"Little Eli, the carriage sent by the Holy Temple is here"
"Oh okay!"

Eleanor was about to go out of the toy store when Historia stopped her. "Here, wear this. You need to cover your face since you're someone who was given privilege by the goddess, you need to keep your identity a secret since it's also priest Anette who called you"

Eli stood still while Historia is putting a mask on her. She looked at the mirror across them and saw that the mask is a fox-shaped mask in the color of black with some purple streaks.

"Where did you even get this aunt?", she questioned but Historia only chuckled. After putting the mask on her, the guild leader then motioned Ren to come close to her.

To the youngsters' surprise, she also put on a mask on him. This time, it's a blue mask with some white streaks and,

'It looks like a mask for wolv*rine in *men back on my first life'

"Eli, you ready to go?", Eleanor snapped back from her thoughts and nodded at Ren. "Why does Ren need to wear a mask as well?", this time, it was Raul who answered her question. "Ren is someone who's close to you, in order for other people not to know your identity; they need not to know the identities of the people close to you"

"Then what about Anette?"
"Priest Anette is already popular and is already known to be associated to many people so it's okay"

"Then what about the people in the East? They know who we both are", Raul looked at Historia who stepped in to answer Eli's 3rd question.

"Well we can't help it since they've known about it because of an unfortunate incident; we can just hope that priest Anette's words and the Holy Temple's law can influence them so they won't spread any word about you. But, as much as possible, you need to hide it now"

Eli nodded after hearing the explanation. "You should go now. Be careful you two", the two then came out and entered the carriage. With a last wave, the carriage departed.

The Holy Temple is located near the Royal Palace, and that itself made Eli nervous but when she remembered what Anette said on the letter, she tried her best to have more courage.

The two watched the scenery all the way to the temple and Ren, who still was able to notice how nervous Eli is, did what he can in order to distract her so she can relax.

And finally, they arrived in a place full of….

"White like in weddings, is this a temple or a wedding reception?"

Eleanor slapped Ren's back who's trying his hardest not to laugh at her. "Pft….ahem! Of course its white Eli, it's the temple after all, it represents the goddess", he said trying to compose himself.

The door of the carriage opened and Ren stepped out of the carriage first, then he escorted Eli who came down next. The two was greeted by the peach haired girl who's grinning from ear to ear.

"You're here", Anette said as she hurriedly came to them and immediately hugged Eleanor. The girl hugged her back when they heard another voice.

"Is she the only one who gets a hug?", Eli look at the entrance of the temple and Daniel came out with a boyish grin on his face. "Why is Daniel here?", Eli questioned as withdraw from the hug.

"I don't know as well. He just showed up unexpectedly this morning", Anette grumbled, clinging onto Eli. "I heard that some priest will also be joining us to help in tending to the wounded during the raid so I thought I should make a visit and thank them for volunteering", Daniel smiled as he as well, unexpectedly clung onto Eli on the other side.

"Why don't you go to the high priest and thank him now? Why are you still here?"
"Why are you here as well? You should be preparing now right?"

The two pulled Eli into their own tug of war making her look at Ren for help, but the latter is busy laughing to their cute actions. "Okay that enough", Eli pulled her arms out from their grasp and faced Anette.

"How did you know that I'm a part of the raid Ane?", she asked. The priest was about to answer when they heard chuckling and voices coming near to where they are. "We should go somewhere private and talk there", Anette said as she quickly pulled Eli towards the entrance of the temple with Ren and Daniel both following them from behind.

The 4 entered Anette's room, making themselves comfortable by sitting where they want to. "So, how did you even know we're a part of the raid?", Eli repeated her question earlier.

"Well, walls have ears you know. We heard that mr. Wizard here passed a report to the king regarding the incidents of people being taken by men with black suits, which are also the men who attacked the crown prince. It is also included in the rumors that those reports that Daniel got was from anonymous people, which made me think that you're involve in this since it's from an anonymous person and also because of how he tried his best to convince the king that this matter is very urgent and needs to be solved as soon as possible", Daniel looked at Anette with an annoyed expression.

"This dude will do anything if it's for you, I just know it. So, the moment the king decided to dispatch a team to raid that said organization, I convinced the high priest to let me volunteer in assisting on the raid. At first he didn't grant me his permission but then I was able to convince him but with a condition, I need to bring some priest with me and assign guards to protect me since I'm a candidate to be the next high priest", Anette explained. She then stood up and took something from one of her cabinets. A tea set and prepared tea for everyone.

The 3 waited for her patiently and silently as she served them all tea before continuing, "And to make sure if you really are a part of this raid I called you here to ask you since I can't send a letter hastily because those letters will still need to be inspected before being sent. So in order for me to be able to talk to you I sent a formal letter of invitation to the temple to ms. Oscas' place thinking you'll be there. I know it won't be suspicious since I'm sending it to your place, to the place of someone I examined, but since you're not there and she figured out that the letter was for you, she sent me a letter telling me that the letter of invitation was sent to you together with the package she sent", after a long explanation, Anette sipped on her own tea giving the other time to process everything that she just said.

"In short you're just going to the raid because of Eli", Daniel said with a blank face. "Dan, that's not….", Eli was about to retort when Anette cut her off and answered the wizard.

"Well, yeah. Why else would I be there if not for that?", Eli who just had a sip on her drink choke upon hearing how fast Anette answered Daniel's question without any hesitations. Ren who's the one sitting closest to her gave her his handkerchief as he patted her back.

Anette Felicia was at last formally declared as a legitimate saintess who cares about everyone, putting others first before her own self.

The image that popped in Eli's mind that she can remember base on what was written in the original novel cracked at that moment. 'Putting others first before her own self, mr or ms author, I think your character just went in a different route on her own.

"We only have mere 2 days in order to get ready. Are you sure you're really going?", Anette nodded as she held Eli's hands with her own. "I'll be there with you. But, are YOU sure that you're going? In this raid, things might get….ugly you know"

This time, Eleanor squeezed Anette's hands that are holding hers. "I am. I'm not that weak anymore", she said with determination in her eyes.

'Besides, these men in black suits might be connected to the INTRUDER, so I can't miss this chance as well', she added in her mind.

Dan and Ren helped Eli ride on the carriage before Ren entered the carriage. Anette and Daniel waved at them until the carriage was out of sight.

2 days later…

"Let's discuss the plan once again. We're going to join the raid disguised as mercenaries. In this mission, we will be divided into 2 groups. Group 1 will be helping in rescuing the people taken by the organization; Raul will lead that team with Eleanor and Ren. Rohan will guide them", Historia stated before turning to the man they captured before and nodding at him. His wounds are now healed and he's been release ever since his statement was proven to be true.

"The 2nd Group will be in charge in helping the army capture the members of the organization, I will be leading them", she added. The members all nodded at her instructions.

Today is the day of the raid. Through Daniel's help, they were able to join the raid disguised as mercenaries. And right now, Historia is briefing them all about the plan for the last time before heading out and meeting up with the army that was sent by the king that's composed of knights, some imperial wizards, and alchemists.

Joining them as well are some priests from the Holy Temple that volunteered to go assist them, led by Anette. The guild members are all dresses appropriately and are now prepared to go.

After the briefing, everyone proceeded to go to the secret passageway armed. Historia is on the very front with Raul and Rohan, while Eli and Ren are walking behind them, "I know this might be a little late but, Ms. Historia and Sir Raul, do they have abilities?", Eli turned to Ren.

"Don't you know? Aunt Historia is a S class wizard, Uncle Raul is also a wizard, he's an A class wizard", Ren stopped for a moment but Eli pulled him to continue walking so he won't cause a traffic for the others behind them.

The baffled Ren composed himself and asked again, "What are an A and especially, a S class wizard doing in an info guild when they can be accepted in the Imperial Wizards with that kind of rank?", this time Eli can't help but snicker as she looks at the boy.

"Ren seriously, you stayed with the guild for at least considered a long time but you haven't figured it out?"

"Figure out what?"

"Ren, they're not just a simple info guild. Yes, that's one of their fortes but the guild is not just a guild that collects and sells information, they're also a guild that can also be paid to get rid of people"

This time, Eli can't help when Ren, with his mind still buffering, stopped. She motioned the others to go on ahead of them as the members all look at them wondering what's going on. Eli came back to where Ren stayed and looked at his shocked face. 'Oh this cute friend of mine'

"When I first found out that they're not just an info guild but also secretly a guild for assassins I also can't help but feel shock because of how unbelievable it is for me. The members all looked friendly and umm…flimsy and stuffs but they're actually dangerous people. I also became scared of them but then I discovered how this guild filled with assassins has their own pasts and stories, I also found out that this place is not that scary, in contrast, it is place full of warm people who took care of me in their own way"

Ren looked at the girl in front of him then at the members walking far ahead of them. "Come on, we'll talk about this later, for now we need to concentrate on things. Are you still with me Rephienne?", the young man stared at the hand Eli held out. He then took it and smiled at her with the jolly look back on his face.

"Of course I am, Eleanor. Now, put this", Eli's gaze went towards the thing Ren took out from his bag. "So YOU'RE the one keeping them", she said, laughing a bit upon seeing the familiar 2 masks they wore when they visited the temple.

"Ms. Historia told me to put it on you. And well, I decided to put mine as well so you won't feel awkward being the only one wearing a mask", Ren explained while wearing his own mask. He then turned and faced Eli.

"Now, may I?", with a simple nod, he took the fox-like mask and carefully put it on Eli. After he finished putting it on her, he took a few steps away from her and looked at her in every angle he got.

"Yup! That mask looks perfect on you. It also matches the clothes you're wearing since the color black suits any other colors", he exclaimed with a wide grin on his face.

"Now come on, we're left behind by the others", he said, grabbing Eli's left hand and dragging her to catch up with the others.

"You're here!"

Eleanor was welcomed with a tight hug from Anette right after they arrived at the meeting sight in the entrance of the forest serving as the borderline of the Central and Northern regions. The guild rode on horsebacks after exiting the secret passageway of the guild.

And in the meeting place, Anette and the priests with her assigned bodyguard, and other mercenaries joining in the raid, were already there.

The group then moved out after the arrival of the team sent by the king led by the captain of the Royal Guards, Veiron Cartha. As they march towards the village in the Northern Region, Umbra, Daniel can't help but glance over to where Eli is, riding a horse beside Ren.

'She's great at riding horses now than before', he proudly said in his mind. Smiling when he noticed how the girl he protected when they were still kids improved on a lot of things.

"Focus mate. Wait, where are you staring at anyways?", the red haired captain of the Royal Guards asked, looking at the same direction where Dan is looking.

Veiron Cartha, a man in his early 30s. He is the disgrace 1st son of Count Cartha because he has no abilities, but then, his prestige went up after he worked hard and became the captain of the Royal Guards. The Royal Guards are not only for knights or strong people with no abilities like Veiron but also for wizards who didn't make it into the Imperial Wizards, A-B class wizards. Veiron is a strong knight and is also close with Daniel ever since he met him in the Royal Palace after he entered the Imperial Wizards.

Now everyone is wondering why they were called Imperial Wizards even though Sirthyna is not an empire. It's because of the king; his greatest goal is to make the kingdom large until it becomes a powerful empire, which doesn't really make sense since there are only 2 kingdoms present when the goddess divided the continent into 2 through the help of the saintess. And with the help of the Imperial Wizards, the strongest wizards in the kingdom, he hopes that he can achieve that goal. In short, the Imperial Wizards are one of the king's prides aside from his son that's why it's hard to get in there.

Now back to the 2. "Oh, it's the girl with the mask. She's the one priest Anette examined right? So she's that privileged person in the east huh? You went to the east before for the investigation regarding the monsters that popped up like mushrooms right?"

But Daniel just ignored him. And instead looked back at the front. Veiron just shrugged it off and stayed focus to the goal of the mission given to them. They travelled for hours and soon, the sun was about to set.

"We'll camp here", Veiron announce. Everyone proceeded to do their own roles, Ren helped in setting up tents while Eli and Anette with other priests and alchemists who came to support the team/army started preparing foods for everyone.

Daniel on the other hand joined the plan meeting with Veiron, Historia, Raul, and the other leaders of other mercenaries who went with them. Soon everyone was given portions of food and started getting ready to get some rest while the others are assigned in guarding duty.

Eli shared a tent with Ren while Anette, who wants to sleep with her, had no choice but to go sleep with the other priests.

It was in the middle of the night when Veiron woke up after hearing someone walk passed the tent where he's in. He took his sword and quietly went out of the tent. He then looked around and saw a shadow passing through the other tent. He slowly and quietly followed it holding his sword firmly.

He saw a person wearing a cloak walking away from the camp. 'Is it a spy from the organization? Or maybe, since they came from the camp…a traitor?!'

He followed them and ended up in a frozen lake not far away from the camp. The person stopped in front of the lake. He sneaked up behind them and pointed his sword on them. "Identify yourself!", he said. The person slowly turns around to face him, and in a snap of finger, the sword he's pointing on them flared up, lighting up the whole place. And there, his brown eyes met with lilac ones.