Chapter 48 The Powerful Phoenix

However, the phoenix just waved lightly and killed the evil flood dragon. Such power is especially comparable to that of ordinary beast-level beasts.

Thinking of this, Feng Liuli couldn't help but look cold. At this moment, she felt how insignificant her strength was, in front of Phoenix, Evil Jiao, and even Yinyi.

She wants to become stronger and make Huang proud of her master!

"Go get the dragon egg, I heard many people approaching this cave, I'll go first!" Fenghuang said softly to Feng Liuli, the red light flashed for a while, and entered Fenghuang Lily's body.

Suddenly, the dazzling red light disappeared in the cave.

Feng Liuli's face turned cold, she resisted the strong pain coming from her body, flew up, and flew towards the opposite side of the thick magma, where the dragon egg is located!

Feng Liuli, which was roasted by the thick tumbling magma, felt pain all over her body. Feng Liuli gritted her teeth tightly, hugged the dragon egg in her arms, and retreated from the cave.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, he heard the sound of rapid footsteps, Feng Liuli's face darkened slightly, the white figure flashed, and he entered another path in an instant.

From a distance, Feng Liuli could still hear the loud shouts from a distance: "No, the dragon egg was snatched away!"

"It seems that we are a step late, Feng Liuli must have been snatched by Feng Liuli. Leave the dragon egg, chase after me!"

With the sound of the sound, the disturbing footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer. Feng Liuli raised her cold brows slightly, and the corners of her mouth raised a dazzling arc, she immediately quickened her pace, and immediately took a shortcut and walked out of the cave.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Feng Liuli continued to walk forward. At this moment, there was no silver wing, and he was seriously injured. If those people caught up, it would inevitably be another fierce battle.

And at the moment, she also needs to adjust her breath well, and Yinyi is still in danger, and she needs to be healed. At this moment, she can't stop.

Holding her body strong, Feng Liuli continued to speed up her steps and walked towards the front.

"Little Jin!" Feng Liuli called to the golden lion in her heart.

"Master!" The golden lion's golden light flashed, and suddenly appeared beside Feng Liuli, looking at Feng Liuli who was seriously injured and worried.

"Xiao Jin, quickly drive me away from the people behind me and find a quiet place, I want to recover!" Feng Liuli's eyes were pale, and the battle with Evil Jiao still had lingering fears in retrospect.

"Yes, master!" The golden lion replied in a deep voice, knowing that the master was seriously injured, he ran forward with Feng Liuli without a word.

"Master, master, what about me?" Xiaotian Yinlang asked Feng Liuli anxiously in his heart, and was also worried about Feng Liuli's injury.

"Xiaotian, you help me be optimistic about Silver Wing!" Feng Liuli commanded Xiaotian Yinlang in her heart.

"Yes, Master!" Xiaotian Yinlang looked at the severely injured Master, at the dying Silver-Winged Pegasus, with a burst of discomfort.

I don't know how long it took to run before the golden lion stopped at the entrance of a quiet cave with Feng Liuli.

As soon as Feng Liuli entered the cave, she brought Silver Wing out. At this moment, the Silver Wing Pegasus was still holding her last breath, dying and unconscious. Feng Liuli was anxious for a while.

Putting the dragon egg aside, Feng Liuli instructed to the golden lion and Xiaotian Yinlang.

"Xiaojin, Xiaotian, be careful when you go to the entrance of the cave, don't let any beasts and people approach, pay attention to concealment!"

"Yes, master!" The golden lion and Xiaotian silver wolf lead, one gold and one silver two rays of light quickly After passing by, he disappeared at the entrance of the cave in an instant.

At this time, Feng Liuli just started to meditate again. She remembered that there are many cultivation methods recorded in "Phoenix True Gold".

Moreover, with Yinyi to defend her, her injury was not as serious as she imagined, but when she thought that Yinyi was dying at the moment, Feng Liuli's face suddenly sank.

While cultivating "Phoenix True Gold", Feng Liuli healed her wounds. After a while, her pale complexion finally recovered a little, and her rosy complexion returned.

The dragon egg on the side lay quietly on the side, without the slightest change, Feng Liuli looked at the quiet dragon egg strangely.

He couldn't help moving his body, and then put his ear on Long Dan's body and listened carefully to the voice inside Long Dan.

"Pucker, Pucker..." Suddenly, a strange sound came from Feng Liuli's ear, coming from the dragon's egg shell.

Feng Liuli frowned slightly, and she couldn't help but wonder in her heart: "What kind of weird guy is this, he actually played with bubbles in the eggshell, didn't you know it came out!"

After a while, the eggshell still didn't come out! The slightest sound, but the inside of the eggshell is still the sound of "Pucker".

"The little guy inside, it's time to come out, the sun will go down if he doesn't come out again!" Feng Liuli glanced at the still motionless Dragon Egg and said.

Suddenly, as soon as Feng Liuli's words fell, a crisp "crashing" sound came from Longdan.

Feng Liuli immediately looked at the dragon egg, and at this moment, I saw that the dragon egg had already cracked a slit, and the slit gradually became larger, and a small head melon seed poked out from it.

The little head flashed a pair of black eyes of the dragon hole and looked around, and finally set his eyes on Feng Liuli. When he saw Feng Liuli, his little head shook, and a bright look flashed through the dark eyes. . The silver-white light flashed, and a small soft white worm immediately flew to Feng Liuli's chest, rubbed hard, and called out in a

milky voice, "Mom, mom!"

The small soft voice made Feng Liuli shudder, but seeing the little guy who was hugging infinitely in her arms and calling her mother, her heart softened.

Looking at the cute little guy, he said: "Little guy, you are finally willing to come out, I am not your mother!"

"No, you are my mother, you are my mother!" The little soft little guy nestled In front of Feng Liuli's chest, she kept rubbing against her, and said in a milky voice.

Feng Liuli's face flushed for a moment, and being rubbed against her chest by a little guy made people feel weird.

Feng Liuli's face turned black, and at this moment, she couldn't help but regret finding such a handsome little guy!

"Huchihuchi..." After a while, the little guy couldn't help but crawled behind Feng Liuli's neck and hid, slightly poked his head out and looked around with a pair of big bright eyes.

That milky appearance suddenly made Feng Liuli's heart feel warm.

"Little guy, you haven't told me what your name is, what will I call you in the future?" Feng Liuli felt the tickling and heat on the back of her neck with a smile.

"Hey!" The little guy continued to roll and crawl, and after a while, he climbed down Feng Liuli's arm to his palm, swaying his cute little tail, and flashing a pair of cute big eyes.

Feng Liuli looked at the soft and super cute little guy who was white and tender, and her heart overflowed with love.

At this moment, Feng Liuli just saw clearly what the little guy looks like. He has a pure white body, soft and soft, like a ball of small white balls, super cute.

There are a pair of smart big eyes on the constantly shaking little head, flashing and flashing, and the cuteness is revealed!

There is this cute little tail behind the little guy, swaying and swaying, Feng Liuli looked at the small group of meat in the palm of his hand and really couldn't think of what kind of beast this was.

However, I thought that what I got was a dragon egg, that is a dragon, but the look of the ball of meat in front of the little guy is really on a par with the noble dragon soaring in the sky!

"Then I'll call you Xiaobai, okay?" Feng Liuli asked, looking at the white meatball.

The little guy glanced at Feng Liuli cutely, nodded and happily cupped Feng Liuli's soft hand, and occasionally stuck out his tongue to lick it!

"Xiao Bai, do you know what kind of beast you are?" Feng Liuli looked at Xiao Bai and couldn't help asking.

The one who can speak out loud must not be a low-level monster, and Renault once said that the dragon egg they were looking for was a beast-level monster, and when he thought of this Feng Liuli, he looked at Xiaobai.

Such a divine beast-level beast is unbelievable!

"Xiaobai doesn't know, Xiaobai only knows that he slept in that broken shell for a long time. After waking up, Xiaobai started to play with bubbles. Mom, let's play bubbles together!"

Xiaobai flashed a pair of cuteness . Meng's big eyes looked at Feng Liuli and couldn't help but say.

Feng Liuli looked at the little guy in her hands, she wanted to cry without tears in her heart, playing with bubbles, she was fifteen years old, wasn't she, and she was not a five-year-old child!

"Little Bai, now my mother is trying to save Yinyi, so she can't play with Xiaobai. When Yinyi is healed, will you play with Xiaobai every day in the future?"

Feng Liuli looked at Xiaobai as if she was coaxing her child. Bai said.

"Okay, okay, okay, but who is Yinyi, is that the little white horse?" Xiaobai asked Feng Liuli curiously.

"Well, Yinyi was seriously injured trying to save her mother!" Feng Liuli couldn't help but feel a little gloomy when she thought of Yinyi Pegasus. If it wasn't for her poor strength, Yinyi wouldn't be so seriously injured.

"Ow, Xiaobai has a solution!" Xiaobai's chubby body arched, looking at the unhappy Feng Liuli and said.

"Really?" Feng Liuli asked in surprise and joy as soon as she heard Xiao Bai's words.

"Xiaobai doesn't know if it's okay, but it seems to have a little memory, mother come with me!" After Xiaobai finished speaking to Feng Liuli, he jumped to the ground with a whimper, and then caught Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuli did not suspect him, and immediately got up and followed behind Xiao Bai.

"Master, Master, you are awake!" Xiaotian Yinlang and the golden lion, who had been guarding at the entrance of the cave, immediately said happily when they saw Feng Liuli coming out.

Feng Liuli smiled and nodded.

"Master, is it the dragon egg?" Xiaotian looked at the small white ball in front of him, and couldn't help looking at it curiously. As a Warcraft, he could clearly feel the high-level pressure from Xiaobai.

That is a kind of imposing manner inherent in high-level Warcraft, from which we can know that Xiaobai's identity is not simple, and he is not just a ball of meat as seen.

The golden lion also looked at Xiao Bai curiously!