Imperial Wizards.

Also, he knows that these wizards can grasp more information about things and happening around the kingdom so he can gain more information not only about Eli but also maybe about his parents in here.

He's doing his duties in researching for more magical theories and many more as an Imperial Wizard in exchange for the chance to gain information.

"Nevermind that sir, did you call me for something?", he said, wanting to get to the point. The old man laughed a bit and brought out something from the drawer of his table. He placed it in the table as Daniel grabbed it and started reading everything that was written in the paper.

"So you want me to go to Poculum in Orien with 6 wizards to investigate the Lor Forest?"

Daniel put down the paper and looked at the older man with serious gaze. "Why? What happened in the Lor Forest that needs investigating by the Imperial Wizards?", he questioned.

The chill look on the old man's face vanished all of a sudden and changed into a serious one. "The Lor Forest is one of the safest forests in Sirthyna. Did something happen? It can't be just because of some wild animals that lived there right?"


Daniel went stiff then regained his posture and immediately asked, "Monsters? In Lor Forest?! Sir, are you sure?!"

The old wizard nodded at him. "Meridia Oscas reported an incident to Marquis Perye just yesterday"

"What is it about? Don't tell me monsters appeared on that forest?", the older wizard nodded before continuing on the explanation.

"According to what she said to the Marquis, she sent her two assistants to obtain ingredients in the Lor Forest for the potion that they'll be creating then she went here in Centralis to obtain the rest that can't be found there. After arriving, she later on found out that her assistants have been missing for almost 2 days and went to search for them. They were soon found unconscious on the forest. 5 days after one of her assistants woke up, she visited him to ask what happen and the assistant told her that they were attacked by 2 mud monsters while getting the ingredients. Now, the Marquis reported it to his majesty and they want us to send you and 6 more imperial wizards on the site to investigate"

Daniel nodded, "This is indeed disturbing. That forest is one of the safest forests in Sirthyna. And monsters suddenly appearing there when they haven't for centuries sure are worth investigating. Especially now, it's still autumn, existing monsters from other places only comes out during winter when they don't have anything to hunt caused by animals hibernating during that season", the 2 became quiet, absorbed in their own thoughts when a knock was heard.

"Sir, the meeting will start in 5 minutes, we must go now", the head wizard stood up as Daniel composed himself as well. "For now, prepare for your journey to Orien and choose 6 wizards that will come with you", the young man bowed his head and replied, "Yes sir", to the older wizard as the two of them left the office.

"It's been 2 days since I woke up but she's still asleep, when will she wake up?", Ren's rumbling was the only one that can be heard in Eli's room. After waking up, he was immediately visited by Meridia who asked him about what happen to both him and Eli.

And he told her that they were attacked by 2 mud monsters while gathering the ingredients they need for the potion. But that was just what he said, specifically that. After resting for 2 days, he was finally allowed by the alchemist to go visit Eleanor who is still unconscious.

Her head banged on a sharp rock when she saved him and that's how she got a wound on her head, she also got some wounds and bruised due to the monster's attack, but that's all. Though the reason Meridia gave him why she's still not waking up is because of shock. She said it looks like the girl's body undergone some kind of shock due to their experience.

For him, encounters like that are NORMAL, but, for a girl like Eli, looks like it's her first time encountering a monster, not only one but two, so he can quite understand where Meridia is coming from.

A few more minutes passed and Ren felt thirsty, and so, he stood up to get water but then heard clinging sounds coming from his pocket. Wondering what caused the sound, he reached out towards his pocket and got two things.

One of them is a button from who knows where and the other is the familiar blue hair clip with flower designs made of gems that belonged to the person sleeping in front of him.

He put the button back on his pocket then he walked towards Eli, putting the clip on her hair properly. It's a mystery how she never noticed that her hair clip had been missing all this time, but Ren thinks it's because she's always busy and remained focused on with the potion that the Duke requested for them to make.

He just stared at her sleeping peacefully forgetting that he was thirsty earlier, "Please wake up soon"

"It looks like we've finally arrived", his hazel brown hair swayed in the wind as Daniel stepped out from the glowing magic circle.

"We welcome you all gentleman, thank you for coming"

He looked at his surroundings before sighing a bit, they finally arrived at Orien's main city, Poculum. And in front of them stood a huge mansion, and it belongs to the ruler of the Eastern Region.

"The maids will be guiding you to your rooms"
"Thank you Marquis Perye"

They all walked towards the mansion's entrance, Daniel in front. He and the 6 imperial wizards were all transported right in front of the mansion of the Marquis where they will be staying while investigating the Lor Forest.

"We hope you'll enjoy your stay here"

It's been 4 days after Ren woke up, Eli is still unconcious.

"Morning master"
"Oh Ren, are you here for work?"

The young boy nodded at Meridia. "But, can I visit Eleanor first?", the older woman looked at her assistant and nodded, noticing that he's still worried about the girl still not waking up.

"Okay. And oh! Ren, wizards will be visiting the lab to ask you about the incident so don't stay on Eli's room for too long", he nodded and immediately opened the door, going out and crossing hallways and stairs and finally arriving at the familiar door of the room where he often go these days.

He gently opened the door and quietly entered before closing it again. He looked at the girl still peacefully sleeping on the bed. Her clothes were already changed by Meridia but her clip and the one piece of earring that she usually wore is still there.

He dragged one chair and put it beside the bed where the girl is and sat on it. And with him staring at her, his mind started to wonder off again.

Minutes later he heard sounds coming from outside the room. Looks like he'd been staying at the room longer than he expected. He stood up and stretched out a bit when his eyes caught something. He immediately came closer, leaning on the bed, just to see Eleanor slowly opening her eyes.

"You're finally awake!", he exclaimed. Eleanor's eyes just looked at them blankly. "Eli? You okay?", Eli's hands slowly reached out and he flinched when her hand reached and cupped his face, caressing it ever so gently with a small smile appearing.

"How do you feel? Does anything hurt? Should I call master? Tell me anything", but Eli just let out a yawn. Slowly her eyes started closing again, that made Ren panic more for some reason.

"Eli. Eli? Eli! Is something wrong!? ELI!"

He started patting her face gently just to wake her up but her eyes just closed again. And that's when he ran towards the door. After opening it, he immediately ran towards the lab, stumbling a bit on the way.

The lab's door opened and Meridia and two imperial wizards, Daniel being one of them, who came to interview them about the case, all looked at the door. A panting and huffing boy with black hair and eyes, and a serious face looked at Meridia.

"She opened her eyes but then closed them again minutes later. Is something wrong with her?", and with that, Meridia rushed towards him, forgetting about the wizards.

"Something's wrong, let's check it out too", and with that, Daniel and the wizard he's with rushed after the two, following them down the stairs and into the hallway. They entered an open door and as the 2 wizards came closer to that door Daniel felt his heart started thumping for some reason.

Slowly they came closer and closer, they can hear the two fussing about something inside. And finally, they peered on the open door just wanting to check on things, but what Daniel saw made him gasp in shock. Lying on the bed is a familiar girl with black hair that he's been trying to find all these years.

The 3 people who heard him gasp all look towards him whose eyes are stuck on the unconscious girl on the bed.
