Veiron withdraw his sword the moment he saw the familiar fox-like mask. Eli stayed quietly still but inside, she can feel her heart beating fast like she just ran a marathon.

"What are you doing out in the middle of the night and in this kind of temperature?", Veiron questioned her. "U-umm, I…I really can't say it", Eli said which made Veiron suspect her more of doing something sketchy.

"Spill it, are you a spy?! A traitor?! Are you about to send letter to the organization informing them that we're on our way to their hideout?!", he asked in a very intimidating way. He even put more pressure to her when he pointed his sword on her again.

"N-no! No! I'm not! I swear!", Eleanor immediately tried to defend herself. "Then spit it out! You're acting very weird and suspicious!", Veiron shouted. At Eli's point of view, he just looks intimidating earlier but now, he looks like a grumpy or angry bear.

She shivered unconsciously and stuttered, "I-I…I ah..umm"

"You what?!"
"I…..I'm trying to find bathroom"

Veiron's mind stopped. "Y-you what?", he asked like he didn't hear what she just said. The red face Eli looked at him at disbelief. "A-are you serious?! I won't say it again! It's embarrassing!", she exclaimed, trying to hide her face on the cloak that she's wearing.

"Y-you're…you're trying to find a place where you can pee?", and with that, Eli's face completely exploded. "W-wha! How can you say that in that way! Y-you might be a captain but y-you're embarrassing me! How can you..ahhh!", Eli sat down on the floor, now trying to cover her whole body with her cloak.

'Ground, please swallow me now', she said in her mind. "What the fudge is this?! He just showed up and now…", the girl continued murmuring to herself while Veiron who finally came to his senses bend down to face the girl.

"A-ahem! I…I'm sorry! As a form of apology, let me help you find a place where you can…ahem! Do your business, I-I'll guard you", he awkwardly said, making Eli's face redder.

Veiron being the captain of the Royal Knights didn't matter to Eli anymore as she slapped his arm with her hands repeatedly. "You pervert! You…"

"O-okay! Okay! I-I'm sorry!", Veiron tried to defend himself as the animals, who are the only witnesses present, saw how cute the two are acting. Finally, when the embarrassment died down a little, the two stood up and dusted themselves.

"I-I'm serious though, I'll guard you while you do your business, it's not healthy to keep it in anyways, so just go over there and do it", the captain who can't look at the girl awkwardly scratched his cheeks.

Veiron can't hear anything from the girl so he talked again, "J-just go. As a form of apology, I'll guard you, so just go. I promise I REALLY won't look", nothing, and so, he can't help but look back but before he can even look a shoe came flying hitting his face.

"You just said you won't look! Pervert!", Eli screamed.

"I-I! I'm sorry! You're not saying anything to I thought something happened!", Veiron exclaimed as well while covering his eyes using his hands, trying to explain himself to the girl. Silence filled the whole place.

Soon Eli emerged from the bushes. This time Veiron took a slow turn to peek at her making sure she's finally done with her business before he completely looks at her. He then saw that she's finally done, though she can't look at him out of embarrassment.

"Come on, it's already so late, you need to get some rest for tomorrow. I'll escort you to your tent", Eli looked at the outstretched arm the big guy gave her. She hesitantly gave her hand to him and the two went back to the camp.

The captain escorted the girl to the tent where she'll sleep. But before he left, he heard her say something before she went inside,

"Goodnight and thank you"

He smiled and went towards their tent as well. What a weird and funny encounter they had.

"Were finally at Centralis", Lucius look at his surroundings. His face showed joy and excitement when the thought of him finally meeting his sibling came to his mind.

He looked at the knight holding the potion Meridia created and motioned for him to pour some. Soon, the familiar smoke came out as he whispered, "Find the lost child of the Duke of Lucian Haven Donati and Elizabeth Luina Donati", the smoke proceeded to go north as they all followed it.

But they all wondered why the smoke still didn't stop and even went further towards the direction gong towards the northern region, Septen.

"What? I thought they're in the Centralis, looks like they're actually in Septen", disappointment came across the young duke's face. "Young master, what should we do?", a knight asked.

Lucius glanced behind him to his men waiting for his order. They all looked determined to whatever he'll decide. He then took out a blue- green brooch. It has a gem at the center that is surrounded by blue-green leafs that forms into a 'U' shape that surrounds the gem with the mix of color blue-green and black.

It was from his mother. Duchess Donati gave it to him before that incident. He clenched his hands holding it but not enough to destroy it. He then faced his men and said, "We're going to continue the search, anyone who wants to go home can go now", but nobody did, and they just stared at him and waited.

Lucius smirked at the sight of the loyal men under the Duke of Donati, these knights are indeed very devoted to the Duke, "Okay then, let's go!"

"Look out!"

The Forest full of white pure snow was soon ruined. The next day after Eleanor and Veiron's funny encounter the team proceeded and continued their journey towards Umbra Village. But then, in the middle of the day right after they took a break to eat lunch, they encountered a new type of monster.

"Before it was mud, then the flaming ones, and now Ice!", Ren grumbled before he dodge another attack from a gigantic 15 ft monster made of crystal and spiky ice.

"What is this?! We've been hitting it with powerful attack spells. The swords are also sharper and deadlier because of the potion poured in it, but still this monster just won't budge", even Daniel can't help but growl in annoyance.

Eleanor is with the priests and alchemists on the sidelines. They take care of those who are wounded by pouring healing potions on their wounds and bandaging them and stuffs.

And some lower class wizards who are part of Historia's guild are also staying with some other lower class wizards from other mercenary groups to protect them.

"Don't move too much or you'll strain it!", Eleanor shouted as she scolded the knight who moved his injured arm before it can even heal properly right after she poured some healing potion in it.

There are 1 medium-sized box full of potions, and Meridia, knowing how dangerous the mission is based on how Ren explained it to her in the letter he sent before, sent a lot of healing potions and potions that they can use to escape like smoke bombs.

"They're coming this way!", one priest shouted. The ice monster was indeed heading their way no matter how hard the frontliners are trying to stop it. "Strengthen the defensive shield!", one wizard shouted, wizards who are with them started casting more spells, strengthening their barrier/shield by adding more layers of shield.

The monster started banging on the shield as the Daniel and the others tried to stop it outside. The shield on Eli's direction cracked and the monster was about to grab a person near her when a fire ball strike him. It was from Daniel.

That's when Eleanor got an idea. "Eli?", Anette exclaimed as Eleanor hid herself behind her. "Ane, can you cover me for a bit", she whispered.

The young priest peeked at her from the corner of her eyes and saw Eli moving her hands a bit. "What are you doing?", she asked. "Look up"

And when she looked up, she finally saw what Eli did. A large ball of light started appearing on top of the giant. That's when Anette realize that Eli is trying to hide behind her so no one can see her creating something like that without using any mediums or tools like wands of staffs.

She faced forward so that no one will notice what her friend is doing behind her. "What's your plan?", she asked in a whisper. "I just need a bit more time. So this…"

Everyone watched as the ball of light as big as the monster's head stopped growing and then with a little wave from Eli's hand, the ball fell on the distracted monster's head. And when it did, it exploded into smoke with a bit of glittering.

The monster growled as his eyes was hit by those glitters and smoke. Now Eli faced the others outside, "Daniel! Ren!", she shouted, it caught not only the attention of Ren and Dan but also the attention of Raul, Historia, Veiron, and the other frontliners from Historia's guild.

Eli ran outside the shield and met up with the 2 boys, the others who also noticed came close to them, including Anette who followed Eli outside the shield. "I've got an idea when I saw that flame ball attack earlier", she whispered the plan and they look at each other. "We've got no choice, this is the only idea we can try for now", Veiron said as they all nodded.

"Eli, Ms. Grumpy, go hide", Eleanor nodded and dragged Anette who was just about to retort back to what Daniel just called her. They hid behind some trees not far away from the others.

And then the plan began. The monster that was still spinning around the area was soon surrounded by knights carrying ropes led by Ren. They all scurry around in different directions below him and soon after that, they all pulled the ropes causing the entangled giant to fall on its belly.

While everyone is doing the plan, the wizards protecting the priests started recasting spells for barriers to protect the priests and the wounded.

That's when the mercenaries came close to its head while the knights tie the ropes. The mercenaries, led by Veiron, using their weapons like big axe and many more tried to open the monster's mouth, then the alchemists protected by Raul threw flammable potions inside it.

And while they're doing that, not far from them, Historia's group of wizards are casting spells to form a huge barrier shield. And not too far across the monster's head, Daniel's group of wizards are also casting spells but they're preparing for an attack spell instead.

The spell was done and right after shooting dozens of flaming ball attacks, the mercenaries, knights, and alchemists all ran towards Meridia's group and came inside the barrier. The flaming balls went inside the monster's mouth and because of the flammable potions inside it, the monster's inside started exploding.

Smoke filled the whole place and when it cleared up. What only remained is nothing. Everyone all sat down due to exhaustion and they all sigh in relief.

"That went well. Hooh!", Anette smiled as she look back to Eli only to find her panting. She immediately checked her temperature but Eli just smiled at her. "The ball of light I created just tired me out, no need to worry"

Anette sighed and stood up. She offered her hand which Eli took, helping her stand and then pulling her towards the exhausted people not far from them.

The group rested for a bit longer then continued their journey. 2 days passed and thankfully they didn't encounter anymore monsters on the way.

"Brr! Cold", Eli grasped onto her cloak tightly shivering from the cold temperature. By the end of the 2nd day, at sunset, the group finally reached the Umbra Village in the North.

Everyone observed the whole place filled with only ruins from the village that was once there before. Snow started coming down from the skies again. "Captain, we found an abandoned barn not far from here", one of the knights who secured the area reported to Veiron.

"Let's get there fast, looks like there will be a big snow storm tonight", he ordered, and then the knights led everyone towards the barn. Upon entering, the barn is full of hays and tools but it's not dirty, just dusty due to it not being used for a long time.

"Let's set up the tents"

After eating dinner, everyone came back to their own tents while the leaders all proceeded to a tent where a meeting will be conducted to discuss some things.

After the meeting was over, Meridia who came out from the tent where the meeting was conducted sighed. It's been a tiring day but they all still have to hold on for one more day.

During the meeting, a knight who went on patrol with some other knights and mercenaries reported that the headquarters of the organization was found in the vicinity. It was near the barn where they're staying.

And so, they only need to endure at least 1 more day until this mission will be competed, because tomorrow they will be hunting the said organization…the raid will start.

"Now that everyone's prepared, move out!"

The team/army started marching east wearing serious faces. In front, Veiron lead them all.

Soon enough, a cave came into their view, but what's suspicious is that there are 2 men standing guard inside the cave. They're both wearing black suits familiar to Eleanor who can't help but clutch on Ren beside her instinctively.

"Now, just as we plan Group A, led by me will capture the organization's members, Group B will go rescue their prisoners", after Veiron reminded everyone of their jobs, Historia who they didn't saw nodded to her guild members. The guild members are already divided into 2 on the briefing they had even before they went to this mission.

Historia will be going with Veiron in Group A to subdue the members of the organization, while Raul, Rohan (the one they captured before whose family is one of the people they need to rescue), Anette, Eli, and Ren are all in Group B, led by Daniel, who's in charge of rescuing the imprisoned ones.

They all prepared and soon Group A made a move, they stealthily knocked down the 2 guards with a sleeping spell before coming inside the cave. Group B waited for a bit then Daniel signalled them to go in as well.

Alchemists took out bottles and shook them and soon the liquid inside the potions glowed. They used those potions to light their way while going inside the cave. They went deeper inside the cave and soon they saw a light coming at the end and when they arrived at the very end of the cave, chaos welcomed them.

The members of Group A are fighting against many men in black suits. "Go now!", Historia yelled not far from them. Daniel look at his members and shouted, "Group yourselves into at least 5 and spread out!", with that Daniel held Eli's right hand and dragged her towards a hall leading to somewhere away from the lobby where the others are fighting other members of the organization, she looked behind her and saw Ren and Anette running after them.

"Intruders here!", they heard someone shouted, "Let me pass first!", Ren shouted as he ran pass Daniel and Eli. The three stopped as Daniel shielded the 2 girls, but Eli peeked from behind him and even though she've seen it many times, she can't help but be amaze at how Ren attacked those men in black suits with such skills.

Ren….he's not a strong wizard like Daniel or Meridia and Raul, he's just a person with no abilities; he doesn't use wands, potions, nor staffs. He's also not as strong as Veiron but…the way he uses his twin daggers is something that amazes Eleanor.
A memory from before came into her mind for a minute. It's her memory of the two of them when they were attacked by two mud monsters in the Lor Forest. She's sitting in the ground like a kid that time, blindfolded, and she was covering both of her ears and was singing very loudly that time so she didn't really hear anything.

But that time when her blindfold unravelled where she saw him standing after fighting 2 huge monsters and this time now that he's fighting the men in black suits, it reminds her of something,

A wild beast using his daggers like it's his claws.