Chapter 165 The Tiger King Shows His Power

Humanoid monster, this tiger is actually a super beast?

The three-headed Han Jiao in the water suddenly had unbelievable and frightened eyes, staring straight at the majestic Tiger King in the air.

The coercion of the super divine beast was immediately released, and the three-headed Han Jiao was subdued in an instant.

The Tiger King looked at the three small ugly Han Jiao below, his arrogant eyes filled with disdain.

Super divine beasts are even more noble than divine beasts. In the Eastern Continent, super divine beasts can almost sweep across the world and are invincible.

On the other side, when everyone who had just rowed out of the water saw the sound of a tiger roaring in the air, they suddenly looked at the majestic tiger in shock.

This look is shocking, only to see that the arrogant tiger is extremely elegant, and his whole body exudes wild charm.

At this moment, everyone seems to feel a bit familiar. When their eyes fell on Feng Liuli, who was alone, they immediately understood.

So this is the Tiger King!

The super-divine beast is indeed a super-divine beast, and only the super-divine beast can unleash such a powerful pressure, causing the three-headed Han Jiao in the water to be frightened for a while.

At the moment, Feng Liuli was standing beside the Tiger King with a bloodthirsty smile on her face. The girl with white clothes fluttering and flying ink hair just smiled lightly, but it gave everyone the illusion of a devil.

That's right, there is indeed a devil living in Feng Liuli's heart at this moment.

The Tiger King roared angrily, and his powerful body immediately bit towards the three Han Jiao in the water, and the Han Jiao saw the supernatural beast Tiger King's aura weakened a bit.

This battle is destined to have a result before it starts.

"Roar!" The tiger king opened his huge blood basin, and immediately swallowed the three cold flood dragons in his mouth, but not even a drop of blood came out.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone on the shore, and they were extremely terrified. When I remembered that day when I saw the Tiger King for the first time and scolded the Tiger King with contempt, I was terrified for a while. It turned out that the Tiger King was so cruel.

The Tiger King swallowed the three-headed Han Jiao in one breath and couldn't help but licked his lips, and said disdainfully, "It's really unpalatable, it smells all over, roar!"

After eating the three-headed Han Jiao in his belly, Tiger Wang then turned into a human figure and stood beside Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuli saw that she was obviously not finished eating, but she had a look of disgust on her face, and she laughed lightly. Sure enough, having a super beast means you don't have to worry about everything, and she kills two birds with one stone.

When Feng Liuli and Tiger King walked in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help but back away for a while, Feng Liuli felt strange.

When I saw the panic and fear when they looked at the Tiger King again, I just remembered that many of these people had scolded the Tiger King for the first time, but when the Tiger King was about to get angry, he was scolded by him. Just stopped.

However, the Tiger King did not disdain Yun Junfeng and others at all, and still stood coolly beside Feng Liuli, the elegant atmosphere exuding from his body was wild and sexy.

Even so, the bloodthirsty and brutal scene of the Tiger King just now had already been engraved in the depths of everyone's mind, and it was naturally indelible.

"Okay, let's go, this tomb is too weird, it's better to leave early!" Feng Liuli coughed twice and said to the crowd.

"Sister Feng, will we be trapped here?" Ling'er frowned tightly, but her eyes were full of panic at the moment.

"Don't worry, we will definitely find an exit!"

Feng Liuli said with a firm look in her cool eyes as she looked at the crowd.

In the quiet atmosphere, a strange sound of footsteps came.

Since the promotion, Feng Liuli is also very sensitive to the surrounding sounds, and she suddenly became cold when she heard that soft voice.

Glazed eyes with icy sternness, whispered to Binglan: "Binglan, you bring them, Tiger King will follow me!"

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"

Binglan Lan and Tiger King responded in unison.

The Tiger King followed Feng Liuli towards the place where the slight footsteps came from.

Just two steps away, the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped, and for a while, Feng Liuli and Tiger King also stopped, both with solemn expressions on their faces.

One after another spiritual consciousness was released, and he probed around, but he couldn't find the slightest, and the expression on Feng Liuli's face was even more solemn.

Under what circumstances, even she and Tiger King could not detect the spiritual consciousness released, then there is only one possibility, the other party is a guy with terrifying strength and unfathomable strength.

Such a guy is a headache to deal with, whether it is a human being or a monster.

Feng Liuli glanced at the front, and there were streaks of fierce light in the glazed eyes, and the steps under her feet could not help but lighten up a lot.

Sure enough, as the voice on Feng Liuli's side dropped, the voice on the other side suddenly rang out. Feng Liuli made a color on the Tiger King, and immediately swept towards that voice!

Before they took two steps, a black shadow flashed in front of Feng Liuli and Tiger King. The shadow was extremely fast, and the whole body exuded a cold aura.

Feng Liuli frowned slightly and chased after the shadow without even thinking about it, and the Tiger King followed closely behind her.

In a stone house, the black shadow in front suddenly stopped, but still turned his back to Feng Liuli and Tiger King behind him.

Feng Liuli didn't dare to go too close, but just watched every move of the shadow in front of him from a few feet away with the Tiger King.

After half a sound, the shadow suddenly moved and slowly turned towards Feng Liuli.

When he saw that ferocious face like a ghost, even Feng Liuli was completely frightened.

Maybe it's because she's been involuntarily in the past and this life. After being a mercenary for a long time, she naturally learned to stay calm. Even when she saw something like a ghost in front of her, Feng Liuli still maintained a cold and indifferent expression.

The Tiger King behind him is even less afraid. As a supernatural beast, he naturally possesses the dignity and pride of a supernatural beast.

"Jijiji, you're not afraid of me?" The ghostly thing suddenly opened its eyes and shot out red rays of light towards Feng Liuli and Tiger King.

Because of the scarlet-red eyes, the hideous face is like a ghost in hell, terrifying!

"What have you to be afraid of!" Feng Liuli's icy and sharp eyes looked towards that ghostly thing, her eyes were actually indifferent and disdainful.

"Jijiji, maybe you're afraid when I take off my clothes, Jijiji..." The ghostly thing suddenly laughed coldly, and a row of white teeth suddenly appeared on its hideous face.

In Feng Liuli's eyes, such a monster was more frightening than the ghosts of hell.

Before Feng Liuli could speak to the Tiger King, that ghostly thing dragged down the black robe on her body.

Suddenly, an extremely disgusting, thick, bloody smell wafted through the air.

Feng Liuli frowned uncomfortably, but when her eyes fell on the ghostly figure in front of her, she couldn't move her away, and the rest was just horrified.

When the tiger king on the side looked at the monster in front of him again, he couldn't help feeling chills all over his body, and his stomach was churning for a while, and he was about to vomit.

"What a disgusting thing, it smells bad!" Tiger King is not like Feng Liuli. Tiger King was born to be an extremely arrogant divine beast, and now he has become a super divine beast. Naturally, he is extremely noble and arrogant.

Looking at the monster in front of him when the stench was stinking was naturally unpleasant.

And when Feng Liuli looked at the blood-red thing, she frowned tightly, as if she was facing a big enemy, and her heart was quickly calculating how to pass this level.

The Tiger King's strength, Feng Liuli, is naturally not worried, but this monster is not an ordinary monster. If she guessed correctly, it should be the Corpse King in this tomb.

And it's still a mutated corpse king!

The whole body of this corpse king is full of blood, and if it is touched a little, it will be instantly poisoned, and the final end is nothing but the same as this corpse king.

Thinking that a handsome and beautiful appearance would suddenly become so ugly, Feng Liuli narrowed her eyes solemnly.

Facts have proved that this monster is really difficult to deal with.

"Jijiji, Jijiji, be afraid, little human, Jijiji, let's make this king's dinner, oh..."

The Corpse King looked at Feng Liuli and the Tiger King with greedy eyes, as if At this moment, in the eyes of the Corpse King, Feng Liuli and the Tiger King are already his free dinners.

"If you want us to make your free dinner, it also depends on whether you are qualified or not. Tiger King, show your body and teach this Corpse King a lesson!"

Feng Liuli shouted angrily, and immediately flew up, covered in body. Up and down suddenly released white spiritual power, which was actually a peak of the innate realm.

"Tiger King, be careful, this disgusting thing is a mutated corpse king. It will be poisoned by the blood on its body. Be careful!" Although Feng Liuli said this on her face, she was a little worried in her heart. The Tiger King warned.

Since it is a contracted magical beast, Feng Liuli and other magical beasts can naturally communicate freely in their hearts.

The King Tiger heard Feng Liuli's words, his face was also a little dignified, nodded, and replied cautiously: "Yes, master!" There

was a loud "roar", and inside the stone house, a yellow light flashed, and a head The majestic Tiger King immediately stood beside Feng Liuli.

The majestic huge body is strong and powerful, and the dangerous eyes are staring at the bloody monster in front of him, revealing the chill of death.

"Jijiji, it's actually a super divine beast, Jiji, this dinner is delicious!" The bloody monster laughed grimly, looking at the tiger king's crimson eyes with a breath of death.

Feng Liuli suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. She felt that this monster was really powerful, and it was not something she and the Tiger King could fight against.

"Roar, dare to treat your grandfather tiger as a delicious dinner, dream!" The tiger king screamed angrily, and immediately waved his huge and sturdy body towards the blood-red monster.

The monster just looked at the tiger king's gloomy and continuous "jijiji" laughter, with a strong aura of death in the crimson eyes, but it did not mean to take the tiger king in his eyes at all.