"Eleanor, hang on!", Daniel shouted, Eli looked at him with a blank face,

'Daniel, I don't really have a choice do I? This monster is not letting me go and in case it does, I still have to hang on myself or else I'll fall to my death and I DEFINITELY don't want that'

The troops who are still a bit tired after their last encounter with the air monster earlier were strengthened by the priests that started praying again.

They used sword to cut its tentacles but because they're made of water, it just grows back and the water cut will go back to the body. "Argh!", Eleanor groaned when she felt the tentacles holding her hands held it tighter. And despite it being made of water, though it still feels cold and is squishy like because it's liquid the grip still feels a bit painful for some reason.

'I'm sure a bruise was already there', she thought. She looked at the monster and noticed that exactly below her is the body of the monster. Then, a crazy idea struck her mind.

"Eli what the heck are you doing?!", Anette panicked when she saw her friend started swinging back and forth. "I can't just stay like this!", Eli shouted as she swung harder than she ever did even on her 1st life.

'I have to at least be able to get out of its grasp so everyone can attack it without worrying about me', but swinging still doesn't help. And thus, she looked at some of the mercenaries and knights who have bows and arrows.

She shouted to them, "Cut the tentacle holding me!", everyone looked at her like she's crazy. "Child, just hold on for a bit!", Historia shouted. But she shouted back, "I have to get out of here!", this time, it's Raul who shouted, "Little Eli, you have to stay still! We'll get you out of there as soon as possible!", but Eli groaned in frustration.

Are they blind, can't they see what she's seeing? Didn't they get what she's saying?

"I will be fine so just cut it!", she shouted again. Everyone hesitated; even Ren and Daniel disappointed her when even they looked at her with doubt. But, an unexpected person immediately gets an arrow and bow from a knight, aiming it at the water tentacle holding her captive.

"Captain no!", but it was too late, Veiron already shot the arrow, piercing the tentacle and cutting it in half. Eleanor immediately took a very breathe not minding the screams she heard before she was plunged into the monster's water body.

She opened her eyes and saw everyone stopped. She looked at Veiron with thumbs up and started swimming to get out of the body. She don't know how to swim but since she's not really going to swim going up (float) but is going to need to swim in straight direction, even she who can't swim can also do it.

She was able to get out of its body and exactly at that moment, a horse coming from behind the monster appeared with its rider under the monster. The rider caught Eli even before Ren or Dan arrived there, making everyone sigh knowing that she's safe.

"You okay?", Eleanor looked up and gasped when she saw the familiar face of the one who caught her. She smiled at the smiling face of that boy and said, "Thanks…. young master Lucius"

Lucius who's under the monster made the horse run to avoid the upcoming tentacle that was about to attack them. He went close to where Veiron is and asked, "What the heck is that?!", with a serious face. The attacks started again and soon even the knights who came with the young duke started helping them.

Lucius took out a brooch and held it in his right hand, it glowed and soon the brooch turned into a wand!

'It's just like the wand of the crown prince Cyphel! The sword turned into a wand, but this time, the young duke's brooch turned into a wand'

Eli can't help but admire the black wand with some parts of it colored in blue-green color, and a few gold gems adorned it. Lucius started casting a spell and they were blown away by how strong the attack is.

'Lucius Donati is also a wizard, and on top of that, he's strong!', is what's going on in Eli's head. They all tried defeating the gigantic monster with their strong determination and abilities led by Veiron, Daniel, and this time, Lucius as well.

"Surround it and use heat spell!", Lucius shouted, wizards did what he said with the priests backing them up and knights protecting them. Eleanor is with the alchemists and villagers, while mercenaries who are keeping their eyes on the captured members.

The heat spell slowly made the water monster evaporate while it's being held captive in a big bubble created through the potions made by the alchemists who was with the young duke. They all sigh in relief for the nth time.

"Is this really it?", the small girl hiding behind a woman asked in a quiet voice but it was still heard by everyone. Veiron came close to her and bended down to her level before patting her head in a gentle way. "Yes child, this is the end"

The team/ troops continued their journey towards Virgula (main city of the Northern Region) and soon were able to meet the one in charge of the northern region, Marquis Isbert.

Marquis Isbert was surprised when Lucius, who also came to the North to help escort the troops in going towards Virgula in order to make sure that there are no more monsters that might attack them like the water monster.

He's a noble after all, so no matter how important finding his sister is, he also needs to go and help in making the raid, which was ordered by the king, successful. It's his obligation.

Lucius and the others were greeted with courtesy. The villagers rescued from the organization were sent to a relief shelter for the time being. They then proceeded to question the members placed in the dungeon of the marquis' mansion, which became really hard since they all are very loyal to that person, and the moment one of them was about to say something, he exploded into tiny bits.

"Looks like we won't be able to get any answers from them. Dark spell was casted unto them, a forbidden sealing spell"

Eleanor looked at Daniel who just told her what happened during the questioning. "How does the sealing spell work?", Daniel, who's seated across Eli, started explaining seriously, "Their mouths are not literally sealed like stitched or something, it's more like if they say something that is being protected by the sealing magic, which is in their case it's the information about their organization or leader, there will be consequences because the sealing spell is casted to seal any information about those things, and in the members' case…the consequence is exploding into tiny bits"

The girl nodded her head and sighed, "So, were you at least able to know what their organization is called?", Ren who was seated beside Eli asked. The 3 of them are currently in Dan's room. Ren came with Eli to the boy's room in order to know what happened during the questioning.

"Well we were able to know their organization's name. It's called ERA"

"Era…is it some sort of acronym or what?"
"We don't know Eli; they're still busy investigating so we just have to wait"

Eleanor sighed as Ren patted her back. She can't help but question herself about what the connection of the INTRUDER is to ERA Organization, 'Is it maybe the name of the INTRUDER?'

She sighed again for the nth time; Ren noticed how hard she's been racking her brain ever since they heard the organization's name from Daniel. They're on their way back to their rooms and he's just escorting her back to hers and Historia's room.

"Hey Eli, did you know? Tomorrow we're going back to Centralis because the king called everyone who participated in the raid to thank us", Eleanor stopped walking and looked at Ren with wide eyes.

"W-what did you just…say?"

Rephienne noticed how the color of her face became pale in just a second so he came close to her immediately and checked on her. "Are you okay? You turned pale in a snap!"

"Nevermind that Ren! Tell me! Are you serious? We're going to the Royal Palace in Primor?", the young man nodded making Eli turn paler than before. 'Shoot! Even though it's been years but the crown prince still saw my ability before and I have an old record of being a wanted person because of that before!'

"Eleanor! Breathe!", Eli gasped as Ren continued to shake her. "O-o-okay R-r-ren, I'm getting dizzzyyyy!", she shouted making him stop.

"Are you okay now? Come on, let's get you back to your room as soon as possible so you can rest", he reached out his hand and held her hand before pulling her softly towards the direction going to her room.

"Oh, I forgot to ask Daniel or Captain Veiron about young duke Lucius", Ren looked back at her but still continued to walk. "Oh, young duke Lucius? Well, I heard some servants that he's also being called by the king since he helped us in defeating that water monster before, so I think you'll see him soon too since he's going to be going with us in the palace"

Eleanor nodded and questioned Ren again, "But why is the young duke there?"

Ren shrugged and replied to her, "Beats me"

"I'm sorry father"

"It's okay, it's inevitable. For now, you don't have a choice, you have to go to the palace and meet the king. Postpone the search for your young sibling; we can't let other people know that we're trying to find them. Ms. Oscas and her assistants are enough, no need to let other people know as well. Since it might endanger them more if the mastermind of THAT INCIDENT finds out that they're still alive and we're finding them"

Lucius nodded at the instructions duke Lucian gave him. He sighed again for the nth time and nodded, "Okay father", the duke smiled at his son, "Go get some rest and keep me posted", the young duke nodded and the button-sized magic crystal he's been using stopped glowing.

He took it and put it inside his pocket. Magic Crystal is invented by the duchess of the Donati dukedom. She kept it a secret and only told her husband how to make one, and soon the duke passed down the knowledge to his son, making him promise that he'll never tell it to anyone. In short, the only ones who know and have these gadgets are the duchess, the duke, and the young duke.

They kept it a secret from everyone else since they don't want to sell this to the market or sell this information to anyone, since this is one of the only mementos that the duchess left for the duke and Lucius, so it's that important for them.

The duchess was able to invent it but she never told them how was she able to know the process, she just said that it's a secret, the duke and Lucius trusted her and waited for her to open up once she's ready to open up about it, but that time didn't come, for she died even before they can ask her a lot of question.

The magic crystal is a gadget that lets the creator contact another person who also has a magic crystal like a communicator. So it's expected that everyone would want to have it, but since the duchess asked the 2 boys not to tell anyone about it, they kept it a secret from everyone.

Lucius held the magic crystal inside his pocket and smiled. "Soon, when I find you, I'll also teach you how to make one of these so we can communicate with each other using something mom created just for our family", he said, getting pumped up in finding his lost sibling.

The next day, the troops left Septen and started their journey back to Centralis. The long journey was enough to make Eleanor calm and think of plans she can do in case her identity as someone the crown prince have been searching before was found out.

But what helped her calm herself is what Historia told her when she asked her about this matter before they started preparing for departure. She asked the guild leader first thing in the morning about that issue and what she said is,

"That issue, we took care of it. The day you took off and went to Orien (east), we tried our best to bury that issue. And well, in short we already took care of it. Don't worry, the only thing people remember is what that person's name is, but, it's not like you're the only person who's named Eleanor in the world right? So don't worry yourself that much. And if something does happen and they found out that you are that wanted person, we'll be right behind you; we'll protect you with all we can"

She felt relief and was touched by how those people treasure her. At first, Historia just cherished her as someone who she's indebted to, so she just acted out of courtesy before. But as time passed by, Historia became more comfortable with her, and Eli became attached to them, they became one of those people whom she treasured.

After so many days of travelling, they finally arrived in Centralis, they entered Primor, its main city. They were welcomed by the knights of the palace and was led to where they'll be staying and prepared before seeing the king.

"Ugh finally! A bed!", Eli groaned as she was finally able to feel the soft bed prepared for them. Hostoria, who is also staying in the same room, laughed at her cuteness as she sat down her bed as well.

The two's peaceful rest was interrupted when they heard a knock. Eleanor opened the door and a maid was in there. "Your Highness the king invited everyone at the upcoming ball that will be held tomorrow evening where you will all be receiving your rewards for participating in the mission he gave", the 2 girls nodded and thanked the maid before closing the door.

"This is nuts. Why is there a ball?"

Historia looked at Eleanor wondering if she is serious with her question but she noticed that the girl is indeed serious about it. She shook her head with a little laugh,

"Child did you not see it earlier?", Eli looked at her and tilted her head, a habit she had even when she was still Ammiel indicating that she doesn't get what Historia is saying.

"Eli, did you seriously forget?"
"Forget what?"
"What season is it now?"
"And what event does the king always hold every winter?"

That's when the girl's eyes widen, indicating that she finally get it. "It's winter….The Winter Ball", Historia smiled and nodded, "He'll be rewarding us, mercenaries…well, we're really not mercenaries but….well the point is, he'll be awarding us, commoners, in front of the nobles? Is the king serious?"

Historia patted the bed and Eli sat beside her. "The winter ball is held every winter by the king since this is a celebration for the end of another year, but you know the king, when he awards people something, he does it in public and as much as possible, not in a simple way. We don't really have a choice, at least we were able to carry out our goal, which is rescue those people and investigate the organization. So just bear with it. You can wear your mask since you're a 'privileged one' so no need to worry about your identity and your past wanted record being found"

Eli sighed in defeat and nodded like a kid. Historia comforted her by gently caressing her hair. While she's doing that, a flashback came back to her mind. It was a scene that she read on the original novel 'The Hidden Saintess'

It was a scene when the male lead, crown prince Cyphel asked Anette to attend the winter ball as his partner. During the winter ball, Cyphel took the opportunity to tell people that he's interested in Anette by choosing her as his partner. The 2 danced in the ball and then had a sweet moment in the terrace after. The next day, rumours started spreading that Anette caught the interest of the crown prince since that's the first time the 2 appeared together in public and as partners as well so it created a huge scoop for everyone.

She looked at the window and sighed, 'Goddess Anchora, nothing happened during the winter ball in the original, except for the start of rumors about Anette and the Crown Prince. Now that the story is ruined, I should be prepared right? Since during the ball, most of the main characters will be present. Anette, Cyphel, and Daniel. I should be prepared for the unexpected'

The whole day, the members who joined the raid took their time to relax and rest. Then, the next day, they started the day with preparing themselves for the ball.

Eleanor is busy writing a letter to send to Meridia when a knock on the door of her and Historia's door was heard. She stood up and opened it, but no one was there. She looked down and saw 2 boxes.

She looked at Historia looking at her as well and took the 2 boxes inside before closing the door. "What are those for?", the guild leader asked as she inched closer to the boxes placed on her bed.

Eleanor took the box on the very top. On top of the box, there's a letter. She looked at the sender of the box and saw that it was from a person she doesn't know. "Hey aunt, do you know this?"

She passed the letter to Historia. The guild leader took and read the letter and soon smiled. "It's from my friend, a designer working here in Primor. She heard about the raid and also heard that I'll be attending in the king's winter ball, so she sent me one of her designs", Eleanor nodded and smiled.

"Speaking of dresses, I should've sent a letter to her as well to send something for you to wear", Historia was about to go get some letter to send a note to her friend when Eleanor stopped her. On her hand is a letter that belonged to the other box. "I don't need it aunt", Historia peeked from behind the kid and tried to read the letter as well. She then smirked after reading the letter. "Yeah, you don't need a dress to wear"

Please wear this dress on the upcoming winter ball. I'm sure it'll suit you, so I chose this when I had time after me and the captain visited some places earlier. I'll see you in the ball.