"Woah, you look so great in that Ms. Recensus!", Anette exclaimed happily when she saw Historia getting out of the room where she and Eleanor are staying.

"Indeed leader, you look good in that", Raul, who accompanied Anette to where the 2 girls' room is to see Eli, seconded as he look at his guild leader. Historia is wearing a cocktail dress/gown that her friend made for her. It is a purple gown with some yellow colors on it. It has long fitted sleeves and also a corset that looks like belts on her waist. And instead of high heeled shoes, she's wearing a thigh-high boots with the same color as her gown, and it suits it well. Her hair is in a bun and she's wearing a yellow headband made of ribbon.

Raul is wearing neat grey attire with a yellow neck tie making Anette chuckle a bit after noticing this; sure that Historia's partner for tonight is this trusty gentleman.

Anette on the other hand, due to her being a priest, needs to wear a dress that is a bit traditional. It's white and looks like a kimono with long loose sleeves and blue hydrangeas flowers design on the bottom. Some of her hair is braided on both sides and is adorned with white ribbons.

"Mine still looks so….holy, I'm envious", Anette mumbled was she was still heard by Historia and Raul. "Hahaha! Ane, don't say stuff like that, people might misunderstood you and well, it's not really something that a priest should say. It feels super wrong coming from a priest", the 3 people all looked back at the door after hearing someone getting out of that door.

The laughing Eli emerged from the room and tapped Anette's shoulder. "You look so beautiful tonight little Eli", Raul complimented making Eli blush a bit before saying, "Thank you uncle. You look great as well", Raul smiled.

Eleanor is wearing the dress/gown Daniel gave her. It's a purple dress with white fabric draped on the sides and back, making the purple color only appear on the front, it reaches the ground and has white long loose sleeves and laces that served as corsets on the waist.

She's wearing a black choker necklace, her fox-like mask, and is still wearing her one piece earring and her hair pin despite them being blue. "Why did you still wear them? You can just keep them in your luggage you know", Historia asked after noticing the 2 with odd colors in what Eleanor is wearing. But Eli just shook her head.

"I don't want to take them off, they're too important for me", she said with a smile. 'This earring is a Holy Item given by the goddess Anchora herself, it's TOO important. And well….'

Eleanor touched her hair clip/ pin and caressed it carefully. 'This is the only thing Eli got from her parents before being abandoned by them in the orphanage, it might not be THAT important to everyone or me but for the old Eli, this is her only connection to her family, I can't lose it too'

"Let's go, the ball is starting soon", Raul said. The 3 girls looked at him and nodded. Eli and Anette stared at the man, and Raul noticed that. They continued to look at him, "What is it?", he asked, they then looked at Historia and back at him.

Raul then smiled after finally getting what they meant. He offered his hand to his guild leader and said, "So, may I escort you ma'am?", he said jokingly and winking at the 2 younger girls making them snicker a bit. Historia shook her head at their silliness with a smile and accepted the man's hands.

The 2 then went first while the 2 younger girls can't help but smile at each other before following them.

They arrived at the door leading to the ball room. Anette patted Eli's back to calm and assured her with a smile. Then the door opened and everyone stared as 4 people came down to the ball room.

Eli was so focused on holding the hem of her dress and carefully coming down the stairs that by the end of the stairs, she didn't notice a boy waiting for her.

"I know it. I'm right. That dress really suits you", she looked up and saw the handsome face of Daniel smiling at her with his hand held out. He's wearing a neat white suit and is waiting for her to accept his hand.

She held his hand as he carefully escorted her to the ball room. Eli looked at Anette and saw that some priests are already flocking around her making Eli laugh a bit.

"You're great in that suit too", Eli complimented back to the young man as his smile grew wider. "But, has Ren arrived yet?", she looked everywhere but her friend doesn't seem to be in the room yet. "He'll be here soon, don't worry", Eli nodded and they came close to the table to get something to eat.

Nobles either talk to each other or stand by the sidelines, some are even talking with Daniel right now while the members who helped in the raid seemed to be talking with each other as well. So far, the ball's atmosphere is not that bad.

Eli picked up some food when she noticed that someone else is picking up foods as well beside her. She looked up and her eyes widen before she burst out laughing a bit. "Ren, you wore your mask as well", she laughed at the smiling Ren. "Well, I know you'll be wearing yours, and as I said before, I won't let you stood out all by yourself since that will be VERY uncomfortable for you, I know. So…tadaa!", Eli smiled and appreciated what the young man did for her.

She tried so hard and reached out to pat his head, Ren who noticed what she was trying to do lean down so she can do it. The two smiled at each other again and continued getting some food. "Announcing the arrival of King Rephalis Orion Philipus , Queen Cynthia Garnea Elisha, and the crown prince Cyphel Reagan"

Everyone all gaze up at the entrance, the door opened and 3 people emerged; an older man with golden blonde hair similar to Cyphel and red eyes, and an older woman with brownish- red hair and ocean blue eyes similar to Cyphel.

After the two walked out from the door, Cyphel who's wearing very royal-like clothes too walked out and followed them. Eleanor looked down as Ren, who's closest to her, felt her hands gripped the sleeve of his shirt and was hiding behind him.

"Thank you for coming to this year's winter ball. We hope that you will all enjoy yourselves tonight. Now, let the ball officially start", after Cyphel's mini speech, he came down the stairs and look at everyone.

Eli avoided his eyes and just focused herself on holding the glass of wine she took earlier out of nervousness. 'In this ball, Anette was supposed to come out as his partner but I guess that really didn't happen, but, they might still dance in this ball and have their sweet time in the terrace after that', is what Eli was thinking to help herself calm down.

But when she tried taking a sip on the wine, she winced not in pain but in the taste. 'This is my first time drinking alcohol. I mean I spent my whole 18 years without drinking any alcohols in my first life. No beers, no alcohols, no wines, not even root beers. But I never imagined that it would taste this awful for me'

Cyphel's gaze was caught by Anette, because instead of a smile, she's been glaring daggers at him this whole time. He walked towards her direction to ask her to dance when he noticed something.

'Water, water! I need water!', Eli searched everywhere for some water when a hand offered her one. She took it and immediately drank it, then sighed. She turned to where the glass of water came from to thank them but immediately paled when she saw who it is.

"Are you okay?", Eli remained silent and was still in shock. "Umm, if you're okay with it, may I have this dance?"

Eleanor looked at the hand Cyphel offered her. Everyone was staring at the both of them in silence. Eli looked at Historia in panic. Historia was about to help her when Cyphel talked again.

"Umm, I'm afraid I still don't know who you are, but based on the fox-like mask you're wearing, you're the 'privileged person' everyone's been talking about who joined the raid and was examined by priest Anette", he said.

Eleanor gulped and was finally able to nod at least a bit. "May I ask you for our first dance for tonight then?", Cyphel asked again. Eli looked at everyone, and lastly at Historia. Even though Historia promised her they'll back her up, she can't let them create a ruckus just for this.

She calmed herself and soon nodded slowly, accepting the outstretched hand offered to her. Cyphel brought her at the center of the ball room and soon, the music started.

Historia, Raul, Ren, Daniel, Anette, Veiron who just arrived earlier than the royal family and the guild members of Historia all looked at her worriedly. She's didn't get any dancing lessons so they can't help but be worried.

'Supposed to be, Anette was the one who danced with him, but I guess I can't expect so much in this ruined story, so I don't really have a choice now do I?'

The music started but it shocked everyone when the supposed to be a commoner girl was able to keep up with the steps of the crown prince. Even Cyphel himself was surprised.

They continued to dance throughout the whole song and when they finished, everyone gave them a round of applause.

'It's a good thing that I'm great at dancing and singing in my first life, and looks like Eli's body can adopt to those as well', Eli gave out a sigh of relief mentally while looking at everyone. She then bowed down to the prince and hurriedly came to where Ren, Daniel, and Anette gave been waiting for her.

"I didn't know you can dance like that!", Anette complimented her the moment she came close to them. "Neither do I", Daniel seconded. Ren on the other hand gave her a glass of water that she immediately drank.

"I-I was so nervous!", Eli said showing her hands to them that was now visibly shaking. "You ARE nervous. Look at those hands", they all look back and saw Veiron grinning at them.

"Hey!", he said cheerily. Daniel scowled at him, "Are you a mushroom?", but the captain just laughed at him. "Well, that was a great dance young lady", he said to Eli. "Thank you"

That's when Eli noticed, "Where's aunt and uncle?", she asked to Ren. "Well, I don't know as well…oh, there! They're being swarmed by the other members of mercenaries who came with us at during the raid", they looked at where he's pointing.

"Oh, you're quite late Duke Donati!", they all look at Veiron and saw him smiling at the familiar man with electric blue eyes. The father of Lucius, Lucian Donati. "I had some things going on", the duke blankly said, his eyes then meet with Eli's. But because of the mask, looks like he didn't recognize her as Meridia's assistant, neither Ren who's also using a mask.

"Now that I think about it, young master Lucius is not here yet", Veiron looked all over the place but the Donati's young duke is still not present.

Eli looked at the whole room as well, she still wasn't able to thank Lucius for helping her….them before during the raid, so she hoped that he'll be present but it looks like he's still indeed not in there yet.

While looking around, she accidentally bump into someone. She heard a splash and a squeal. She looked back and saw a girl older than her; she's holding a now empty glass and is looking at her dress. The white fabric of her dress is now stained because of the drink that splashed in it.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Did any of the drink spilled on your dress?", she asked as she checked on the girl's dress, but looks like it only spilled on her dress. "But you're the one stained by the drink", the girl said.

"Oh, I'm okay. I'm sorry again, for bumping into you", she then bowed a bit. She looked at Anette and waved a bit trying to get her attention, Anette looked at her wondering what it is.

Eli pointed at her dress' stain and the priest's eyes widen, she was about to go near her when she shook her head. Motioning for her to stay in her place. "I'll be back soon", she mouthed before going to the exit of the ball room. She came out of the door and into the empty hallway.

Then, a maid coincidentally walked passes her holding towels that look like she's going to deliver somewhere. "Umm excuse me!", the maid looked back at her.

"May I ask where the powder room or the bathroom is?", she said, the maid told her the directions and soon she finally arrived at the powder room. She looked at the dress and took out a handkerchief. She opened the water tap and looked at the stain on her dress. "Okay, let's try removing this with water first"

"Here in the palace sir"

Lucius' eyes widen, and he stood up due to shock. "Are you sure?!", he said holding the knight's shoulder tightly. "Yes sir, we we're certain", Lucius slid down and sat back to his seat after feeling his legs give out.

He was just about to go attend the winter ball all prepared when a report came to him. He told the knights of Donati to continue investigating the whereabouts of his sibling and to report back to him if anything happens. The knights have been investigating ever since they arrived at the main city, Primor, and had been using the potions, but they just can't believe that the smoke had been leading them to the palace every time.

At first, they thought the potion might be broken or is not functioning well but due to the smoke leading them at the royal palace all the time, they don't have a choice but to report it back to Lucius.

And Lucius who heard about it just now can't help but be shocked as well. The smoke has been leading them all here every single time, it's sure that his long lost sibling is in the palace.

'Are they working here? Or is it…'

He remembered when the smoke led them to the north, where the people assigned to do the mission/ raid was, and then it led them in the palace after they all arrived in the palace.

'Then does that mean my sibling, they're one of those people who participated in the raid?!'

With that thought he shoot up from his seat, "All of you get out", he ordered. When he's the only one left in the room, he took out his magic crystal. 'I need to tell this to father'

Second later, the image of his father came out. "Where are you? You're not in the ball room", Lucius answered his father's question, "I…I received a report"

Lucian's face became serious. "What report", Lucius took a deep breath and spoke, "My sibling, they're here…in the palace", the magic crystal almost fell from the duke's hands but then he gripped it tightly. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure….we're sure. They've reported that no matter how many times they use the potion, the smoke always leads them here", even before Lucian can even say anything Lucius spoke again, "I'll find them tonight, I think I have a clue where to find them specifically"

Lucian looked at his son. "Are you sure this won't create a commotion?", the young duke looked down. If they're a member of the party sent in the raid mission, then they'll be in the ball already. Meridia told them that the smoke can only be seen by the one who used the potion or wizards as strong as/ the same class as Daniel. In that party, there might be other people who might see the smoke, specially the royal family. It's not safe to use it now.

"But father, they're here. They're THIS close. I can't…we can't miss this chance!", he insisted. Lucian can see and hear the desperation in Lucius' eyes and voice. But, he can't create a commotion or else his missing child be placed in danger if THAT dangerous person also caught up on what's happening.

"Lucius, you can't. Stay put", he said sternly. He is also desperate especially now that he is THIS close to finding his and his wife's missing treasure. But he can't. For the child's safety, he can't.

"But father!", but before Lucius can even retort to him, he already put down his magic crystal. Lucius felt frustrated but he can understand his father. Deep inside he knows why his father is stopping him despite being THIS close to finding his sibling.

"I need to find my missing sibling", he desperately said while trying to calm himself and was about to go back to sit when a smoke flew passed him. He looked behind him and saw a broken potion bottle there.

Looks like he accidentally knocked it down. But why is the smoke moving somewhere? He didn't say anything that it needs to find….oh sh*t!

A loud bang caused by the sudden opening of the door startled the knights outside Lucius' room. A smoke came out from the room and went down the hallway. Running after it is Lucius. "Young master!", they shouted in surprise but he ignored them.

'I need to stop that smoke or else it might endanger my sibling if it everything goes wrong!'

"It's not coming off, haist! Maybe I should just change my clothes now", Eli sighed as she looked at the stain still in the dress. Giving up in removing the stain, she looked at the mirror expecting to see her in a very haggard state, but instead of that, what she saw made her eyes widen.

"Gone…it's gone", she blankly said. Her brain seems to be still processing everything and finally, "It''s gone! OH MY GOSH IT'S GONE! WHAT THE FUDGE?!", she looked everywhere. On the sink…in the floor….it's not there!

Eli started to panic; she looked everywhere else trying to find it desperately. "Whew! Okay calm down Eli, calm down….yeah we can find it, calm down, it's not really that bad right? Who am I kidding? THIS IS BAD! WHERE IS IT?!"

Teary eyed, Eleanor opened the door of the powder room and rushed out to where she came from, she needs to find it. "I can't believe I lost my hair clip!"