Chapter 47 Fighting the Evil Flood Dragon

Feng Liuli's face sank suddenly, and she asked Yinyi in her heart: "There is actually a dragon's roar, Yinyi, you release your spiritual sense and try to see if there is another Jackie Chan in this cave besides the dragon egg?"

"Master, Silver Wings can't hear it. This cave seems to be enchanted. Although I am a divine beast, I still can't release my divine sense to explore everything around me. There must be powerful high-level beasts here!"

Yin Wing Pegasus said to Feng Liuli with a sad face.

Unexpectedly, in such a secluded and unattractive cave, there are still such powerful monsters. Suddenly, Feng Liuli released a series of auras and dispersed towards the surroundings.

After the low dragon roar, the original silence returned to the cave.

Feng Liuli couldn't help frowning, the cave was enchanted, so she couldn't find out the location of the other party at all, and the cave was so quiet at the moment that she couldn't tell the direction.

"Roar!" When Feng Liuli was at a loss, there was another deep dragon roar in the cave. Feng Liuli's face turned cold, and she quickly walked towards the place where the sound came from with the silver-winged Pegasus.

While walking, Feng Liuli looked around vigilantly!

After a while, following the low voice of the dragon, Feng Liuli and Yinyi Pegasus immediately entered another cave.

Suddenly, a huge force rushed towards Feng Liuli, and that powerful force was mixed with a strong high temperature, which deeply made Feng Liuli unable to stand back.

The silver-winged divine beast released the divine beast's coercion, and immediately suppressed the powerful breath.

After Feng Liuli's body stably stepped back and stood still, she looked at the situation in the cave.

The huge cave is actually hot, like a natural melting cave.

There are stone walls on three sides of the cave, and a huge evil dragon is being chained by a huge iron chain, imprisoned here!

It turned out that the low-pitched dragon roar that Feng Liuli heard just now was not from Jackie Chan's presence here, but from the mouth of the evil Jiao dragon in front of him.

Flood dragons are like dragons, but they are not real dragons.

However, the shape of the Jiaolong is very similar to that of the dragon, and even the sound it makes is almost the same, but the dragon is the incarnation of a god, while the Jiaolong is the incarnation of evil.

When Feng Liuli saw that what appeared in front of her was actually an evil dragon, the expression on her face suddenly sank, and the bottom of her eyes was full of icy cold light.

"Hoo, it's actually a human, hehe, it's been hundreds of years, I didn't expect a human to find this place, roar, what a delicious lunch!"

Although the Evil Flood Dragon is tied by an iron chain, it has a strong power. , just the high-level coercion emanating from the Evil Flood Dragon's body has already made Feng Liuli unable to resist.

If it weren't for the silver-winged Pegasus at the side, Feng Liuli couldn't even imagine how powerful this evil dragon in front of him was.

She had never seen such a powerful high-level magical beast on the Eastern Continent.

"Naughty animal, don't be presumptuous!" Feng Liuli resisted the high-level coercion that squeezed her body tightly towards her, her face turned cold, and the spiritual power around her body was instantly released, and she shouted coldly at the evil Jiao.

"Ignorant human beings are as small as ants, a small acquired spirit, and a small divine beast dares to clamor with this seat, beyond their own ability!" Evil Jiao stared at Feng Feng with a pair of sinister and vicious eyes. Glass and Silver-winged Pegasus.

"Roar~" There was a sudden roar, and strong air currents rushed towards Feng Liuli and Silver-winged Pegasus.

Even the Evil Flood Dragon tied by the iron chain completely left Feng Liuli without any ability to parry. Even the divine beast Yin Wing was no match for the Evil Flood Dragon. Feng Liuli's heart finally felt a little panic, what was this Evil Flood Dragon in front of? Strength!

"Master!" The strong momentum surged and attacked, and the silver-winged Pegasus called towards Feng Liuli worriedly, "This evil dragon is too powerful, it is simply not something we can deal with, and the power of my beast cannot be used at all. "

Don't bother with the delicious meals in this seat. Someone has set up a barrier here. You can't defeat this seat with small ants like you. Please let this seat refine you!"

The vicious and vicious icy voice of the Evil Flood Dragon kept circling in the cave, accompanied by the hideous expression on the Evil Flood Dragon's face, which made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

"Hmph, beast, this girl doesn't believe in that evil!" Feng Liuli's expression suddenly froze, and the figure that was blown away by the evil Jiaojiao stood up again.

Although the strength of Evil Jiao is far above Feng Liuli, but who is Feng Liuli, how could she easily admit defeat.

One after another, dazzling spiritual power was released from Feng Liuli's body, madly counterattacking towards the evil Jiaojiao.

When the dazzling spiritual power flew away, the white figure of Feng Liuli had already flashed behind the evil Jiaojiao.

If it is said that Yuan Gong is not the opponent of this evil dragon, then she will use her own method to solve this beast.

As a top-level ace mercenary in her previous life, she lingered on the edge of life and death many times, but failed to ruin her life. How many times she faced strong opponents and poisons, she still lived tenaciously.

Right now, she is not just an evil dragon, in her Feng Liuli's life, she will never be defeated!

The strange steps and lightning-quick movements deeply stimulated the evil dragon. The evil dragon was tied by an iron chain, and it was difficult to capture Feng Liuli's body.

If it is said to attack from a distance, Feng Liuli is far from being an opponent of the evil Jiaojiao, then in a close-range attack, the evil Jiaojiao will let Feng Liuli take advantage of the iron chain and seek some benefits.

Feng Liuli did not use the moves in "Phoenix True Gold", but used simple grappling and sanda.

Such a close-range attack is more suitable for using modern martial arts to deal with the evil dragon. Perhaps no one on this continent has ever dared to deal with a powerful high-level monster that is more powerful than the beast, but Feng Liuli dared to do it!

"Roar!" The Evil Jiao didn't check, and the body tied by the iron chain could not turn flexibly, and was immediately beaten by Feng Liuli. Feng Liuli's unruly shot immediately caused the evil Jiao to burst roar.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable human, this seat is going to kill you, roar!" The evil Jiao with a powerful anger suddenly erupted with even more terrifying power.

"Bang!" Feng Liuli was attacked by the powerful anger and terrifying power that suddenly radiated from the evil Jiaojiao's body, and was immediately thrown far away.

Then he slammed into the stone wall heavily.

"Pfft!" Feng Liuli's mouth suddenly spurted a large mouthful of blood, and the white figure was like a kite with a broken string.

At this moment, the Evil Flood Dragon glared at Feng Liuli with a ferocious look on his face, with a strong murderous aura.

"Master, Hugh hurts Master!" Silver-winged Pegasus's figure suddenly soared.

The dazzling light of the divine beast immediately illuminated the entire cave, and one after another powerful force suddenly attacked the evil flood dragon.

"All ants, dare to fight against this seat, and seek death!" The evil Jiao looked at the silver-winged Pegasus showing its body, and a dangerous murderous intent flashed in the bottom of his eyes. Body is engulfed.

"No!" Feng Liuli suddenly became furious when she saw Yinyi suffer, and shouted coldly, "Huang, Huang, I need you, save Yinyi!"

As Feng Liuli's anxious voice sounded, a burst of lightning burst out in the cave. Dazzling red light.

With the appearance of the dazzling crimson light, a handsome man who was arrogant and arrogant suddenly walked out of the crimson light.

"Pfft!" The red light waved lightly in the hand of the handsome and evil man, and immediately moved towards the fierce attack of the Evil Flood Dragon, only to hear a crisp sound, the Evil Flood Dragon was hit in the ear.

"An ant, dare to hurt my master, court death!"

Who is the phoenix, the king of heaven and earth, so arrogant, domineering, and mighty as soon as the aura is released, even the evil dragons feel a burst of fear.

"Bang, bang!" As the evil flood dragon was hit hard by the phoenix, the silver-winged Pegasus smashed heavily to the ground, dying with a weak breath.

Feng Liuli's face suddenly turned cold, and anxiously looked towards the silver-winged Pegasus.

"Yinyi, how are you, Yinyi?"

However, the silver-winged Pegasus remained motionless in the face of Feng Liuli's call. The faint breath made Feng Liuli feel a little at ease, but his expression darkened slightly.

Recalling the seriously injured Yin Wing into her body, Feng Liuli's eyes that looked at Evil Jiao suddenly burst out with a cold and fierce light.

"Dare to touch this girl's contracted beast, I will make it look ugly, hum!" Feng Liuli's angry and cold eyes stared at the evil Jiao, and endless anger radiated from her body.

"'re not from the Eastern Continent, what kind of beast are you?" The Evil Flood Dragon was struck in the ear by the phoenix, and immediately looked at the phoenix wrapped in a dazzling crimson light in horror.

"Small ants don't deserve to know my name, today is your death!" Phoenix's body was full of arrogance and dignity that surpassed the nine heavens.

As soon as Phoenix's words fell, a crimson red light immediately waved towards the evil flood dragon.

"Forgive your life, spare your life, don't kill me, I just have my soul imprisoned here to guard the dragon egg, I will give you the dragon egg, please don't kill me, ah..." Before the

evil Jiao's voice could fall, the crimson dazzling light The Evil Flood Dragon's life was already taken away in an instant.

Only the terrified eyes of Evil Jiao remained.

In just a moment of effort, the body of the Evil Flood Dragon disappeared in front of Feng Liuli's eyes as if it had vanished into ashes.

Feng Liuli looked at everything in front of her in amazement.

"This evil dragon does not belong to the Eastern Continent, but the Western Continent, but the body is already dead, and its soul was tied with an iron chain here, it is used to guard the dragon egg, and now the soul is also killed by me. That's why it's gone!"

Phoenix explained patiently to Feng Liuli, his face was still handsome and cool, and the arrogance and dignity exuded from his body was unparalleled.

Such a phoenix king, Feng Liuli is more and more certain that it is not as simple as an ordinary divine beast, and the evil Jiao is so powerful that even the silver wings are dying.