Chapter 155 The Life and Death of Feng Liuli Are Uncertain

Another zombie was killed, and only the last of the three zombies was left. The last zombie couldn't help but be a little anxious when he saw the humans who had already killed two of his accomplices.

But more is outright anger!

Seeing that his companions were all destroyed, the stumps scattered all over the ground were entangled in the mind of the zombie like a nightmare.

With the increase in strength, the zombie also possesses the wisdom of human beings. At this moment, the eyes of Feng Liuli exude the light of death, and those red bloodthirsty eyes are as strange and terrifying as hell.

"Come on, let this young lady see how much you have yet to use. I don't mind letting you smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Feng Liuli's wild sneer was scattered in the dark night. It was that voice that went with the wind, with a fierce and arrogant aura that looked down at the world.

Yun Junfeng couldn't help but stare blankly at such a girl, and the light of worship in the bottom of his eyes was even deeper.

"Papa pata, pata pata..." Following Feng Liuli's frantic shouting, the even more angry voice of the zombie followed.

There was the same ruthless light in his voice, but his face full of bones was hideous, and his blood-red eyes exuded the resentment of death.

Seeing the angry look of the zombie, Feng Liuli was startled, and hurriedly shouted to Yun Junfeng who was behind him coldly: "Cover your mouth and nose, don't let the resentment inhale into your body!"

Feng Liuli said while saying With that, he also suddenly closed his breath, keeping the resentment out of his body.

Yun Junfeng had always looked at Feng Liuli with admiration, but when he heard Feng Liuli's words, he immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose. Now that he was seriously injured, he could no longer use his spiritual power to hold his breath.

So naturally, he could only cover his mouth and nose with his hands to keep those resentments out.

"Papa pata..." The zombie's mouth made an angry death sound again, and the angry blood-red eyes looked towards Feng Liuli.

That glance seemed to suck Feng Liuli deeply into his eyes, the powerful resentment became stronger and stronger, and the breath of death followed, and Yun Junfeng, who was seriously injured, couldn't support it.

The expression on Feng Liuli's face also became a bit colder, but her heart sank more and more.

Suddenly, Feng Liuli's cold eyes radiated a firm light, and she looked at the zombie coldly, and then evoked a bloodthirsty smile.

The spiritual power in the dantian is running fast and replenishing, as if the spiritual power in the dantian is inexhaustible, Feng Liuli sank the surprise into the bottom of her heart, looked at the zombie in front of her, and said coldly.

"Today, Miss Japan will make your disgusting thing unforgettable!"

Feng Liuli suddenly exerted strength, and the powerful ice-blue spiritual force continuously attacked the zombie, and the zombie seemed to have a rage at this moment. The momentum of perishing with Feng Liuli.

Yun Junfeng was startled, and immediately wanted to stop Feng Liuli, but when he was in a hurry, he stretched out his hand covering his nose and mouth, and the powerful resentment was suddenly sucked into his mouth.

"Ah!" Yun Junfeng, who was inhaling the resentment, suddenly turned transparent, his handsome face showed a ferocious look, and with a roar, he fell to the ground and rolled.

Hearing the screams of pain coming from her ears, the coldness in Feng Liuli's eyes became even more cold, but because of that moment of distraction, the zombie had a chance to take advantage.

At the critical moment, Feng Liuli was suddenly trapped by the zombie, and one person and one zombie suddenly disappeared on the ground for no reason.

Seeing that Feng Liuli was in danger, Yun Junfeng, who was screaming in pain, was startled and shouted anxiously and worriedly, "Sister Feng!"

Unexpectedly, apart from the stumps scattered on the ground, there was no sound at all in the darkness at this time. After a long time, a cold voice came: "Eat them!"

A delicate white porcelain bottle and a blue The green light and shadow flashed, and the tail throat fell steadily into Yun Junfeng's hands, and then everything around was completely quiet, not even the sound of the wind was heard.

Yun Junfeng was in a hurry, really worried. When he thought that the zombie had captured Sister Feng and was taken to an unknown place, he felt a wave of worry in his heart.

The severe pain came from his body, and the resentment that was sucked into the body was even more intense.

He wanted to get up and chase out, but he fell down with a thud.

Glancing at the fig in his hand, Yun Junfeng's heart was actually indescribable.

Yun Junfeng naturally knows that this fig is a rare spiritual fruit that can detoxify hundreds of poisons, and it is very rare on the Eastern Continent, and ordinary people cannot get it.

Yun Junfeng opened the white porcelain bottle, and a strong fragrance rushed to his face. Yun Junfeng's eyes lit up when he saw the medicine pill in the porcelain bottle, and looked at the medicine pill in the white porcelain bottle excitedly.

This medicinal pill is actually a concentrating pill!

When Yun Junfeng saw the Ningshen Pill, he couldn't help but take a big jump, and his heart felt an intuitive warmth.

Although I don't know how Feng Liuli got these two rare things, I was reluctant to eat them, so I put the figs and the white porcelain bottle containing the concentrating pills into the space ring.

Then he took out an elixir from the space ring and put it in his mouth. Soon, countless wounds on Yun Junfeng's body, large and small, gradually began to heal.

And those wounds that had been bitten by zombies with black venom turned red slowly.

In just a few moments, countless wounds on Yun Junfeng's body have been healed. From the outside, there is no trace of injury, but his face is still pale.

He forced his body back to the resting camp. When the two guards saw Yun Junfeng's figure, they were stunned for a moment, and then they hurriedly helped Yun Junfeng to sit on the ground.

"Junfeng, what's wrong, you're injured, what happened?" Seeing Yun Junfeng's pale, almost transparent face, everyone couldn't help asking anxiously.

At this moment, everyone who was sleeping has also woken up one after another, and found that apart from things, they frowned anxiously.

"I'm fine, Sister Feng was taken away by a zombie!" Yun Junfeng couldn't care less about his injuries at this moment, and when he thought of the zombie that suddenly erupted out of anger, he became worried.

"What, what's going on, why is this happening, why don't we know there are zombies?" Hearing Yun Junfeng's words, the expressions on everyone's faces became even more anxious.

Everyone glanced around, the darkness was quiet, and there was no zombie coming at all.

"While you were resting, Sister Feng discovered the aura of zombies, and the three zombies were all at the peak of the holy beast's initial strength. I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with it, so I'll deal with it alone, and I'll follow behind!"

Yun Junfeng With a pale face wrinkled, he said, "It was me who dragged down Sister Feng. She killed two, but because I was taken away by the last zombie, now I don't know where Sister Feng is!"

Yun Jun Feng Yi said this, the expression on his face was even more solemn and worried, and there was a fear in his heart, deeply afraid that something really happened to Feng Liuli.

"What, it's over, it's over, Miss Feng was so powerful that she was taken away by that zombie, then what should we do, we are not as strong as Miss Feng!" As soon as I

heard the strength of the zombie with Feng Liuli Terrifying, with the imposing aura of the peak of the holy beast in its early stage, all of them are like eggplants beaten by frost, and their faces are frowning.

"We must find Miss Feng, but now Junfeng is still injured and naturally needs to be taken care of, and we don't know where Miss Feng was taken, it seems that it is not easy to find! "

The man in the team who thought he was a little older said, his mind was relatively calm.

"Brother Li Zhan, Young Master Yun is injured again, so what should we do now?" One of the two women in the team couldn't help looking at the older Li Zhan and asked with a frown.

For a time, several other people also looked at Li Zhan. Among these people, Li Zhan was relatively stable, and his mind was a little calmer. Now that Yun Junfeng was injured, everyone could only put their hopes on Li Zhan.

Li Zhan also frowned, thinking from the bottom of his heart that the current situation was not optimistic for them, and it was night.

He must not say how dangerous the Yin Yang Mountains are at night, everyone can understand!

Besides, Miss Feng was taken away by the zombies when she disappeared, and they were more or less photographed for them. They would definitely not leave Miss Feng behind, but what should they do to find Miss Feng in such a situation?

Li Zhan thought about it for a long time and denied the thoughts in his heart one by one. For a while, he really couldn't come up with a good idea.

The few people around didn't urge Li Zhan. Although they were very anxious, they also thought of ways in their hearts. In an instant, the camp turned out to be extremely silent.

Although Yun Junfeng was worried in his heart, he still supported his body and walked to the side and started meditating. He was injured.

There was no more laughter on his face, and he knew in his heart that if he didn't take care of his injuries, let alone finding Sister Feng to save her, it would probably be a drag on Sister Feng again.

A lot of people gathered around for a long time, thinking in their hearts what to do to find Feng Liuli, and then successfully rescue it.

At the same time, everyone is also worried about whether Feng Liuli will be in any danger. After all, the strength of that zombie should not be underestimated.

"Well, we don't know where that zombie took Miss Feng to. The Yin Yang Mountains at night are really dangerous. We should not leave together. I, Heping Wei, go to explore the truth first. , you stay and take care of Junfeng first!"

Li Zhan said to a few people after thinking for a while, and everyone around nodded one after another, agreeing with Li Zhan's statement.