Chapter 156 Jun Limo's Anxiety

Everyone who came out to experience naturally knew that some unavoidable things would inevitably happen during the experience, such as some powerful monsters or something.

The most common occurrences in the Yin Yang Mountains are not monsters, but some disgusting dark things, such as zombies, and girls are naturally the most afraid of those.

Right now, it is really important for Li Zhan and the others to go outside to check the truth. After all, going out now is still a bit low for this group of people.

It's better if you don't encounter any danger, but if you encounter anything dangerous, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"Okay, we will take good care of Junfeng, you all have to be careful!" The other people's expressions were also ugly, and they looked worriedly at Li Zhan and another man named Ping Wei.

Afterwards, Li Zhan and Heping Wei followed the night to ask Yun Junfeng where they had encountered the three powerful zombies and left.

At this moment, Jun Limo, who was walking against the moonlight in the Yinyang Mountains, suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations, and an inexplicable pain came from the bottom of his heart, as if he had lost something.

Jun Limo stopped abruptly, a pair of pitch-black eyes opened wide, frowning tightly as he looked at the boundless blackness around him.

The feeling of palpitations in the bottom of my heart made Jun Limo feel abnormal, and the frowning brows sometimes loosened and sometimes wrinkled.

Shi Fei, who was behind Jun Limo, followed closely, and there was some resentment in his heart at this moment.

Originally, she thought that this man would not ignore her when she got along this day and night. As long as she talked to her, she would naturally have a way to deal with Jun Limo.

But what made Shi Fei a little discouraged was that no matter what she did, the man still maintained his arrogant temperament and was not disturbed by Shi Fei at all.

Shi Fei couldn't help feeling a little discouraged and resentful. She did everything she should, but why was this man so stubborn.

Even Shi Fei has an illusion in his heart, that is whether this man is not interested in women at all!

But when he thought of Jun Limo's gentle and caring look towards that Feng Liuli, he suddenly became a little angry, and even more angry!

In what way is she inferior to that slut Feng Liuli, so that this man disdains her so much.

As the eldest miss of the Shi family, anyone who has not seen her has fallen in love with her since she was a child. She never thought that one day she finally fell in love with a man who always disdains her.

She was angry, she was not reconciled, why, why did all the good things go to that woman.

Not to mention the direct disciple of Dean Likong, how can he let such a terrific man be petted, how can that slut be!

Shi Fei's thoughts turned around, and the anger in his heart became even heavier when he thought about it, and he didn't notice the same thing from the man in front of him.

With a "bang", Shi Fei lowered his eyes and thought for a while, but naturally he didn't notice when Jun Limo stopped in front of her, and he couldn't help but make some headshots.

But when he looked at this handsome and mighty sexy body in front of him, he immediately laughed.

She just said, she just said how could this man be indifferent to her, isn't that just moving his mind to her!

Shi Fei's heart suddenly became happy, the anger and resentment in his heart disappeared without a trace, and the body that was knocked and bounced suddenly became extremely soft.

A pair of slender and fair tender hands immediately encircled Jun Limo and moved upwards inch by inch. Seeing that Jun Limo really didn't move, Jun Limo's silence was regarded as acquiescence.

In an instant, Shi Fei's face became happy, and his soft body rubbed against Jun Limo's back.

"Young Master Jun!" A delicate and beautiful voice suddenly came from behind Jun Limo, and then Jun Limo felt a hand caressing unscrupulously on his chest.

The originally wrinkled brows tightened a bit, and a pair of originally confused eyes drooped down towards the pair of tender hands in front of the chest, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Shi Fei thought that Jun Limo didn't reject her, but also had some thoughts for her.

Just as Shi Fei was secretly delighted and wanted to take a step closer to Jun Limo, Jun Limo's icy eyes shot out fierce murderous aura, and his sexy thin lips hooked, revealing a sinister smile.

"Don't you know, all the women who touched my body are dead!"

In an instant, the cold voice seemed to come from a glacier under thousands of miles that pierced Shi Fei's bones, and the coldness was full of murderous intent. The sound also surprised Shi Fei.

"Young Master, what's wrong with me? Why do you treat me like this?" Although Shi Fei was afraid in his heart, his face was full of grievances. He pretended to be calm and asked Jun Limo.

Jun Limo listened to the voice of the woman behind him, his cold and thin eyes became even darker, and the powerful murderous aura and coldness exuded from his body finally made Shi Fei unable to help but shake his body and retracted the landlord. Hands away from ink.

Jun Limo turned around and stared at Shi Fei with cold and thin eyes like a black hole, as if he was looking at a dead man.

That look immediately made Shi Fei feel a kind of fear, and the deep fear seemed to be like a big net that held Shi Fei firmly in it.

"You... what are you going to do?" Shi Fei shivered and stepped back, his eyes full of horror, this man is too scary.

"Kill you!" The thin lips parted slightly, and the sexy thin lips spat out three cold words, but it made Shi Fei tremble again.

"I... you can't kill me, I'm the eldest miss of the Shi family, if you kill me, the Shi family won't let you go!" Shi Fei couldn't control his cold and refined temperament at this moment.

At this moment, Shi Fei is just a woman who is afraid of death and fear of death.

"Shi Jia? What is that? In my eyes, it's just an ant!" Jun Limo's dark eyes were filled with icy murderous aura, and a purple light jumped in his palm.

The purple spiritual power exudes a strange light in the dark night sky, but when it hides in his eyes, Shi Fei can't help trembling, and he seems to be a little more frightened than before.

" actually are! No, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, ah..."

Shi Fei's frightened eyes were full of horror, looking at the strange purple light jumping in the bottom of his eyes, the whole His body trembled uncontrollably, and even if he wanted to escape at this moment, his feet seemed to be filled with a thousand pounds and could no longer move.

With a miserable cry, Shi Fei fell straight down with a pair of terrified eyes.

Until this moment, Shi Fei's eyes were still full of anger and resentment, why, why did this man treat her like this, why!

Powerful anger swirled, but Jun Limo didn't even glance at Shi Fei, who was dead on the ground.

After killing Shi Fei, Jun Limo, who was cold and stern, suddenly looked down at the robe on his body and frowned slightly.

"Li'er definitely doesn't like being touched by other women, and he doesn't like it either. It seems that he has to change his clothes and go to Li'er first!

" Take out a set of black robes from the space ring and put it on.

After changing his clothes, Jun Limo just looked down with satisfaction, and then walked away.

Just as Jun Limo left his forefoot, a black figure floated away, and the back looking at Jun Limo's departure had a thick complex expression and coldness.

The black shadow took another look at Shi Fei, who was dead on the ground, with a mocking smile on his face. In an instant, the shadow dragged Shi Fei's body and floated away.

It was as if the two had never appeared before.

Although Jun Limo, who left, changed his clothes, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and his brows were wrinkled tightly.

Thinking like this, he thought of the only possibility, that something happened to Li'er.

As soon as he thought that there might be such a reason, Jun Limo couldn't sit still, the black figure flashed quickly, and he suddenly entered the dark night ahead.

In the darkness, a yin wind came from the Yin-Yang Mountains, and Jun Limo's heart was even more uncomfortable. He had been looking for Feng Liuli all night, but there was still no news.

Even he released his spiritual sense to search the entire Yin-Yang Mountain Range, but he still did not find any trace of Feng Liuli.

For a while, Jun Limo's face became even more ugly and gloomy. As long as he thought that something bad might have happened to Li'er, Jun Limo couldn't forgive himself.

Seeing that the sky was about to get bright, but even a figure was in sight, Jun Limo couldn't help but wonder if something really happened to Li'er.

On this side, Li Zhan and Heping Wei are also constantly looking for the whereabouts of Feng Liuli around the position according to the location of the zombie that Yun Junfeng said.

However, the two of them found nothing except seeing the two zombie bones killed by Feng Liuli in Yun Junfeng's mouth.

During the banquet, the two also encountered some small zombies, but they were both resolved.

Li Zhan is also at the eighth rank of spiritual power. Although he is not as good as Yun Junfeng, he can naturally deal with some low-level monsters or zombies.

Or maybe the three powerful zombies had just appeared, and there were no two high-level zombies or magical beasts in the surrounding area, which made the two of them much safer.

But until dawn, they still didn't find Feng Liuli's whereabouts. For a while, both of them had a calm expression, thinking in their hearts that this Miss Feng was really unlucky to be killed by that zombie!

Thinking of this possibility, the faces of the two showed a depressed atmosphere, and they all thought about how to explain to Dean Likong when they went back.

The people above were extremely worried, and this side went back to the day when Feng Liuli was taken down by the zombies.

The angry zombie was furious and attacked Feng Liuli frantically, and was dragged down to the ground without checking for a while.